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Dr Doggystyle's HUGE MK Kollection!


"Heaven Will Fall!"
wow i need to update it here got a lot of new items and im up to date with all the released MK statues and Scorpion Bust from sycocollectibles
Today is my BDay so i have to get the MK9 Komplete Edition PS3 & XBOX360 for myself today :)
Damn dude you have an awsome collection. I remember having some of that old school stuff I just didn't collect much at that age. Can't wait to see the new stuff you got.

Dr Doggystyle

The #1 MK Kollector from the Netherlands
been a long time that i posted something here
i finally have my personal website with my MK Kollection up and running.
lots of pics of my Kollection to see there
still more pics to make and when im done i will update the post here with lots of pics
have fun watching them

Dr Doggystyle

The #1 MK Kollector from the Netherlands
thank you for the compliment.
No I havent got this in my collection. Here in the Netherlands items like these weren't available....
TL;DR -- Infinite Concepts Series 2 Prototypes -
(pics are from around 2008)

I apologize for the super bump nearly two years later, but I figured I should chime and firstly say that your collection is massive and very impressive. I can only imagine the developers having more sought after or rare items than you have. This is my pride and joy. I used to have some of the Toy Island and Hasbro figures, but I sold most of them recently, and the ones I had as a kid (almost all of them, and I think all of the Trilogy line), well... I have no idea what happened to them, but I'm pretty sure they got thrown away by my parents at some point when we moved a few times.

I bought these in around early 2008 or so. I contacted someone on eBay when I noticed them selling a Goro statue, and for whatever reason, I just asked them if they had the Reptile figure from the Infinite Concepts Series 2 run. Well, turns out he was the creator of Infinite Concepts and sculptor of the line. He had the Series 2 Prototypes, and as far as I know, these are the ones featured in Toy Fair 2000. He said he had no others that were painted or assembled, and none of these figures had any production runs. The Kitana that was on eBay might've been a custom. I know there were many custom one-offs (such as the Scorpion I have) that Terry made from the Series 1 line. I saw the Deadly Alliance Sub-Zero as a kid and regret not buying him then. I know that pretty recently some rough 2 UP prototypes of Kitana and Mileena popped up from a seller. They looked kinda iffy in quality, which is what I heard from Terry when he mentioned them to me years ago. There was also a completely translucent blue Sub-Zero I didn't buy that popped up around a year ago. That would've been cool to set up some ice clones or frozen ninja shots, lol.

The price for them was over $1000, and it took a lot of saving and selling to buy them, (I had no job then, still in high school) but it was well worth it. They are my pride and joy as far as any collecton goes. I had a sealed set of figures that I opened just to provide the boxes for them to be in. I ended up gettng another unopened set from Terry and he also hooked me up with the #1 marked box of the Goro statue, which he said was more of an inventory thing than an actual indicator of production, but yeah.

Congrats on your collection, Dr.D! I wish I could've afforded the other limited stuff Terry had, such as the Kombat Damaged Series 1 prototypes (they weren't as expensive, but I had no money left :p), but this is more than enough for me.

If you can't tell, I'm an Infinite Concepts junkie, lol.
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Dr Doggystyle

The #1 MK Kollector from the Netherlands
thank you for the nice words about my MK Kollection.
i still havent updated my website with everything that i have, its way too much to sort out and make pics of...
i need someone to do the inventory for me lol

what a nice figures you have, i only saw pics of them from that toy fair and if you search good you can find some pics of them loose displayed.
I had in 2010 contact with someone who made those custom damages Liu Kang and Sub-Zero, but it was too much time consuming so i didnt wanted to do the customs for me, also saw the flame head scorpion and that translucent blue sub-zero but i didnt got them too

I have the original series one boxed and loose and i even have some loose backcards and loose heads and loose name cards.
but too bad none of the customs
imho the infinite concepts were the best MK figures, too bad the series 2 were only concept, they would have been great to have for normal prices

this was from a friend of mine :

and he also had this one :
Yeah, there was a time when I aspired to have a large MK kollection, but for now, that's just not realistic for me, so I decided on which figures I loved the most and kept those. I'm sure I'll find the ones I've sold again in the future.

Yes, I looked at your gallery--that's a lot of pics! Good to hear that you're still working on your kollection though. The Infinite Concepts figures are skyrocketing in price, though I don't know if many are buying them for so much. Back when I bought my boxed sets, I think I paid around $100 USD for them. Now people want $100+ for a single figure. That's insane! Yes, I had always thought that the Series 2 line hit production but in very limited quantities. Some people mentioned having a Reptile figure, so I thought it must've been Series 2. I'm guessing it was either kustom or one of the special Series 1 official kustoms.

Thank you though, I'm glad you like the figures! I had them displayed like that for a while, but for now they're in a storage bin under my bed. I've been planning on displaying them again, especially with MKX coming out. Yeah, I saw flame head Scorpion years and years ago and didn't buy him, so when I saw this one that I have, I bought him as quick as possible. I wonder where the Deadly Alliance Sub-Zero ended up. I hope the owner has kept it in good condition. That was probably my favorite spin-off of the line. I painted my extra Sub-Zero and Scorpion to look like Smoke and Noob Saibot, respectively.

I agree with you, the Infinite Concepts figures are some of, if not THE best figures ever produced for Mortal Kombat, especially since they capture the look of John Tobias' comics for MKII so well. I love that.

That Sub-Zero your friend has, Joe was it? I saw his site mentioning that model. That's the Palisades one, right? I saw that one and the Infinite Concepts one a lot as a kid. They remind me of each other even though the IC version is better made. I like it though.

I noticed all the extras you got from your IC set, that's really cool. Terry included some extra hands and such just in case anything happened to the prototype figures. They are very delicate and cast in resin, held together with brass pins. Definitely not posable without risk, so I keep them in their boxes. They are also very slightly larger than the production figures. Maybe 10-15% bigger.

I think the coolest thing that people might not know about the Series 2 figures, is that Raiden had a special little feature where the top of his hat had a cut out that revealed some clear blue plastic, the plastic filled the inside of his head and his eyes had a cut out for it to show.

If any light hits that area on his hat, his eyes light up. It's pretty amazing. I do wish the figures were produced in mass production. It's unfortunate that IC went out of business so quickly. I think the creator said that it was bad timing thanks to the controversies of violent video games in the late 90s and the Columbine shooting.

That Katana looks awesome! It seems like she's made out of a Mileena, so maybe a kustom from Terry or from a fan. The paint job looks flawless.

Good luck on your ever-expanding kollection! Let me know if you ever stumble on some Infinite Concepts figures that you yourself wouldn't mind passing up. :)

Oh yeah! I think those loose pics of the 2nd Series you mention are probably the ones taken from the listing that was on eBay for the figures. The seller, Terry, said he wanted to see how much attention it got, even though we had pretty much arranged the sale before that. They had a white background, I believe. I had all those pics in a folder somewhere. Not sure where it is now.
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Dr Doggystyle

The #1 MK Kollector from the Netherlands
nice thing about the raiden hat, didnt knew that.
very kool !

i also wanted to repaint my spare sub-zero's and Scorpions to look like Rain, Reptile, Ermac & Noob but i still havent done it..

yes my buddy Joe had made the MK Museum website i made a copy of it on www.drdmkm.eu/joe
he had a lot of very nice items but most items that were shipable are at my place in Netherlands now

i recently made a forum where MK Kollectors can display their MK Kollection, nothing else, just to share MK Kollections for MK fans to see
make sure you check that out too
Very sweet kollector's site, Dr. D. I like it! I'll keep it in mind for whenever I start mine up again.

I do remember the MK Museum from way back. I didn't know the original wasn't around anymore! I'm glad you saved it.

Oh, do you have enough spares for all those extra ninjas? Perhaps even Tremor, hehe? You seem to have a lot more than you did in the beginning. I would love to get some spares too, but it's a kind of low priority for me. I think if you're lucky, you can get some on eBay for pretty cheap when someone isn't selling them for really high prices. I have to wonder where the original Infinite Concepts figures were distributed. I live in the states and I never saw them in stores, only online.

One thing I want to do is kustomize one of my spare Liu Kangs into a Kung Lao, but I've been a bit lazy for that too. Need the paint for it.

Aside from my notable Series 2 figures and the Infinite Concepts stuff, I'd guess my kollection isn't much of one anymore. :p You guys are insane! I do still have some of the old Brazilian MK figures, which I RARELY ever see for sale, but one of them (Mileena) came in with their heads cut off sealed in box, lol. FATALITY!

It seems Joe transferred a lot of his kollection to you, huh? You must've shown your devotion to MK for such a big fan to let you buy from his kollection. That's pretty cool, man.

Dr Doggystyle

The #1 MK Kollector from the Netherlands
thank you for the nice words about our site.
most pics are from Jasper and Steve, both MK Kollectors just like me who live in Belgium and Netherlands.
We have met a couple of times now and seen each others MK Kollections, very kool to see.
If i ever sell anything they have 1st dibs on anything.

Yes, i had seen the MK Museum before and since then i knew there was a lot more of MK than only the Games.
I wanted to have figures 1st and then t-shirts but the more i saw i wanted everything from MK :)

I think i have enough spares to do that, i have some without the "clothing thing" (dont know the name of it) from the ninja's

wow cool about that mileena, a sealed fatality LOL

Yeah, my buddy Joe i have good contact with and i bought all the nice things from him that i could afford :)
and thats why i made Dr Doggystyle's Mortal Kombat Museum (DrDMkM) website.
A while ago i wanted to take the MK Kollection to the next step and wanted to have MK Kollectors just like me to share their own MK Kollection at one place.
that's why Jasper. Steve and me decided to make the MK Kollectors forum.
My buddy Joe made the banner and the watermark for us and i installed the forum and edited the template and mods.
For sure, man. I love all sorts of obscure and rare memorabilia from the MK universe, so it's awesome to see such avid fans with such great kollections. :D I noticed Steve's kollection as well. Action figures are certainly my biggest interest in terms of where to begin my kollection, but I find the komics and some of the old programmable kontrollers to be pretty cool as well. When I saw the commeorative slammers on eBay, the trophy edtion gold-plated ones, I just had to have those, hehe.

As a kid, the medallion shown in the merchandise book for the orginal MK movie got me really wanting MK stuff. Kano's dagger was awesome too! Then I got the figures from Hasbro, which I loved, even if they were pretty generic, then I got the smaller Trilogy sets, and then the 10" sets. That was my kollection before I bought online.

Yeah, I never knew the name of the clothes they wear over the black part of their costumes. I think it might be called a Gi?

That's cool that all you guys got together to make a kollector's hub for MK. :D I'll definitely check it out from time to time, maybe eventually post my own.

I decided to take these today to show Raiden's light-up eyes just for you guys. :) It's pretty subtle, but definitely a nice touch!

As you might also notice, I had to cut the inside case to let Raiden fit in the box.



Dr Doggystyle

The #1 MK Kollector from the Netherlands
wow that is awesome man !
id wish they had made a lot more of these, would have been a great addition in everyones MK Kollection.

how does the top site of his hat looks like ?
is there a hole ?
and if you shine a red light, will his eyes still be blue ?
Thanks, man. Even though Raiden is a weird kharacter for me, like he's never really been a super favorite, but I like him, I think he's one of the best looking in this set, and his design is ingenious.

Yeah, if these at least hit production, that would've been awesome. I love the design on them, they look like they came right out of the official komics.

As for red light + Raiden...

= Dark Raiden! I used a laser pointer. Maybe a more subtle red would show a light purple. The plastic is light blue, so it doesn't filter much.

Here are some more close-up ish pics for you to check out. Oh, and his hat too.

The hat isn't glued on, it pretty much connects via that blue plastic piece as it protrudes from his head a little bit. I'd glue it, but I'm no going to defile these figures, haha.

Okay so here's the rest. Reptile was originally why I was so interested, but it's hard to pick a favorite now. I like Jax a lot and Johnny, but Kitana is very pretty in that color, and well, Reptile is awesome.

Just like in the games, he's pretty much a palette swap, but I love the color they picked for him. Darker than in the games, but it looks great!

The sunglasses are removable, but they're so small and made out of resin as well I think, that I leave them on. Johnny looks good both ways though, his head sculpt is cool. Some might complain about the hair, but I think it fits him. Komic Cage!
I think I took her mask off once. :p The fans were kinda in bad shape when they arrived, so I had to work some magic to fix them. Just a little glue. A part of her hair was also torn a little. Glue fixed it and ya can't tell now. All of the accessories for these figures are not fun to take off or put on. In fact, I get nervous just handling these figures out of their box. They feel VERY delicate.

Oh, and Kitana has less eye shadow than Mileena. I noticed. I guess to make her look less evil. Great color choice though for her outfit!
Jax is like a mix of MK2 + MK3, so that's unique. Combines my two favorite designs of Jax. The red white and black pants from MKII, and the metal arms that he's famous for. Gotcha!
Raiden's sculpt is just epic, it pretty much looks all original. I bet they would have sold him as "Rayden" back when these were around.

I've never taken the Goro out of the packaging. It was the only figure that actually arrive in packaging, the rest were wrapped in paper and packed in the box. The packaging is just an Infinite Concepts MK box with a larger sleeve from an anime figure over it, nothing notable.

Enjoy, and hope the pics aren't too big! If you want any other details let me know. The figures are held together with brass pins and can come apart very easily, so I can't do much with them. I would love to make copies out of them, but I'd fear they could easily be ruined that way. Maybe with a 3D printer someday.

Oh yeah, and Goro is a very rough prototype, nothing finished. The old statues look great compared to this. The only thing that is original is the head, I think. It's pretty much just two production figure bodies put together.
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Dr Doggystyle

The #1 MK Kollector from the Netherlands
awesome pics ! very nice to see them all
when i first saw these pics from that toy fair i also looked how these were made, for example the body of johnny cage could be a liu kang, the legs could be from a ninja but repainted, but the shoes and head sculpt would be impossible to make..
so with my spares i only could do a repainted Mileena to Kitana and a Scorpion or Sub-Zero to a Reptile
The others had to be a lot more custom work


Lose without excuses
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@Dr Doggystyle Looks like you need to update some of the pictures in the OP. Wild that this was posted 14 years ago. Have you sold any of your collection at all?