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Ed Boon reveals a sneak peak at Sektor game play, a new Sonya Kameo move, and more!


why does sonya dive kick you first?? it makes no sense lol but cool to see the bicycle kick
Looks more like she's using you as ground to divekick but i can see what you mean, maybe it's to force you back into the ground? As seen in the trailer
In any case it probably works similar to Ferra's Air Ambush, she first interacts with you and then attacks, only difference now is that the attack is automatic instead of up to the player
I'll be real I'm not feeling new Sektor already. Sek was not sensitive about his fucking family lol. He killed his own father, I don't see him ever going "leave my mother out of this"
"New era New era" I know, but I still think the character's identity should be intact.
I know we don’t see eye to eye about Sub-Zero but welcome to the club. We’re all on this “worse version of our favorite characters” boat together.
Just noticed this but early in the combo after doing the first rocket in the air, instead of falling down there appears to be an air "boost jump" performed, and then Sektor continues the combo. It looks like a separate move, as Sektor would probably land if not for the boost jump.
Looks a lot like Takeda's Air Dash so they'll most likely work the same
Just noticed this but early in the combo after doing the first rocket in the air, instead of falling down there appears to be an air "boost jump" performed, and then Sektor continues the combo. It looks like a separate move, as Sektor would probably land if not for the boost jump.
Yeah and even more exciting it looks like it cancelled her air rocket. If she can special cancel her air specials with double jump I'll be in love
I haven't played any Kenshi after they changed how ambush kameos interact with sento, completely sanitizing the character. Sonya is so close to being a really really good choice - excited to see what he might get off the new ambush.
I'll be real I'm not feeling new Sektor already. Sek was not sensitive about his fucking family lol. He killed his own father, I don't see him ever going "leave my mother out of this"
"New era New era" I know, but I still think the character's identity should be intact.
I feel like they can't win with people. If they don't change much people say what's the point of this new era thing, they changed him needlessly, and if they change stuff people say they've lost their identity... I think the point of the new era is their identity has changed but has things we know. Like the red cyborg suit, the flame throwers, the rocket etc. it's a new era!
I feel like they can't win with people. If they don't change much people say what's the point of this new era thing, they changed him needlessly, and if they change stuff people say they've lost their identity... I think the point of the new era is their identity has changed but has things we know. Like the red cyborg suit, the flame throwers, the rocket etc. it's a new era!
Yeah. Who could imagine that drastically changing old beloved characters could upset fans :confused:
Yeah. Who could imagine that drastically changing old beloved characters could upset fans :confused:
Sure. But you're acting surprised that this new version of the character is acting differently re family than the old one. It's a new version of the character, of course she's going to have different personality traits, the whole "I can't imagine Sektor doing that" doesn't make sense... Cos it's literally a different sektor with a different identity, so their identity will be different. Shouldn't be a shock.
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