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Dota 2 The International 2014


Grundy think you handsome!
6 days from 1.6 million to 5 million, plus itll go up even more because:

1.) when people see the new immortal items/couriers then they will buy the compendium
2.) the actual tournament starts at July 18th! So much time to break so much records!
3.) Classes are over so more people will be focusing on Dota 2 and know about the tournament!

--Fully expecting an IGN article and shitty console fanboys all bitching about esports--


I was never into competitive Dota besides TI.
The heroes I like hardly pop up in competitive also, like Dirge and BroodMother.
I hate that every fucking game there's a Pudge and a Invoker.
And the lack of PitLord saddens me.


Grundy think you handsome!
I was never into competitive Dota besides TI.
The heroes I like hardly pop up in competitive also, like Dirge and BroodMother.
I hate that every fucking game there's a Pudge and a Invoker.
And the lack of PitLord saddens me.
Yeah I don't think Broodmother will ever see competitive play again. I think if her webs didn't get her invisible then she would be allowed in captains mode (Maybe give her extra regeneration/mana when shes in her webs so she can be an offlaner), the invisibility and unobstructed movement is too much, there needs to be some things changed with her skillset.


I was never into competitive Dota besides TI.
The heroes I like hardly pop up in competitive also, like Dirge and BroodMother.
I hate that every fucking game there's a Pudge and a Invoker.
And the lack of PitLord saddens me.
Dirge saw some competitive play and I wouldn't be surprised to see him again. When he was picked up it was as an offlaner. The thing is they changed the medium and small jungle camps, as a result it's not as easy to creep pull in safelane without it getting interrupted and also your mid hero has a harder (a lot of times can't) time farming his jungle camp if he's losing in lane. As a result the pace of the game has quickened and in competitive play your supports roam much earlier in the laning phase, to help insure your other lanes can get an advantage. What all of this means is heroes like Dirge have fallen out of the meta due to the fact his former roll was to solo offlane and he's not a great support for roam ganking. That said he's still strong and I believe his tombstone got buffed in a recent patch, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him in some pocket strats.

Broodmother is ass, they need to revamp her. Her broodlings just turn into free farm for the opposing team if you try her in a split push strat.

Pudge only gets picked up competitively by Na'Vi and it's usually when they are trying to be really tricky or when they could demolish the enemy team with pretty much any 5 heroes. They scrubbed their way into grand finals last year through chen fountain hooks, you should look it up it was entertaining. Anyways, pudge is more of a pubstomp hero (because most pubs contain players with shitty map awareness) and doesn't see much comp play.

Lastly invoker is just plain decent. He always has been, he's a safe pick for almost any strategy because of how versatile he is. You can play him as a support with quas/wex build. You can carry with him with an exort build or you can split push with him using his ember spirits. Heroes similar to him are Skeleton King (Wraith King now), Alchemist and Vengeful Spirit who can all be played as decent support heroes early game but can easily evolve into carries going into the late game.

In general and I'm sure statistics back me up on this, I feel the overall meta has a more diverse hero pool than it ever has.

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
What are your guys tags? I'm down to play with any players who are competent. I literally can't stand playing with random pubs on my team in Dota. It's the most frustrating thing ever, IMO.

So is your tag deathblooms2k4 or pboydiii in the link? I'm confused, lol.

Haha, yeah. I remember so many of the old things in Dota and how ridiculously broken they used to be like stuns lasting 5-10 seconds and such. I didn't get competitive with DotA until playdota.com came out. As a matter of fact, here's my very first DotA guide I ever made: http://www.playdota.com/guides/simple-short-advanced-guide I also looked at the rankings for DotA 2, and that dude ^^DragonFist^^ who is ranked top three in both singles and teams used to be one of many players I would play with regularly with in the Garena days. I kinda miss the playdota.com days. :(
My steam id is Aziz321

Right now I think it will show up as "will smiff" haha. I play every night a few hours and a lot on the weekend. I played dota 1 a lot then went to Hon went it was in beta. Then switch to dota 2 once I got in the beta. So I have a lot of experience. Should get some games in sometime.


Dirge saw some competitive play and I wouldn't be surprised to see him again. When he was picked up it was as an offlaner. The thing is they changed the medium and small jungle camps, as a result it's not as easy to creep pull in safelane without it getting interrupted and also your mid hero has a harder (a lot of times can't) time farming his jungle camp if he's losing in lane. As a result the pace of the game has quickened and in competitive play your supports roam much earlier in the laning phase, to help insure your other lanes can get an advantage. What all of this means is heroes like Dirge have fallen out of the meta due to the fact his former roll was to solo offlane and he's not a great support for roam ganking. That said he's still strong and I believe his tombstone got buffed in a recent patch, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him in some pocket strats.

Broodmother is ass, they need to revamp her. Her broodlings just turn into free farm for the opposing team if you try her in a split push strat.

Pudge only gets picked up competitively by Na'Vi and it's usually when they are trying to be really tricky or when they could demolish the enemy team with pretty much any 5 heroes. They scrubbed their way into grand finals last year through chen fountain hooks, you should look it up it was entertaining. Anyways, pudge is more of a pubstomp hero (because most pubs contain players with shitty map awareness) and doesn't see much comp play.

Lastly invoker is just plain decent. He always has been, he's a safe pick for almost any strategy because of how versatile he is. You can play him as a support with quas/wex build. You can carry with him with an exort build or you can split push with him using his ember spirits. Heroes similar to him are Skeleton King (Wraith King now), Alchemist and Vengeful Spirit who can all be played as decent support heroes early game but can easily evolve into carries going into the late game.

In general and I'm sure statistics back me up on this, I feel the overall meta has a more diverse hero pool than it ever has.
I play Dirge in pubs in offlane when they triple is kinda of hard but I usually take two with me, just because of the tombstone, but still not a good trade.
1vs1 with him is easy especially against str like naix or DK.
I last saw him in competitive indota1 with pitlord giving ministun to every dead body.
I saw this pudge match it was cool.

Yeah I don't think Broodmother will ever see competitive play again. I think if her webs didn't get her invisible then she would be allowed in captains mode (Maybe give her extra regeneration/mana when shes in her webs so she can be an offlaner), the invisibility and unobstructed movement is too much, there needs to be some things changed with her skillset.
Actually she is weak, not strong.
Her sustain is stupid high with just soul ring,early and late orchid, she doesn't ever go to base unless dead.
And her only place is offlane she needs the solo exp, she can farm safe and kill supports, that stay alone or go for pulls, and she can steal their whole jungle with ease.
They made when opponents had vision she lost freepathing but it was too bad for her so they gave a blink like and it's actually more balanced for her.
In my vision the spiders give a lot of XP and Gold and in the late game she is too weak.
By 20 minutes you start to become less and less effective as split and die a lot more, unless it's 1vs1 and they get initiated.
And whoever counters her makes her tottaly whortless. Bounty, Slardar, Bara, kunkka, alche, gyro or shaker are the worst IMO.
ofc this is all just what I experience in low level and I suck. Would be happy if anyone also mained her and could share tips.


You about summed up why she's not very good. Her skills don't synergize that well. Half her skills are split push the other half are right click damage, I suppose it would make sense if her design was so that she was a strong laner with early split push that turns into a right click carry late game. But her ult and incapacitating bite are not good enough late game for her to compete with other late carries.

She also offers very little in a team fight. Her only CC is a slow which a force staff or stun will nullify, she has no AOE to speak of. There are just much better split pushers in the game that offer more overall utility.


I played mid with brood against a pudge and he had to abbandon the lane at level 2 because he couldn't do anything and I took T2 at 10 minutes it was a pretty easy game.
But in the other hand I can't outdamage/sustain Legion. She is unwinnable. The passive heal, high armor, decent life and damage. I tried at level 1 as I almost always do but I almost died. And during the whole lane with 9 spiders she wasn't even dropping life with just phase boots.
In some games I'm doing Mjol and Bkb is funny how I go from 10% to full and outcarrying a gyro with helm, bkb, mkb at 40 minutes.
It's almost always being 8 or 80. It all depends n whichever team plays more in sync. Sometimes I push my lane 3 of the other team tries to kill me and the rest of my team stays jungle or don't push the lane. And it's always nice when I am attracting attention of 3 of the other team and one teamate come to gank them is so unexpected the split pusher getting help that it is really effective.

Chakk dizzle

That's baaaaane
I played mid with brood against a pudge and he had to abbandon the lane at level 2 because he couldn't do anything and I took T2 at 10 minutes it was a pretty easy game.
But in the other hand I can't outdamage/sustain Legion. She is unwinnable. The passive heal, high armor, decent life and damage. I tried at level 1 as I almost always do but I almost died. And during the whole lane with 9 spiders she wasn't even dropping life with just phase boots.
In some games I'm doing Mjol and Bkb is funny how I go from 10% to full and outcarrying a gyro with helm, bkb, mkb at 40 minutes.
It's almost always being 8 or 80. It all depends n whichever team plays more in sync. Sometimes I push my lane 3 of the other team tries to kill me and the rest of my team stays jungle or don't push the lane. And it's always nice when I am attracting attention of 3 of the other team and one teamate come to gank them is so unexpected the split pusher getting help that it is really effective.
Maybe vs a pudge, but most other mids that can flash farm will absolutely destroy a brood mid. Anything can work in pubs though, I guess.


Grundy think you handsome!
International prize pool has reached $6 million


Just last year it was like 2.6 million, damn.... how much Dota has grown :)



Grundy think you handsome!
Compendium rewards at 7.2 million now, also the immortal treasures are released! GGNORE

Vulcan Hades

8 freaking millions for a DOTA tournament...

In related news NRS and Capcom adds 1000$ to the EVO pot lol. We still have a long way to go. :/

I don't think fighting games can ever get to that point unless they greatly change their business model and turn fighters into f2p pay2win.


Grundy think you handsome!
8 freaking millions for a DOTA tournament...

In related news NRS and Capcom adds 1000$ to the EVO pot lol. We still have a long way to go. :/

I don't think fighting games can ever get to that point unless they greatly change their business model and turn fighters into f2p pay2win.
Dots 2 is entirely free. The only thing you pay for is aesthetics. All characters are available and free after you complete the tutorial.

I can see an fgc version of a MOBA having a market. That would make tonss of money.