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Do you feel that DLC in video games should be FREE or NOT?

Should DLC(Downloadable Content) be FREE or NOT in video games after we buy them?

  • Indifferent, I couldn't care either way..I honestly never cared about DLC in any game(a gimmick)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Just a general question that I'm curious about, do you think that from here on out and the future of video games that DLC should be FREE or still let them charge us even after we paid 60 bucks for the game?

This goes for ALL games btw, not just MK or SF or Halo, COD...all games online that have DLC of some kind, whether it's alternate costumes, more modes, maps whatever....

Example, other night out of curiousity I was checking out the COD, Halo and SF DLC and man...easily 50 bucks+ by the time you're done AFTER the price of the game is already purchases...so I have to admit, the fact that the MK team said most if not all of DLC for MK 9 will be free is a sigh of relief...I think it was John Edwards I think or Hans Lo who said "you're already paying for the game, so we want to make most if not all DLC free" in one or two interviews within the past few months.

However, there's also a small part of me that can understand charging to an "affordable" amount....such as say if you make a whole new map, track, mode I can understand the effort and time into that so charging say 5 bucks is ok...I think but definitely NOT for an alternate costume or arena, something like that...

Just my opinion on that, how about you guys?

Do you think DLC in the future of gaming should be FREE or NOT?

P.S. not counting tweaks, patches etc(which are a given since that's a problem the game developer made or didn't get to by launch of the game understandably)



I was thinking the same thing recently when I looked at the PS Store.
I think it's dumb that we have to pay for DLC because like you've already mentioned, we already paid for the actual game and I think that once we buy the game itself, we should have everything that it includes after the purchase.
For example, DLC maps that are like $5 or whatever should just be free and people game share anyway ( although Idk if people really do get banned from PSN from doing so).


Earthrealm's biggest STAR
Free DLC is nice, but i don't mind if it's not free. Creating the DLC content takes time, money and especially very hard work, after all.


Considering how I'm in school for game design.

I'm for charging DLC. Specially for those who work extra hard on their game.
I'm actually not sure what option to take for this poll. For one thing I'm sick of all this pay-extra crap (this goes for Special Editions, Collectors Editions and DLC), when they things should have been done in the basegame to begin with. You wanted my money, you got it, and now you tell me I didn't get everything it was worth? Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Case in poiint, MvC3. Pre-order for 2 limited DLC characters...on the day its released!
Should it be free? No, people have put time and effort into making this content after the games release (I hope).
Should I have to buy it? No, if I don't want to spend more than the base cost, don't penalize me with less gameplay because I didn't think you new content was worth the cost.


Lose without excuses
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Definitely depends on what the DLC is. Sure, as a consumer I will always prefer free. But I am not a child and know they can't always come out with free DLC. Things that should be free are things that should have been in the game in the first place, like alt costumes. Also little things that aren't that big of a deal. Bigger things like several new maps in FPS's, I don't mind paying for. New maps in FPS's are great, very high replay value so you get your money's worth.

Tim Static

Free DLC is nice, but i don't mind if it's not free. Creating the DLC content takes time, money and especially very hard work, after all.
Exactly what i was gonna say!

Definitely depends on what the DLC is. Sure, as a consumer I will always prefer free. But I am not a child and know they can't always come out with free DLC. Things that should be free are things that should have been in the game in the first place, like alt costumes. Also little things that aren't that big of a deal. Bigger things like several new maps in FPS's, I don't mind paying for. New maps in FPS's are great, very high replay value so you get your money's worth.
True, but not all alt costumes are done like the SF4's, which was pure stupid. but yea free stuff rocks (PRE-ORDER YOUR GAMES!!!) but i dont mind and enjoy paying for most DLC


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Hmm, interesting responces I like guys and girls. :)

Pretty much it comes down to what the DLC is for most apparently...

I prefer NOT to pay for any DLC overall since I'm already dishing out 60+ for the game, however I do respect the fact that these things do take work, money and effort to make/add...

With that being said, I think for more trivial things we should NOT have to pay for...such as the following:

DLC that needs to be FREE:

-Alternate Costumes
-KAK extras
-Extra Arenas
-Alternate or extensive bios
-Picture Packs/Theme packs, Video Tutorials
-Interviews about the game prior and post release

DLC that should be charged but at an affordable/minimal price(no more then 2, 5 or 8 dollars) anymore is a ripoff IMO:

-Extra characters
-More modes
-Extra Fatalities or newer "moves" for characters
-New Maps
-New Tracks
-New Cars

Tweaks, Updates and Patches should ALWAYS be free....especially for us Xbox live users lol.


It all depends, if it's a background or an alt. costume or something like that then it should be free, if it's something that kind of changes up the game (like adding a whole 'nother character or arena) then sure I can see the reasonability in charging for it. DLC is technically overtime, they don't have to add to a game because they finished it up at release, it's their choice, and if they feel being compensated for their sacrifice, then it's fine by me because if I were in that situation, I would want to.


It would be cool if DLC was free, but nothing is free. In my opinion, DLC such as, MW2 map packs should be charged for. A costume for a character, should be free (only because, they alternate costume should have been in the game to begin with.

DLC is well worth the money of course, but it would be nice to see some free DLC and there is a lot out there, such as inFamous DLC is free on PSN.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@Scheiss, I can see that point although....there are always patches if need be :)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
it would have taken 5 minutes to fix that inf that was found a few hours after the game was release and could have been downloaded with the initial lobby update.
Worst part is that inf was found a day BEFORE the official release date.

But then again, they may not have found out about it until after the lobby patch.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Keep in mind we still haven't seen a gameplay patch from these people.
As much as they are stressing the point that they will be patching the game, they have said this before.

I do believe they will this time, only because they have to, because they haven't in the past and their new label doesn't want that reputation.

I don't think that a DLC character should be broken AT ALL because they will have tons of time to focus on balancing them because they will be released months after the release date. As nice as it feels to just put it out of your mind by thinking "it will get patched" remember the track record.

You can't convince me that they could patch the lobby system and not take the time to patch the Superman inf, it would have taken 5 minutes to fix that inf that was found a few hours after the game was release and could have been downloaded with the initial lobby update.
Yes, that's true but you can thank Midway for that...not the MK team...remember, Midway called the shots and Boon and the team even admitted they had patches planned for MKDC and DLC but thanks again to Midway...that killed any chances of that. It's not like the MK team are like "ehh fuck the fans we sold the game, no need for patches"

That's not their call, all they can do is be like listen Midway/ listen WB I know you own us but this needs addressing, that etc...then it's all up to Midway or WB by that point...which people forget.

I have NO doubt in my mind what so ever now since WB is already giving them more then just "every 2 years" unlike Midway rushing out MK games for profit as well as rushing the MK team and putting more pressure on them.

WB is a FAR superior company to Midway and far smarter and probably even richer then Capcom...so I'm not even worrying about patches, plus they confirmed it if need be....

Even Capcom with SF and Activision with COD series has had tons of patches yet they have more experience with the patches etc, so nobodys's perfect...with that being said they DID have plans again to fix the Superman and Flash infinites, lobby I don't know but god knows that was more of an annoyance then 'request' worry about the important shit first....but Midway died due to bankruptcy and that was that....

Otherwise I'm sure they would have fixed it in no time, they even admitted so....

You can't have your cake and eat it too, know what I mean? You want DLC as a fan but you want them done "perfectly" even though we'll get patches, I don't care personally as long as it gets fixed. Fine by me...if it wasn't for them confirming the game designed for post tweaks, patches then I can understand your skepticism..but again, this isn't Midway remember....it's WB calling the shots...apples and peanuts. Not even SF4 did it "perfectly" with every character and they had online issues with the rank set up...the only issue with MKDC online was the lobby issue with challenge button being the same as reject button, otherwise it was a nice set up...and the ranked was sweet because once you were in a match if you pulled, you got the lose anyway and you couldn't back out either...

Tim Static

Just about 98% of all DLC costs companies putting it out money, so why would you expect so much of it as free?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Because they've already got our 60+ dollars buying the game, accessories, guides and special editions that have costed near if not over 100 dollars....

Don't get me wrong, I get that it costs money for them to make more stuff but I'm also looking at it from the customer's perspective too...especially in a case like Halo special editions and COD...my friend gets every "special edition" and both were over 100 bucks...then DLC with maps costing 10 dollars plus? By the time you're done between the game, editions, things you need for game and DLC you're talking around 200 bucks which is the price of a console which is ridiculous IMO.

Tim Static

Because they've already got our 60+ dollars buying the game, accessories, guides and special editions that have costed near if not over 100 dollars....

Don't get me wrong, I get that it costs money for them to make more stuff but I'm also looking at it from the customer's perspective too...especially in a case like Halo special editions and COD...my friend gets every "special edition" and both were over 100 bucks...then DLC with maps costing 10 dollars plus? By the time you're done between the game, editions, things you need for game and DLC you're talking around 200 bucks which is the price of a console which is ridiculous IMO.
then i suggest you dont buy games. Thats just the way things are now. And you know what? IT MAKES GAMING BETTER!! Either buy it or dont. But trust me, A LOT of people want it, like it and buy it. Games have always been pretty expensive, i even remember paying $50 for new NES games back in the 1980s. Games cost EVEN MORE to make than they did then too. So $60 now compared to $50 20 some years ago, thats a bargain. You'd figure games would cost alot more since they cost a lot more to make nowadays.

But gaming is expensive. its the nature of the beast. Get over it or gtfo. its pretty simple, really.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@Scheisse, that's great and all and I feel the same way to a point... but that's also one reason why most games now have patches..look at COD, for "such a great series" you'd be surprised how many people have gripes with the new one...hell they don't even have an option for more then 10 minutes offline 3 or more players and not even showing you what weapons you have in your classes? fail....and I know friends who feel the same way, have made threads about it on COD forums...guess what? Totally ignored...all they're doing is addressing online and ignoring everything offline...

With MK's case, well I'm just saying if you have a gripe complain to Midway....not the MK team since they felt the same way you and I do about that...Midway more or less told the mK team "ehh no, we don't care about post game nonsense just put out a game for us every 2 years so that we can make profit" period. Ed Boon and the MK team have said tons of times they felt bad about what happened and are promising tweaks, balanced gameplay and patches this time around so some fans need to stop bitching about it already....and let them do their damn job. Sure I was annoyed too as an actual 3D MK player TRUST me...but I'm also not going to expect them to kiss my ass personally, just do what's best for fans overall and game. Some fans to me hold a grudge so long it's like "why bother even following MK then if you feel that way"?

You know what I don't know but I sure as hell can say the same thing about your presumpturous assumptions and you don't know anymore then I do, we don't know for sure but aren't you happy we're getting tweaks and patches? Who cares about getting it perfect when no such thing exists...if they're more then willing to fix it..I'm judging based on Midway vs. WB and what the MK team has confirmed so far..you're judging based on 3D MK's that had issues that MIDWAY didn't care about to begin with, that doesn't mean the MK team didn't care though...again, Midway called the shots, not the MK team...just because MIDWAY failed doesn't mean WB will..again two entirely different companies and I've been gaming long enough to judge basic common sense facts...I will defend someone like the MK team at times because like YOU said, it costs them money so you're contradicting yourself now...first you're saying "they need to make profit" then you say"they should get it right the first time" the first part is true, but the second part we've seen EVERY company at some point screw that up....Halo 2 didn't even address the sword jump glitch til Halo 3 and took themn months to crack down on dumb modders(I should know since I played a few times and had assholes mod against myself and friends..) back when Halo 2 was really hot...

@Tim..I beg to differ, I'm a gamer and won't change that but god knows the prices of things such as PS3 on launch =JOKE....600 dollars? Kidding me? Why do you think it failed that was one of the key reasons(aside from poor game lineup)...I don't care what it offers, I'm not dishing out the price of a decent used car for a console lol...the typical customer doesn't have that kind of money, why do you think they had 3 price drops since PS3 launched? Exactly...lol Hell for that price it should turn itself on, be voice activated, suck my dick and wash it lol

But with DLC, well tha'ts just how I feel and I'm firm on my opinion....for a fighting game it's NOT a big deal(although I still feel Capcom was uber greedy charging for costumes and an new game when in reality they could have just put those extras out for DLC on original SF 4....but whatever) and as for Halo, COD maps, special editions etc...

I'm fine with buying games, but not getting ripped off for trivial bs....I don't feel like paying for shit I should get in the first place or for free...sorry. Besides, I always buy the game and the guides(which cost another 20+ usually) so I draw the line at 80 bucks....


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
COD is not MK btw, so I just threw this all out.

Again, not my problem they made several bad games. We are the consumers btw. How's that for common sense?

You are right that I don't know any more than you do about this. But you are the one that is avoiding the facts and the track record out of the fanboyism that they relied on to make their profit. If you disagree with that, then you are the one making assumptions.

Patches cost money, making something work first is beneficial to both the consumers and the company. Creating DLC that doesn't fully work and not patching it is only beneficial to the company. How exactly did I contradict myself you deluded fanboy?

More talk of other games.

Well that is all for this session of retardation. Please don't respond to me again because I will just ignore it. If you feel like venting, feel free to throw me a PM, in which I will just delete.

There is absolutely no talking to you because your entire logic is based on your feelings and probably a little bit of magic thrown in there for good measure.
I'm not the deluded fanboy, nor am I a misguided MK hater...I'm just realistic about it but you have your opinion and I have mine. I don't care who agrees and who disagrees, all I know is they confirmed patches this time so that's a GOOD thing. Period. You can either respect my opinion or not...either way that's how I feel...I had only brought up other games as an analogy....the principle, point is the same....

I'm done and said all that I wanted, take it as you will man...there's nothing retarded here I just don't mind discussing interesting convos with others... but since it is my thread I agree and would like it to say on topic....;)

So, more thoughts on DLC? Most people so far feel it depends apparently.