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Dropping out


Weather Man
What are the pros/cons of dropping out of high school?
Here is the thing. In most situations when you ask people this question you will here DON'T DO IT. This is when you just got to think outside of the situation. Why would so many say the same thing? Well theirs a reason for it and no matter how you flip the dice staying in school will be the best option. (just a few exceptions)Alot of people get there GED there is nothing wrong with that but why not just tough it out and get it over with? In todays economy you need a high school diploma or GED to do anything. Every year I spent in school all I could think about was leaving I was a D average with A's in gym lol. Every year I spend out of school I wish I would have done better.

The exceptions being if you need to drop out to support family or things like this. In that case if you feel it necessary do it but go back and get a GED. Just make the best of your situation and be grateful high school is your biggest worry right now lol.

Of course im making no judgment if you decide to not go to school at all, but just realize it will be a uphill battle.
I did not finish high school. I am an IT officer for an international NGO in charge of their Washington DC operations and a good portion of the North East regional operations. I live in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Arlington Virginia, apartments close to me sell for well over a million. I have two 401ks that are pretty stocked, and 3 403bs that are stacked, along with a Roth IRA that is looking pretty nice about now.

You do not need highschool, or even college to get by in life. However it helps, and you're utterly brain dead not to get an education unless you really know what you are doing.

In my situation my family moved 4 times during my senior year in high school. Due to government idiocy I ended up not able to enroll in any of the schools and thrown out of the one I tried to attend. Long story short, I couldn't finish, I went for the GED. But... and here is the big fucking BUT, I joined the military got a security clearance and 4 years in networking and other high tech issues and translated that into a job. Once I was an entry level sysadmin and help desk grunt I started school, I still haven't finished just to place my education as "some college", and I nailed out an A+, Network+, Security+, Certified Ethical Hacker, CCNA, MCP, and MCSA.

An education is good for getting your foot into the door for most jobs that you want, but work experience will always slaughter an education. Plus, many jobs have other types of education you can go about getting.

I'll finish college this year and the Navy has paid for all of it, I'm 30. I'm well ahead in my career than most of my classmates who finished high school and went to college.

So you don't need a highschool diploma at all, but you better have a way to go about generating work experience and some other sort of credentials if you don't want to work in retail or fast food.


Cock Master!!
PROS ~ none

Cons ~ having to work at Dunkin Donuts at the age of 32 .....

i dropped out of school..


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, especially in these times with a shitty ass economy, probably not a good thing to do.