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Ed Boon reveals a sneak peak at Sektor game play, a new Sonya Kameo move, and more!


Sure. But you're acting surprised that this new version of the character is acting differently re family than the old one. It's a new version of the character, of course she's going to have different personality traits, the whole "I can't imagine Sektor doing that" doesn't make sense... Cos it's literally a different sektor with a different identity, so their identity will be different. Shouldn't be a shock.
Man fuck the new era. I just want the character I like. Sektor has been in 4 games, 5 if you wanna be funny and count TE on the Gameboy. Its not like he was a played out character. This is honestly why I want a new studio to take over MK, NRS acts like they're bored with it.

You gotta understand my dude, I'm not a Sektor fan, I am a Sektor freak. So yeah, the changes annoy me lmao

People bring up the new era thing with the cyborg change but if you look at the cast of the game you will see only a handful of characters who look and play that different.

Liu, Raiden, Rain, Reptile and Tanya are the only ones with redesigns.(+Sektor and Cyrax) Everyone else is what you would expect but with different story elements, some more significant than others. And zero new characters.
I feel like they can't win with people. If they don't change much people say what's the point of this new era thing, they changed him needlessly, and if they change stuff people say they've lost their identity... I think the point of the new era is their identity has changed but has things we know. Like the red cyborg suit, the flame throwers, the rocket etc. it's a new era!
The people who are upset with this are longtime fans of said character, not just MK. Now me personally I'm a huge subzero fan and play him in every game no matter if he's shit or not. There are others like me who do the same.

I like what they did with subzero this time around with being able to play as bi-han. But people are upset that Kuai Liang is now scorpion and I don't blame them. It's a radical change for anyone who played sub or scorpion since MK2. It shouldn't be a shock that people don't like it when the character they know and love isn't just different but has a new identity.
People bring up the new era thing with the cyborg change but if you look at the cast of the game you will see only a handful of characters who look and play that different.

Liu, Raiden, Rain, Reptile and Tanya are the only ones with redesigns.(+Sektor and Cyrax) Everyone else is what you would expect but with different story elements, some more significant than others. And zero new characters.
Well yeah... It would be crazy for them to drastically change everything about every character. Some are gameplay redesigns, but the story ones are still new era stuff.

The people who are upset with this are longtime fans of said character, not just MK. Now me personally I'm a huge subzero fan and play him in every game no matter if he's shit or not. There are others like me who do the same.

I like what they did with subzero this time around with being able to play as bi-han. But people are upset that Kuai Liang is now scorpion and I don't blame them. It's a radical change for anyone who played sub or scorpion since MK2. It shouldn't be a shock that people don't like it when the character they know and love isn't just different but has a new identity.
I'm not surprised at all people don't like the changes. I like some and dislike others, naturally. I'm surprised that people are seemingly surprised when a character has changed in some way to the old one when it's been marketed as a new era.
Man fuck the new era. I just want the character I like. Sektor has been in 4 games, 5 if you wanna be funny and count TE on the Gameboy. Its not like he was a played out character. This is honestly why I want a new studio to take over MK, NRS acts like they're bored with it.

You gotta understand my dude, I'm not a Sektor fan, I am a Sektor freak. So yeah, the changes annoy me lmao

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No. No. I don't think that NRS is bored with MK at all. There is far too much effort put into references and characterization for me to believe that's true. You see Sektor using a laser gun that they only ever used once in MK4. You see Noob Saibot with an updated, but faithful animation of his old school running clone grab. In past games, it was just a tackle.

I could go on. Ermac's between round win pose where a Spirit comes out of him and goes, "shhhhh."

You don't add all these little details if you don't care.
No. No. I don't think that NRS is bored with MK at all. There is far too much effort put into references and characterization for me to believe that's true. You see Sektor using a laser gun that they only ever used once in MK4. You see Noob Saibot with an updated, but faithful animation of his old school running clone grab. In past games, it was just a tackle.

I could go on. Ermac's between round win pose where a Spirit comes out of him and goes, "shhhhh."

You don't add all these little details if you don't care.
Thats a fair point. I just don't see you going off and changing shit for no reason unless you're tired of it
Well, Im a huge Rain fan. Maybe not a freak, but still. He is my all time fav. I am certainly happy seeing him in the main roster of thr game and I was curious first seeing him in the trailer, what NRS will do with him, lore-wise. (I can stand playstyle changes because I was never that much into gameplay. As long as he got his signature moves - redesigned one way or another but still). NRS decided to shrink half-god-prince-royal descendent to a regular ass mage with no backstory at all, who just happen to know how to manipulate water. And they decided not only, NOT TO extend this into hinting at the possibily of godhood. They decided to limit his presence into the story to a bare minimum, leaving no character development at all. Hold on, they did one thing. They made him regret his decisions, which is totally opposite what OG Rain is known of. And to top it off, in the expansion, we will see Rain from different universe like... who tf cares?

I have to say though that I like his new design speaking aesthetically. I am all in favor of him being something more than some random ninja pallette swap, if handled properly Rain Mage idea still may fit him and his powers. And its not only his case, I like new Ermac, Reptile is great. See, you can do proper redesigns still being faithful to the roots of the character. Definitely not something that they did with Scorpion. Thats unacceptable and unforgivable.

New Sektor and new Cyrax are just totally different fighters who happen to wear red and yellow. There is nothing in them that I can connect with OG cyborgs. I will just treat them as brand new characters and will keep my fingers crossed for a HARD RESET for next game, preferably not under the umbrella of WB and that no single finger from Dominic's hand even touch the keyboard to type the story for it.
There is nothing in them that I can connect with OG cyborgs. I will just treat them as brand new characters and will keep my fingers crossed for a HARD RESET for next game, preferably not under the umbrella of WB and that no single finger from Dominic's hand even touch the keyboard to type the story for it.
Well we're yet to see full gameplay breakdowns for either of them, and haven't seen a gameplay trailer for Sektor.

But Cyrax has his net, buzzsaw, a variation of his flip kick move, a shit ton of bomb moves, MK9 looking command grab move and a couple new things.

Sektor definitely has his rockets, probably flamethrower, along with probably other stuff we'll recognise and new things too.

To me, if they kept all this gameplay stuff but made them male cyborgs, we'd be saying how cool they look and how NRS have done a great job keeping things we know and adding twists and new things to keep things fresh. Seems to me the only thing they've changed is their appearance a bit, and story aspects. As you know... it's a NEW ERA. They're female and in a suit, but everything else seems pretty damn familiar.
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To me, if they (...) made them male cyborgs, we'd be saying how cool they look
You know, gender plays a crucial part in, well, immersion?

And if they play around like that with fan favs, they should not be surprise with the reaction
You know, gender plays a crucial part in, well, immersion?

And if they play around like that with fan favs, they should not be surprise with the reaction
Yes, but you said there is NOTHING in them you can't connect with... Gender isn't everything, it's one thing.
I'm a huge Mileena fan, yet she's changed drastically with each of the 3 timelines in terms of personality, motivations, etc.. The New Era Mileena is vastly different then the previous timelines, who was vastly different from the original timeline.

In the New Era, she's a good guy with a vicious disease who just happens to be impatient and have a temper, and is now canonically in a same sex relationship. That's not the same as a gender swap, and her and Tanya was expected based on the non-canonical portrayal in Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate, but it's still a far cry from the character who was a schemer and featured in Playboy from the original timeline.

And yet non of this bothers me because the character still plays very much like Mileena. It's a different take on the character, but she's still fun to play. This may not be my Mileena, but she's not a bad version of the character, just a different take.
I'm a huge Mileena fan, yet she's changed drastically with each of the 3 timelines in terms of personality, motivations, etc.. The New Era Mileena is vastly different then the previous timelines, who was vastly different from the original timeline.

In the New Era, she's a good guy with a vicious disease who just happens to be impatient and have a temper, and is now canonically in a same sex relationship. That's not the same as a gender swap, and her and Tanya was expected based on the non-canonical portrayal in Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate, but it's still a far cry from the character who was a schemer and featured in Playboy from the original timeline.

And yet non of this bothers me because the character still plays very much like Mileena. It's a different take on the character, but she's still fun to play. This may not be my Mileena, but she's not a bad version of the character, just a different take.
I'll add that all Mileena's from all the timelines, are actually (IMO) cool characters in their own way. The Midway Mileena was apparently very smart and scheming, while the MK9 Mileena was basically a child-like savage animal, that would eventually develop (some) maturity in MKX. The MK1 Mileena is excellent as it keeps some core elements from her identity (tarkat, being Kitana's mirror, impulsiveness) while also having a new spin on it all.

Baraka's new story is certainly my favorite new take - he went from a meat-eating savage jobber to a warped man that lost almost everything and is aware that the clock is ticking and adopts a stoic posture of "things are this way and I must do my best with what little I have left still". Peak writing.
to be honest it's not that I dislike everything that they did in this New Era / Liuniverse. There are pieces that actually have potential and I have now a bit too much time so that I can analyze and compare it character by character

Ashrah - not much of a change, she is still a demon hunter on her way to purify herself. Don't want to hate on that, and even her design is defending itself
Baraka - at least got some proper development and the Tarkat idea is quite interesting ngl. The only thing that bothers me is that he is not evil anymore. But that's common NRS problem for this game
Ermac - him BEING Jerrod in the story is lazy af. Him being collection of souls is just something that we should expect, so technically not much changed
Geras - proper development from mindless jobber to a wise time-keeper and Liu's advisor. Good job
Havik - absolute garbage. From being cleric of chaos he is degraded to some random freedom fighter. Adding to that he is now merged with Dairou which doesn't make sense at all and can seriously piss all 3 Dairou's fans. Even the expansion is not giving him justice, becuase we see plenty of Haviks from different universes, so "our" Havik is probably limited to be a jobber. Not a fan of it, huge L
Johnny - is there even a change here? same douche Johnny with outdated punchlines and working as a comic relief. Next
Kenshi - worse than OG. Even the way he lost his sight is meh... Yakuza member on his way for redemption is a cool idea, but they should just create a brand new character with that motive instead. Leave properly developed Kenshi alone.
Kitana - she is so transparent in this game like I dont even remember her single exposure. Limited to be a sidekick of Mileena, not sure if that's a good decision. Good for a "WHAT IF" scenario, but building around this decision whole universe? not a fan of it.
Kung Lao - he is probably going to be a sidekick forever and that's a bad idea. It was perfect time for him to shine and take the spotlight but NOPE, NRS decided to create Raiden as a new protagonist. That's kinda undestable and expected, but still, I feel he is still underdeveloped as he was in the previous titles
Li Mei - she is ok, we can skip
Liu Kang - as MK11 shaped him for a proper god, he doesnt seem to be a good choice for it. But the change was expected and we have to live with that until next great reset.
Mileena - Tarkat is an interesting idea, but I really like my vicious, cunning and cruel Mileena. She stands nowhere near it unfortunately. There is a hope that because of tarkat her personality changes entirely, but I'm not sure they will follow that path. So we are forced to see noble but hurt Mileena. Overall its a change for worse, BUT there is still something that can be done to fix it
Nitara - blah blah blah, I need to feed my people, blah blah blah. Next
Quan Chi - nah man. I get the idea, but he was one of the most powerful beings in the old timeline. Pulled a lot of strings, manipulated a lot of guys from the roster and now he is just a regular ass necromancer. He tries (and NRS try...) but there is nothing in him that makes him more interesting.
Raiden - as said, the swap with Liu was expected, but that's totally not my Raiden. Hope for great reset to fix things
Rain - dropped a separate post about it. Not a HUGE fan, but it's ok
Reiko - similar to what we did have - jobber with a strong affection for Shao Kahn. Next
Reptile - much better than in the old timeline. Have to admit that. His story matters, he has BRAIN and feelings, I know that previously the story leading to Onaga's resurrection was strongly connected to him, but this time I think he has even more time to shine and it can be expanded even more
Scorpion - that should never happen in any of the timelines. One of the worst decisions NRS ever made.
Shang Tsung - I'm 50/50 on that, in the end he is not that different from his old self, it's just the way why he became this way is different.
Shao Kahn - it's ok, I always wanted Shao to be more down to the ground in terms of power level and not being a boss character.
Sindel - Sindel has to die in every single timeline she is, so now we are waiting for her resurrection. BOOORIINGGGGGG
Smoke - proper sidekick, didn't have any expectations so cannot complain now
Sub Zero - a bit lazy development that eventually leads to him transforming into Noob, not that different I think
Takeda - DLC so probably not canon, but him being cousin instead of a child of Kenshi is quite strange.
Tanya - bad af, she is like a Jade/brand new character in this game. #notmytanya
Sektor & Cyrax - said everything about it. Don't like it, will treat them as brand new characters
Noob - seems kind of lazy as his motives are so bland and uninspired "I AM EVIL AND I WANT TO BE MORE EVIL". but we will see in the expansion.

so overall, there were some good decisions, some ok-ish decisions and some that should not happen like ever. Still, I think developing this timeline leads to nowhere and the best option would be next reset to fix things and establish something on a well known basis without changing something that was already working fine. Ofc its only my view but I guess I dont need to mention it.
Don't agree with everything, but I think seeing someone's thoughts all laid out like this really helps drive home that it feels like they don't know where they're going with this? It really feels like there was a "what if everyone was mostly good/had a reason" push at some point, and then they just dialed it back for a few to have some sort of conflict. The whole thing just becomes...."meh?". There's some ideas that are interesting in isolation (what if tarkat was a disease and mileena was favored and caught it), but when you're doing that with EVERYONE, it just kinda blends in.
to be honest it's not that I dislike everything that they did in this New Era / Liuniverse. There are pieces that actually have potential and I have now a bit too much time so that I can analyze and compare it character by character

Ashrah - not much of a change, she is still a demon hunter on her way to purify herself. Don't want to hate on that, and even her design is defending itself
Baraka - at least got some proper development and the Tarkat idea is quite interesting ngl. The only thing that bothers me is that he is not evil anymore. But that's common NRS problem for this game
Ermac - him BEING Jerrod in the story is lazy af. Him being collection of souls is just something that we should expect, so technically not much changed
Geras - proper development from mindless jobber to a wise time-keeper and Liu's advisor. Good job
Havik - absolute garbage. From being cleric of chaos he is degraded to some random freedom fighter. Adding to that he is now merged with Dairou which doesn't make sense at all and can seriously piss all 3 Dairou's fans. Even the expansion is not giving him justice, becuase we see plenty of Haviks from different universes, so "our" Havik is probably limited to be a jobber. Not a fan of it, huge L
Johnny - is there even a change here? same douche Johnny with outdated punchlines and working as a comic relief. Next
Kenshi - worse than OG. Even the way he lost his sight is meh... Yakuza member on his way for redemption is a cool idea, but they should just create a brand new character with that motive instead. Leave properly developed Kenshi alone.
Kitana - she is so transparent in this game like I dont even remember her single exposure. Limited to be a sidekick of Mileena, not sure if that's a good decision. Good for a "WHAT IF" scenario, but building around this decision whole universe? not a fan of it.
Kung Lao - he is probably going to be a sidekick forever and that's a bad idea. It was perfect time for him to shine and take the spotlight but NOPE, NRS decided to create Raiden as a new protagonist. That's kinda undestable and expected, but still, I feel he is still underdeveloped as he was in the previous titles
Li Mei - she is ok, we can skip
Liu Kang - as MK11 shaped him for a proper god, he doesnt seem to be a good choice for it. But the change was expected and we have to live with that until next great reset.
Mileena - Tarkat is an interesting idea, but I really like my vicious, cunning and cruel Mileena. She stands nowhere near it unfortunately. There is a hope that because of tarkat her personality changes entirely, but I'm not sure they will follow that path. So we are forced to see noble but hurt Mileena. Overall its a change for worse, BUT there is still something that can be done to fix it
Nitara - blah blah blah, I need to feed my people, blah blah blah. Next
Quan Chi - nah man. I get the idea, but he was one of the most powerful beings in the old timeline. Pulled a lot of strings, manipulated a lot of guys from the roster and now he is just a regular ass necromancer. He tries (and NRS try...) but there is nothing in him that makes him more interesting.
Raiden - as said, the swap with Liu was expected, but that's totally not my Raiden. Hope for great reset to fix things
Rain - dropped a separate post about it. Not a HUGE fan, but it's ok
Reiko - similar to what we did have - jobber with a strong affection for Shao Kahn. Next
Reptile - much better than in the old timeline. Have to admit that. His story matters, he has BRAIN and feelings, I know that previously the story leading to Onaga's resurrection was strongly connected to him, but this time I think he has even more time to shine and it can be expanded even more
Scorpion - that should never happen in any of the timelines. One of the worst decisions NRS ever made.
Shang Tsung - I'm 50/50 on that, in the end he is not that different from his old self, it's just the way why he became this way is different.
Shao Kahn - it's ok, I always wanted Shao to be more down to the ground in terms of power level and not being a boss character.
Sindel - Sindel has to die in every single timeline she is, so now we are waiting for her resurrection. BOOORIINGGGGGG
Smoke - proper sidekick, didn't have any expectations so cannot complain now
Sub Zero - a bit lazy development that eventually leads to him transforming into Noob, not that different I think
Takeda - DLC so probably not canon, but him being cousin instead of a child of Kenshi is quite strange.
Tanya - bad af, she is like a Jade/brand new character in this game. #notmytanya
Sektor & Cyrax - said everything about it. Don't like it, will treat them as brand new characters
Noob - seems kind of lazy as his motives are so bland and uninspired "I AM EVIL AND I WANT TO BE MORE EVIL". but we will see in the expansion.

so overall, there were some good decisions, some ok-ish decisions and some that should not happen like ever. Still, I think developing this timeline leads to nowhere and the best option would be next reset to fix things and establish something on a well known basis without changing something that was already working fine. Ofc its only my view but I guess I dont need to mention it.
I honestly don’t like Tarkat, but my opinion should weigh a little less on this because I’ve never been a baraka stan. I do think it falls into another current media trope though.

Not a lord of the rings fan either but I have seen there’s some controversy with how orc’s are being portrayed in “The rings of Power”. They have made them sympathetic when previously they were strictly male warriors and seemed to thrive on battle and war.

Then you look at Baraka and it’s kind of the same thing with him in this game. Once a member of a bloodthirsty war mongering race. Now a victim of a disease that has ridiculed them from Edenia.

It’s like they are taking these bad groups and trying to draw some equivalency in the real world. Like “oh we have demonized such and such group of people for so long and they are so downtrodden and misunderstood”. Does anyone else see this or notice this trend?
I honestly don’t like Tarkat, but my opinion should weigh a little less on this because I’ve never been a baraka stan. I do think it falls into another current media trope though.

Not a lord of the rings fan either but I have seen there’s some controversy with how orc’s are being portrayed in “The rings of Power”. They have made them sympathetic when previously they were strictly male warriors and seemed to thrive on battle and war.

Then you look at Baraka and it’s kind of the same thing with him in this game. Once a member of a bloodthirsty war mongering race. Now a victim of a disease that has ridiculed them from Edenia.

It’s like they are taking these bad groups and trying to draw some equivalency in the real world. Like “oh we have demonized such and such group of people for so long and they are so downtrodden and misunderstood”. Does anyone else see this or notice this trend?
Tolkien was a known racist and many of the fantasy creatures are directly inspired by stereotypes. Hate to fuck up your elves and shit, but that's why media is trying to scrub out the "inherently evil race," thing.
Tolkien was a known racist and many of the fantasy creatures are directly inspired by stereotypes. Hate to fuck up your elves and shit, but that's why media is trying to scrub out the "inherently evil race," thing.
I have no idea about Tolkien so if that’s the case then I can understand.

However, this isn’t the case with most groups and there are indeed “groups” out there that can just be bad.

Like wasn’t Baraka’s race half demons? There’s no way you can spin that. Demons are bad. You don’t even have to be Christian to know this.

or if we’re talking about real world groups you could say Nazis were pretty fucking evil or the KKK are super fucking evil and bad. While the last 2 aren’t races they are still large groups that can be “evil”.

So in the case of orcs it may be bad, but how many people actually even know that about them? Aren’t there evil groups or races in World of Warcraft? Seems like a pretty common thing in fantasy media.

What I’m saying is now we take these groups and we say, “Oh they can’t be evil”. I just don’t think it’s always that deep ya know? Instead we take whatever said group/race/clan was and turn them into “sympathetic group that was demonized and downtrodden”. Like why can’t Baraka’s race just be bloodthirsty half demon warriors?
I have no idea about Tolkien so if that’s the case then I can understand.

However, this isn’t the case with most groups and there are indeed “groups” out there that can just be bad.

Like wasn’t Baraka’s race half demons? There’s no way you can spin that. Demons are bad. You don’t even have to be Christian to know this.

or if we’re talking about real world groups you could say Nazis were pretty fucking evil or the KKK are super fucking evil and bad. While the last 2 aren’t races they are still large groups that can be “evil”.

So in the case of orcs it may be bad, but how many people actually even know that about them? Aren’t there evil groups or races in World of Warcraft? Seems like a pretty common thing in fantasy media.

What I’m saying is now we take these groups and we say, “Oh they can’t be evil”. I just don’t think it’s always that deep ya know? Instead we take whatever said group/race/clan was and turn them into “sympathetic group that was demonized and downtrodden”. Like why can’t Baraka’s race just be bloodthirsty half demon warriors?
They were bloodthirsty warriors. For like thirty years.

It's a New Era.
They were bloodthirsty warriors. For like thirty years.

It's a New Era.
Your opinion on this doesn’t really even matter

If they made the characters all furries and said Liu Kang’s Universe just had to play out this way you’d go along with it and lick NRS’s ass crack and tout how amazing the game is. That mindset can’t be taken seriously in caring about the lore and universe of MK.
I have no idea about Tolkien so if that’s the case then I can understand.

However, this isn’t the case with most groups and there are indeed “groups” out there that can just be bad.

Like wasn’t Baraka’s race half demons? There’s no way you can spin that. Demons are bad. You don’t even have to be Christian to know this.

or if we’re talking about real world groups you could say Nazis were pretty fucking evil or the KKK are super fucking evil and bad. While the last 2 aren’t races they are still large groups that can be “evil”.

So in the case of orcs it may be bad, but how many people actually even know that about them? Aren’t there evil groups or races in World of Warcraft? Seems like a pretty common thing in fantasy media.

What I’m saying is now we take these groups and we say, “Oh they can’t be evil”. I just don’t think it’s always that deep ya know? Instead we take whatever said group/race/clan was and turn them into “sympathetic group that was demonized and downtrodden”. Like why can’t Baraka’s race just be bloodthirsty half demon warriors?
Nazi isn't a race. Neither is the KKK. Those are ideologies.

Demons are bad always, like Ashrah, right? Also, that's something a person or being becomes in the Christian Bible, not a race you are born as.

WoW is heavily inspired by LOTR, like 99% of the fantasy genre, and the stereotypes are there.

Evil in the real world is most often selfishness or Psycopathy, hardly ever because youre born a certain Race. A race being evil is either a racist allegory or fucking 7 year old Saturday Morning Cartoon shit.

Not trying to debate or be an ass, it's just one of those pet peeve things. Most High Fantasy is garbage and just some Author's fetish/thinly masked hate.
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Nazi isn't a race. Neither is the KKK. Those are ideologies.

Demons are bad always, like Ashrah, right? Also, that's something a person or being becomes in the Christian Bible, not a race you are born as.

WoW is heavily inspired by LOTR, like 99% of the fantasy genre, and the stereotypes are there.

Evil in the real world is most often selfishness or Psycopathy, hardly ever because your born a certain Race. A race being evil is either a racist allegory or fucking 7 year old Saturday Morning Cartoon shit.

Not trying to debate or be an ass, it's just one of those pet peeve things. Most High Fantasy is garbage and just some Author's fetish/thinly masked hate.
So would a better word be species then? Because I’m thinking of hypotheticals here. So like say Nitara. They did the same “demonized, downtrodden, and oppressed” thing with her (mildly) in MK1 with the whole, “Just because my people feed on blood doesn’t make us evil!” She’s a vampire and you could say the vampire race correct or would species be preferable? Because yes if her people want to feed on our people then indeed that does make her people evil.

That has no real world connotation because vampires are fictional, but yes the group as a whole is indeed bad. As is Baraka’s Tarkatans. They have human limbs roasting for christ’s sake.

What I’m saying is they take these fictional groups, races, species or whatever you want to call them and they are trying to make them sympathetic by having them be misunderstood or cast out which is like trying to make some weird sort of equivalency to real world races or groups. It doesn’t work though because those fictional groups are indeed bad so idk what they’re trying to do with that.
Your opinion on this doesn’t really even matter

If they made the characters all furries and said Liu Kang’s Universe just had to play out this way you’d go along with it and lick NRS’s ass crack and tout how amazing the game is. That mindset can’t be taken seriously in caring about the lore and universe of MK.
Wow you really are an idiot. Lmao