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Easy non-traditional combos/juggles?


EFL Founder
you want classic example of anti air usefulness, go to match videos (dont remember nec or what?) and find shock ermac vs. prophet jax.


you want classic example of anti air usefulness, go to match videos (dont remember nec or what?) and find shock ermac vs. prophet jax. he tears him a new asshole with aaHP tks.
That's not a very respectable thing to say about someone who has passed away



Thanks again Dreamcatcher, I know you meant no harm, just a bit of colourful language ;). Ill take a look at the video and will try to replicate the style/tactic.


I shall try that, I think I have done it a few time already or something pretty similar. TBH, I'm starting to hate Human-Smoke and Ermac, not to fight with them, but to fight against them, which also makes me not want to fight with them, if that makes sense ;) . I will practice your suggestion though, cant be too picky or else I wont learn.
I shall try that, I think I have done it a few time already or something pretty similar. TBH, I'm starting to hate Human-Smoke and Ermac, not to fight with them, but to fight against them, which also makes me not want to fight with them, if that makes sense ;) . I will practice your suggestion though, cant be too picky or else I wont learn.
=P That juggles pretty simple, something tuff would be like one of Ermacs RH juggles, Or reptile's infinite juggles, another simple one is, Reptile (Corner i Don't know if this count as a juggle but,)aaHP, HP, JK, HP, Dash (Superfast) RH, RH. (I don't know if it is possible, i just thought of it now.)


I'm still trying Reptiles dashing juggle, mainly against Jax and Sub-Zero and after hours of practice I still can't get more than 2 dashes. How well can you do it with the dpad on the 360's controller?
I'm also having trouble even executing Kung-Lao's spin on the dpad when practicing, I'm starting to consider switching to the analog. What do you play with when using the 360's controller?
I'm still trying Reptiles dashing juggle, mainly against Jax and Sub-Zero and after hours of practice I still can't get more than 2 dashes. How well can you do it with the dpad on the 360's controller?
I'm also having trouble even executing Kung-Lao's spin on the dpad when practicing, I'm starting to consider switching to the analog. What do you play with when using the 360's controller?
Try many different techniques with your thumb thats all their is to it. You could sand it down if you have the tools and a little time I did it. Other wise just practice your ass off.


I shall try that, I think I have done it a few time already or something pretty similar. TBH, I'm starting to hate Human-Smoke and Ermac, not to fight with them, but to fight against them, which also makes me not want to fight with them, if that makes sense ;) . I will practice your suggestion though, cant be too picky or else I wont learn.
What's funny is that I used to have a big problem against the teleporting ninjas. I then started playing with them and realized I improved my game very well when playing against them. This is true in all scenarios. If you have trouble against a certain character I suggest playing as that character until you understand their tactics well. It will without a doubt improve your game.


What's funny is that I used to have a big problem against the teleporting ninjas. I then started playing with them and realized I improved my game very well when playing against them. This is true in all scenarios. If you have trouble against a certain character I suggest playing as that character until you understand their tactics well. It will without a doubt improve your game.
Very true