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Do you think Adderall or its variants give an unfair advantage?

Does this give an unfair advantage?

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Yeah I saw this topic earlier on eventhubs. I don't think you'll be beating players that are much better than you with this. (Not that I personally use/know somebody who uses this drug) However that shit is a prescription only amphetamine and that's no joke. I don't think that kind of stuff should be marketed around youth in any way , shape or form.


The saltiest
I'd consider my focus above average, I don't have ADHD, but I have took a dose and it made me feel "too focus". If that's even a thing. I was breathing fast and I could feel every single heartbeat but at the same time focused. At the time, I was in high school and was about to take a test, so a friend offered me Adderall. I didn't really care so I just took it (lol)... That's a different story, but it would be interesting testing this out in video games.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Well I guess then the only way to settle it is by practical testing. I should take Adderall and attend EVO 2016. If I win with 2-0s 3-0s all the way, then obviously it has an effect. If I just win EVO normally then nah.
But Braindead, you need to be good at the game first before you can try this experiment. :DOGE :DOGE :DOGE :DOGE :DOGE

I'm just kidding Braindead, I'm sorry, I'm in no position to say anything about anyone lol xD


Scrub God Lord
should be banned without a question.
Competitive games aren't too different from school/college.
no college is going to let you use adderal without a prescription.
it enhances your performance, very different from just using headphones to block noise.


Normalize grab immunity.
There really aren't any negatives to coming down off of it other than possibly being tired, hungry and/or thirsty. It's not really detrimental to one's health unless they're abusing the shit out of it.
I meant any negatives. A person would probably have to maintain there adderall induced state otherwise it seems tired, hungry, ad/or thirsty could impact their performance. Just trying to understand every angle of using something like adderall.


I meant any negatives. A person would probably have to maintain there adderall induced state otherwise it seems tired, hungry, ad/or thirsty could impact their performance.
The effects generally last around 12-16 hours. It varies from person to person, obviously. But one dose is usually good enough to last someone the entire time that they're awake. Normally, by the time it starts to wear off, they would probably be getting ready to call it a day anyway.


Dojo Trainee
Interesting topic. My experiences with Adderall are limited to when I was in college and used it for schoolwork, specifically when i had procrastinated papers or it was crunch time/allnighters at finals. I personally do not enjoy the feeling so I don't take it recreationally but i have friends that swear by it with video games.

My best way to put it would be that it doesn't give you any new tools, it simply allows you to better use the tools you already have.
Whether it's writing a paper or playing mkx, you will be more focused, more efficient, but it's not like taking a pill is going to give you new tech or suddenly widen your vocabulary.

Whether or not that's an unfair advantage is up for debate I suppose


Miley Cyrax®
If you're bad at MKX and take Adderall, you're still going to be bad at MKX, but really focused on it.

If you're great at MKX and take Adderall, you're still going to be great at MKX and also really hyper-focused, thus LIKELY giving you an unfair advantage over a sober competitor of equal skill.


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
I don't think it does AND it isn't smart, doing this shit can have serious consequences outside of the gaming world

Major Moron74

I'm not paying for your beliefs
I think it's hard to say for sure. I've never taken the drug but I suppose in theory it could help? There's definitely a lot more to this game than just reaction though. Either way it would be pretty hard to regulate it in a tournament setting, like others have said.


Normalize grab immunity.
The effects generally last around 12-16 hours. It varies from person to person, obviously. But one dose is usually good enough to last someone the entire time that they're awake. Normally, by the time it starts to wear off, they would probably be getting ready to call it a day anyway.
Ah. Well I really don't see why you'd want to take it. When I''ve seen people take adderall it was to finish school work that they put of until the last minute. I really don't see why you'd take it for a gaming event. I guess in a game like CoD where you need the twitch skill or SC where there are so many things going. But in a fighter the only way to cheat would be to mess with someone's controls or have someone play for you. There's no complicated part that having a psychological enhancer really effect you're placing.


I would say that performance enhancing stimulants only give the "illusion" of helping. You are most likely still going to suck but now you have the added crutch of being addicted to the chemical equivalent of meth... And don't forget the whole dumbo's feather factor, is it the drug or just the added "confidence" the drug gives you. Now if you have legitimate a.d.d. I assume use of the drug just brings you onto the same level of "normal" people who have less trouble concentrating...
If you don't have any disorders like ADHD, how is it just an illusion if you take it? It increases reaction time and concentration, there's nothing vague or ambiguous about that.

If you understand the game and what to look out for in say a matchup, the only thing holding you back from winning besides guessing a 50/50 is reacting fast enough to things. Reacting to jump ins, reacting to slow starters like Shinnok's overhead, sub zeros clone toss. If you're good enough, a drug that increases your attention span, concentration, and reaction time would certainly give you a leg up


In Zoning We Trust
Almost everyone is looking at this wrong.

Obviously it isn't gonna make xXxShootGunsKillxXX beat Sonic Fox, but among equal high level competitors there's no denying that it will give them a competitive boost. Whether that is fair or not is debatable, but the actual effects of being able to focus better, practice longer, etc shouldn't be.

tafka Djinn

One for three off the roof
I don't know about in the FGC, but for the FPS community most recognize it as a problematic substance, and consider it a PED. Hell, even baseball is considering it a PED from what I hear.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
who gives a shit.. if people what to ruin their livers and fuck themselves by taking drugs to play a video game then fuck them.


PSN: JerzeyReign
If you're bad at MKX and take Adderall, you're still going to be bad at MKX, but really focused on it.

If you're great at MKX and take Adderall, you're still going to be great at MKX and also really hyper-focused, thus LIKELY giving you an unfair advantage over a sober competitor of equal skill.
I was going to find this and take it but since I'll just be a very focused scrub, I'll pass.