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Depression sucks man

Depression is a feeling I'm too familiar with. Ofcourse not year round, with not a second of happiness. There are some times when I'm happy. But lately, ugh, it's just been unbearable. In highschool I didn't have any friends or girlfriends. Like not one. I was just socially retarded. I was like this through middle school and high school. Didn't have a dad, my mom was extremely childish and never had a mother son relationship with me. Rarely ever shown affection. Life was just so fucked up and lonely that I just wanted to die and attempted suicide (play me the worlds smallest violin) . But at 17 I finally quit school got my GED and tried to really change myself and i did. I started dating and got girlfriends and friends and I'm a totally different person today. But... My social life still isn't as great as everyone elses. Its still not great, I'm unhappy with it. ESPECIALLY when I don't have a girlfriend to distract me from the fact. Which is the case now. I'm great at talking to people and being in social situations. Im not shy and people think im funny and many girls like me but my social life is still dumb and shitty. I have friends but not real close ones and never go to parties or anything like that and am rarely having any fun. And just feel lonely a lot. And I just get soooo depressed over it. I can never tell whether I'm being a baby or am justifiably depressed. Idk what this thread is about really, i just wanted to say that. Guess it can be about anything you want.


At some point, you have to eventually become content and happy on your own, even if you don't have a significant other.

I know from personal experience once you develop a close, intimate relationship with someone losing them can make you feel alone and empty, but if you need someone to talk to I'm around and many others are too.

HP Hatecraft

I am the beginning, I am the end.
First off, don't worry if you are being a baby or if it's justifiable. That's depression, man. I am all too familiar with it. I use to straight up cry for no reason at all. Literally, no reason. Food in the cabinets, dog still alive, fiancé by my side , everything going great, and I would still cry for no reason. It happens. You can't help it.

But yeah, don't hold it in. You will feel better if you talk about it, even if it's to complete strangers on a fighting game forum. Just find something you like to do, and go try new things to occupy yourself and your mind. Like running? Go for a nice fucking jog and clear your head. Like woodworking? Go build a fucking wooden treasure chest. You might find a new hobby that helps you mentally and or emotionally.

I've been through some dark times man, so I can understand where you are coming from completely. Send me a PM if you are ever in a rut and need someone to talk to. #staypositive
Mr. Milleena, EMPEROR_sunfire, lilith, espio, shotguninsanity, hp hatecraft, fred marvel, thanks you guys. This stuff, I'm always hesistant to talk about this anywhere else or to anyone else because I feel like I'm complaining or that people will see it as complaining or see me different. I posted this here cus I just had to finally say something and didn't think I had too much to lose posting something like that on this website. But u guys are great. Just you guys posting in here makes me feel better already and means a lot. Thank you.


Cold day in hell...
I've been through the ringer with depression and I feel for anyone dealing with it. Feel free to drop me a pm any time and I'll respond when I see it. That said reading your post one thing stands out and that is a lot of your quality of life, or at least the enjoyment thereof, seems to be based off of other people. That may not be the case that could just be what is bugging you but it reads that way.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Mr. Milleena, EMPEROR_sunfire, lilith, espio, shotguninsanity, hp hatecraft, fred marvel, thanks you guys. This stuff, I'm always hesistant to talk about this anywhere else or to anyone else because I feel like I'm complaining or that people will see it as complaining or see me different. I posted this here cus I just had to finally say something and didn't think I had too much to lose posting something like that on this website. But u guys are great. Just you guys posting in here makes me feel better already and means a lot. Thank you.
im glad you posted it, ive been where you are mentally and its confusing sometimes and just horrible i wouldnt wish it on anyone and would just like to help anyone i can through it :)

HP Hatecraft

I am the beginning, I am the end.
Seriously though, after seeing that gif, I think I have a very unhealthy obsession that I never realized until now. 32D cup? Sfjdteqxvbhfdvkyfcdeftgdd omgggg. Just the tip is all I need.
Depression is a feeling I'm too familiar with. Ofcourse not year round, with not a second of happiness. There are some times when I'm happy. But lately, ugh, it's just been unbearable. In highschool I didn't have any friends or girlfriends. Like not one. I was just socially retarded. I was like this through middle school and high school. Didn't have a dad, my mom was extremely childish and never had a mother son relationship with me. Rarely ever shown affection. Life was just so fucked up and lonely that I just wanted to die and attempted suicide (play me the worlds smallest violin) . But at 17 I finally quit school got my GED and tried to really change myself and i did. I started dating and got girlfriends and friends and I'm a totally different person today. But... My social life still isn't as great as everyone elses. Its still not great, I'm unhappy with it. ESPECIALLY when I don't have a girlfriend to distract me from the fact. Which is the case now. I'm great at talking to people and being in social situations. Im not shy and people think im funny and many girls like me but my social life is still dumb and shitty. I have friends but not real close ones and never go to parties or anything like that and am rarely having any fun. And just feel lonely a lot. And I just get soooo depressed over it. I can never tell whether I'm being a baby or am justifiably depressed. Idk what this thread is about really, i just wanted to say that. Guess it can be about anything you want.
2 things about that,

1st other peoples lifes are probably not as great as they seem outside
2nd "real Close friends"/"going to parties" in one sentence? those things barely fit together that well.

other than that, best wishes.
How to beat depression? ??
# get pussy . If getting pussy is a challenge for you then pay for it . Less talk more sucking ..

#2 spend at least 2 hours watching wesley pipes in action lol ... that will build your confidence up ..

#3 masturbate ... it helps control your duration of time and stamina ... (mind you its called MASTER BATE for a reason .. master the arts of ejaculating ..

#4 only practice your flirt game of social media .. it prepares you to lose that shy dick when approaching females ..

#5 ppl don't like a cry baby .. stop being a bitch and watch porn ..

1-5 is on the house .. 6-10 is a fee .. contact me for more information .. now accepting PayPal and visa card and money orders .. .
How to beat depression? ??
# get pussy . If getting pussy is a challenge for you then pay for it . Less talk more sucking ..

#2 spend at least 2 hours watching wesley pipes in action lol ... that will build your confidence up ..

#3 masturbate ... it helps control your duration of time and stamina ... (mind you its called MASTER BATE for a reason .. master the arts of ejaculating ..

#4 only practice your flirt game of social media .. it prepares you to lose that shy dick when approaching females ..

#5 ppl don't like a cry baby .. stop being a bitch and watch porn ..

1-5 is on the house .. 6-10 is a fee .. contact me for more information .. now accepting PayPal and visa card and money orders .. .
please dont do anything this guy says it will only make things worse


Bro I promise your social life isn't nearly as "dumb and shitty" as you think it is. Stop paying so much attention to everyone else, their lives aren't nearly as grand as you imagine them to be. Decide what is important to you and pursue those things. How old are you by the way ? It will get better I promise.

"The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel."
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Filthy Casual
Do you have insurance / means to see a counselor? I'm not sure if you have any experience in talking with one but it could make a pretty significant impact on how you look at yourself as well as assess for the possibility of medication if you're suffering from clinical depression.
How to beat depression? ??
# get pussy . If getting pussy is a challenge for you then pay for it . Less talk more sucking ..

#2 spend at least 2 hours watching wesley pipes in action lol ... that will build your confidence up ..

#3 masturbate ... it helps control your duration of time and stamina ... (mind you its called MASTER BATE for a reason .. master the arts of ejaculating ..

#4 only practice your flirt game of social media .. it prepares you to lose that shy dick when approaching females ..

#5 ppl don't like a cry baby .. stop being a bitch and watch porn ..

1-5 is on the house .. 6-10 is a fee .. contact me for more information .. now accepting PayPal and visa card and money orders .. .
The fact you find his situation as a chance to strike a "humorous post" is extremely sad and pathetic.
Mr. Milleena, EMPEROR_sunfire, lilith, espio, shotguninsanity, hp hatecraft, fred marvel, thanks you guys. This stuff, I'm always hesistant to talk about this anywhere else or to anyone else because I feel like I'm complaining or that people will see it as complaining or see me different. I posted this here cus I just had to finally say something and didn't think I had too much to lose posting something like that on this website. But u guys are great. Just you guys posting in here makes me feel better already and means a lot. Thank you.
I commend u for even having the balls to express your feelings, the worst thing u can do is to keep it bottled up, just remember u are not alone, and things could always be worse, you still have your health, and a long life ahead of u, at the end of the day you make your life what it is, and how good of a life u want to live is completely up to you, I'm in the process of paving a way for myself as we speak, after losing both my parents in under a year, I'm basically an orphan and have to start from square 1, I have to find myself, and the 4 biggest things keeping me going is the FGC, my girl, and my remaining family name friends, if u feel no one will listen to u, we will, the FGC never discriminates against anyone, sure u have the trolls, but a majority truly care...even if we barely know u, we will also share our stories with u so that u know u are not alone, I too have been where u been, suicide and all, but it's not worth it, that will only lead to an eternity of suffering...draw strength from our responses, and know that every breathe u take is a chance to turn it all around, my advice is to bury yourself in books, get ur knowledge up on different strats on social conversation, and talking to girls, and anything else that seems to give u problems, there are millions of outlets to help with what ur dealing with, knowledge is power my brother.


All in on Johnny Football
Glad u felt comfortable getting that out here, just goes to show how awesome the people of TYM are lol. Anyway I know people that went through/go through depression and it sucks but I always will try to help them. I just wanna say u not partying while depressed is a good thing. I tried to get my friend who was suffering from depression to get out and "live a little" and partying was not the way to go. He ended getting drunk and claiming a "fat bitch raped him". U see people on facebook/twitter acting like there lives are amazing when in reality they prolly aren't. I would just stay away from social media if I was u dude. I think ur best option is to find some people to talk to wether is be on here or in real life, and just vent. It seems a lot of people on here know what u are going through and and are good people. Ur confidence will build over time, it just takes time. Hope I can help dude.


Neutral Skipper
Been there. Hell, I'm still there now. I don't really think there's much I can say that hasn't already been said but feel free to send me a PM anytime if you want, talk to someone anyway. Just don't keep it inside, that's one of the worst things you can do. Telling us is a step in the right direction.
I commend u for even having the balls to express your feelings, the worst thing u can do is to keep it bottled up, just remember u are not alone, and things could always be worse, you still have your health, and a long life ahead of u, at the end of the day you make your life what it is, and how good of a life u want to live is completely up to you, I'm in the process of paving a way for myself as we speak, after losing both my parents in under a year, I'm basically an orphan and have to start from square 1, I have to find myself, and the 4 biggest things keeping me going is the FGC, my girl, and my remaining family name friends, if u feel no one will listen to u, we will, the FGC never discriminates against anyone, sure u have the trolls, but a majority truly care...even if we barely know u, we will also share our stories with u so that u know u are not alone, I too have been where u been, suicide and all, but it's not worth it, that will only lead to an eternity of suffering...draw strength from our responses, and know that every breathe u take is a chance to turn it all around, my advice is to bury yourself in books, get ur knowledge up on different strats on social conversation, and talking to girls, and anything else that seems to give u problems, there are millions of outlets to help with what ur dealing with, knowledge is power my brother.
Thanks man. I really appreciate that. And I'm real sorry to hear about your parents. I hope you get through all that and I'm sure you will. And again, thanks to everyone in this thread. I didn't know what to expect when I posted that, but all of you guys are so helpful and it means so much to me. Probably a lot more than you realize. I'll always remember this.
If you want a better social life and more friends, it will be all up to you. Get a hobby where you can meet a lot of people(both girls and guys). To really get something going on, you will have to approach people yourself and take the initiative to ask them out to do something fun. You will get closer to your friends if you really have something in common. Then again most of my friends and me have nothing in common except that we have the same humor. To me all a friend needs to be is someone who you can rely on and trust, you will feel more comfortable when you are hanging out with them even though it is very boring sometimes. You know you're close friends when you can talk about the most stupid stuff and not feel awkward.


That Yung Big Body
I wrote my fucking life story, and deleted the shit twice. Just dont ever "feel like your being a baby" or be sorry for having feelings. We are humans. No matter how rich or how poor, if we had a house full of family or just you and a single parent..we all struggle in life. We all feel. I wish our mental health was something that we all could be more open with, it would have saved me so much pain if I could have just had the courage to address it. Im glad you had that courage and decided to talk about how you actually felt, and im soo goddamn glad people immediately came to comfort you. Its things like this that let you know your not alone, and that people actually do care.

A wise user on TYM once said "stay positive", and I finally feel that the context perfectly fits his trademark phrase.