haven't seen it mentioned yet(my bad if it has) but if u end your combo in a single trait ankh its a hkd, its not if double or triple.
@DarksydeDash any luck with using the lock within combos for better damage? you can activate it after triple trait ankhs and still have time to combo but so far doing the normal combo does more damage. was only messing with the unblockable in the middle of gotham so far to start on a airborn unblockable couldnt find a good way to otg it to not scale with combo. aybe grounded ones be diff found a way to otg the
@DarksydeDash any luck with using the lock within combos for better damage? you can activate it after triple trait ankhs and still have time to combo but so far doing the normal combo does more damage. was only messing with the unblockable in the middle of gotham so far to start on a airborn unblockable couldnt find a good way to otg it to not scale with combo. aybe grounded ones be diff found a way to otg the