Death is my business
I think this is the best one
We're worrying about them jumping out because you might get full combo punished just for guessing wrong. The strong side of this tech is that you get safe hit confirmable 50/50s. They can forward/backwards jump between f23 and b1, just not neutral jump.
Ok , they can jump forward out of b1 after f23 BUT they have to block f23 standing otherwise they get caught mid air , there's something in this game that gives more frame advantage if you block certain strings low , weird i know.
You can also check them with 3 after f23 and you're still +4 , sure you're not in range for a safe 50/50 but that's a good f3 range you're sitting in.
And i don't think characters with floaty jumps can jump it , only the faster ones like DS , Catwoman and such
Will lab it more tomorrow for sure.