i own this game, i have not finished it, and i feel the urge of 15 of 100 to do so. for me personally it is the final nail into biowares coffin. i played a lot of the big areas, and have 2 to go, and its boooooring. its always the same. close rift here, there, and another one there, and dont forget to do the same thing in the next area. collect this, collect that, have 5 minutes of mildly interesting sidestory, and continue doing repetetive tasks while fighting a shitload of annoying and bland enemies (red templars? really?). followers ran out of interesting conversation topics already. the only cool thing are the main story sequences like in the orlaisian court. but these are a very small percentage of the whole game. Dragon fights are ok, but there is a point where you go from chanceless to superior and thats it, not much between these 2 extremes. even the multiplayer is not even close to being as catchy as mass effect 3's. sorry but this has nothing to do with the bioware i used to love (things started to go downhill with Mass Effect 2) and DA3 made me finally give up the hope that it will ever be again. Bye.