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Depression sucks man


My blades will find your heart
correct me if I'm wrong ... but if someone is going threw depression isn't one method is to put a smile on they face??? . See the point is getting their mind off it .. why make em suffer more talking b about it . And the only thing you can do is .. hear them out? Does that help?? .. smh yaw kill me on this website .. acting like yaw really hear to help .
Problem being that your'e not that funny


depression is a chemical inbalance inthe brain.. i fucking hate it when people say you have to choose to be happy. It justs shows youre ignorant and have no idea what people who have depresion are going through.. unfortunately recent studies show that anti depressants are as helpful as a placebo pill.. Still you can alter some living conditions (get a hobby, exercise regularly, discipline your life, building relationships) to help stimulate the production of chemicals in the brain that cause hapiness (oxytocin, seratonin, dopamine)


Miley Cyrax®
correct me if I'm wrong ... but if someone is going threw depression isn't one method is to put a smile on they face??? . See the point is getting their mind off it .. why make em suffer more talking b about it . And the only thing you can do is .. hear them out? Does that help?? .. smh yaw kill me on this website .. acting like yaw really hear to help .
The problem with just putting a smile on their face doesn't help the underlying cause of their depression. It's a temporary solution, but depression is often a long-term issue. Talking about your issues can initiate conversion with people who can submit construction criticism. It's often hard for an individual to recognize their own problems. 3rd party intervention can definitely help. If you're not going to help and say thing like "acting like yaw really hear to help", YOU are the one not helping.

Not to sound like a jerk, but the OP has some legit concerns, and you aren't contributing anything. Just wanted to point that out. This isn't meant to come across as me bashing you... just some constructive criticism of my own =) Be well.
correct me if I'm wrong ... but if someone is going threw depression isn't one method is to put a smile on they face??? . See the point is getting their mind off it .. why make em suffer more talking b about it . And the only thing you can do is .. hear them out? Does that help?? .. smh yaw kill me on this website .. acting like yaw really hear to help .
Temporary sadness isn't the same as depression.
It's a stage where everything seems so dark, and there's no hope.
Every little thing can cause further depression.

We all feel depressed once in a while, but there are some people where those feelings engulf them indefinitely for periods of time that are too long.
It takes a toll on your body, physically, mentally, emotionally, and you probably mean well, but you're treading troubled waters with your content.

If he were sad or depressed because he just recently broke up with a gf, or failed a test, then that's fine.
But clinical depression or severe/moderate depression isn't so easily treated.

First step is to just let everything out, and us as members here on TYM to extend our hands to them.

You might not be the type to listen to problems and console, but that's what is needed.

Sex, girls, drinking, (imo is all temporary relief, which is why it works for temporary sadness or depression)

But for more severe cases, it makes matters worse in the long run and doesn't heal you at all.


Miley Cyrax®
depression is a chemical inbalance inthe brain.. i fucking hate it when people say you have to choose to be happy. It justs shows youre ignorant and have no idea what people who have depresion are going through.. unfortunately recent studies show that anti depressants are as helpful as a placebo pill.. Still you can alter some living conditions (get a hobby, exercise regularly, discipline your life, building relationships) to help stimulate the production of chemicals in the brain that cause hapiness (oxytocin, seratonin, dopamine)
Depends. Depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance and/or environmental factors. For myself, it has been the latter. I've been through a number of tragic situations.


Cold day in hell...
Since we're talking about the chemical side of things now and how harsh the commonly prescribed anti depressants are I'll leave this here https://www.onnit.com/new-mood/

I'll let you do you own research as to what 5htp plus L Tryptophan do to the brain as well as the other ingredients in that. May not help or even interest everyone but I've been taking it since August (in conjunction with another product from there called alpha brain) and it's helped make a big difference for me. People who know me have noticed a significant difference in my outlook on life, and my general melancholy demeanor is much less so. Feel free to disregard that if you wish but it's an option to try if anyone wants. I tried it when I literally felt like crawling in a hole it had got so bad in my head and it helped me.

HP Hatecraft

I am the beginning, I am the end.
How do you naturally increase positive chemicals? I already work out, lol. Never helps it's temporary.
Carbs help trigger the release of seretonin. Proteins contain tryptophan, a large amino that converts to serotonin in the brain. Some fatty acids like fish oil can help. Good diet, exercise, and try to avoid stimulets. Hanging out with loved ones to help produce Oxytocin. Tyrosine and antioxidants are good as well.


Miley Cyrax®
WTF. So than all sad people are destined to be sad because of the chemicals....
He asked specifically for a "natural" way to change your brain chemistry. As far as I know, in order to change your physical brain chemistry, you need medical intervention.

Like I said also, not all people are depressed due to a chemical imbalance. It can happen from environmental factors also.


My magic will tear you appart!
Without sounding like a douche, is this really the place to talk about your depression. I mean yeah we all have our baggage, no need to air it out.


Misanthropic Persona
The best I can help you with is to tell you not to dwell on the past. It's hard not to , I understand. But I guarantee you that's the reason why you feel the way you do. Remembering things from your past , especially if they were unpleasant , can really take a toll on you. It's not as complicated as you think it is. (Depression that is). You're not the only one who has had a difficult childhood , and sometimes , I know the damage can be irreversible. No need to dwell on it. You're not really depressed , and to clarify: I am not a Doctor , nor do I have a PHD in Psychology , but I do understand Human Nature. You might be an Introvert as I am. As an Introvert , man: I am aloof , distant and quiet. I don't mingle with too many people. I feel like I am the only one who can perceive things others cannot. The thing about it though , I see it as apart of my personality , not depression. But let a Doctor or Psychologist tell you - you are depressed , and your world will spiral out of control. Especially the drugs the Doctors prescribe to you. Not a good experience. I can tell you that.

We can talk to you all day ; I can talk to you all day , but in the end - It's going to be up to you. Forgiving your past and yourself , is a start. I can relate , and I can tell you it's alright to reach out for help. We all need it. Good Luck , man. Continue to grow and learn. @Soul Bound X
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I go through depression all the time and like others have said u shouldn't keep it bottled up, or at least I don't. If I'm feeling depressed I try to find someone to talk to whether it's someone I know in real life or online in forums/chatrooms. Sometimes if I'm mad at something I'll just vent on facebook lol. Usually though I just do whatever it is that makes me happy, which is going on the computer, playing video games, guitar, etc. If you really want real friends I would be careful on who you want to be friends with and make sure that they are the right people. Good luck with your life @Soul Bound X and hope everything turns out ok.
@Soul Bound X You're getting a lot of amazing replies here, and it's really great to see the FGC reaching out to you like this!

While I don't suffer from depression myself, I have family members who do. One important thing to note about depression is there are different kinds of it with different severity. I'm not sure what country you're in an what options are available to you, but if able, I strongly recommend discussion with a doctor. They can then refer you to a psychologist or a psychiatrist who can really help you.

Depending on the kind of depression you have, medication can be one treatment option. As others have pointed out, medication can also carry side effects, but these usually vary from person to person, and medication affects everyone differently. It's up to you if you want to go that route or not.

If you do, and you find the pills too expensive, you can always request the generic brand of the same thing, which is usually a lot cheaper.

If you choose not to pursue or try medication, there are other treatment options available, including support groups which can let you get a lot off your chest and allow you to connect with others suffering from the same thing.

Other options to help supplement are dietary changes and basic exercise. For dietary changes, bananas, milk, chicken, and turkey can help a bit, and for basic exercise, simply walks can help invigorate you a bit. A good 40 minute stroll, a few times a day, can help improve your mood, especially now with the nicer weather rolling around. These options are, as I mentioned, supplements to other treatment methods, they likely won't cure you alone.

With respect to your social situation and frustration, keep in mind that people generally like being around confident and happy people, and if you're severely depressed you're likely projecting the opposite, which will complicate things for you. The most important thing right now is to begin walking down the path to recovery, and everything else _will_ follow in time. Again, if you can see a doctor I strongly recommend it. Many here have offered to simply chat with you, and that will be a great starting point as well.

You are not alone, no matter how much you feel that you are, and this thread proves that!


Cold day in hell...
Idk how a normal person feels but I feel better taking that. I've been on it since August and it hasn't stopped working. So maybe worth a try. Not trying to sell you anything but that contains the building blocks of serotonin. For me at least it works.

Edit @Karried I forgot to quote your post.
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