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Dodge rolls for a bar. This changes things.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Saw Rathalos post this on Neogaf but this is huge if its a universal mechanic

Now stop and think about this for a bit if you've never played KOF before and what this does to movement and matchups in and of itself if its a universal mechanic. Can't get in as Lex vs Zodd? Dodge roll for a bar. You're a zoner but folks keep rolling in on your MB Zodd balls? Bait them by firing only one quicky procectile and stuff their roll because you recovered faster than had you gone all in with a bigger spray of balls. Playing Batman? Call Batarangs as you roll through and try to setup a left right mixup.

It only gets deeper on wakeup if its a wakeup option. Bane fully armored hovering over you in the corner? Roll out. Folks avoiding your vortex as Frost? Get em to over respect it and either wait to punish their rolls or go for throws and cost them meter over and over as they panic between knockdowns.

Dodge rolls are an enormous mindgame in fighters that have them. These will also help with casuals screaming about folks like Zodd or Deathstroke online because they will have an option they can more easily understand to counter those tools. In casual games dodgerolls are everywhere, but at high level play they are more of a mind game and used sparingly.

Weigh in folks. How do you feel about this? I know as a Bane main it changes things for me a good bit on any non auto correct moves since he's a knockdown specialist.

EDIT: Confirmed universal mechanic. Aquaman shown doing it as well as Atrocitus.
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Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Imagine the salt of baiting a dodgeroll after a corner knockdown as Bane only to cancel into his autocorrecting grab super to snatch them from behind him.

Also don't worry about this making zoning useless. It costs a bar and you can easily bait folks into rolling into a full combo by mixing up your meatier tools with fast recovery ones or even staggering your offense. Unsafe rolls equate to DEATH in any game where you perform one. Watch any KOF match to prove this. Plus these cost meter. Vortex folks could suck you dry by panicking you with repeated knockdowns into high/low situations only to block and punish your roll with a throw or something.

Believe me...this shit will be DEEP. High level players will abuse reads and drain your meter like mad forcing you into hasty rolls at either the wrong distance, time or moment.
I wonder if every character will have this same forward roll and how much invincibility it will it have?
How quickly does it activate (looks instant)?
how do you build this ability?

Looks like its too easy to get out of the corner or get past zoning with this move


Play Monster Hunter!
In KoF generally rolls were somewhat invincible but could be thrown. And were pretty punishable if you did them at the wrong time.

That doesnt' mean much for this game though.


I don't see how spending a bar every time you're opponent is throwing a fireball is a viable strategy but whatever. I'm not jumping on the hate bandwagon this time.


Always press buttons
It looks like a mini breaker option from what I've seen of it. Pops you out of a combo for a bar and gives you a chance to try blocking. Considering the clash system is a one time deal I'd welcome an extra defensive option


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I wonder what would happen on a roll if you went over Grundy hands? Would you get held or would the whole roll be invulnerable? Would it not be grab invulnerable to Grundy hands even if it was normally fully invulnerable to regular attack or projectiles? Soooooooo many questions.

We need some real players at the demo somehow to report in on this mechanic.

Heres the promised gif of it with Aquaman.