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Deaths In-depth Mileena Match-Up Chart


Baraka: 6-4
Cage: 4-6
CSZ: 6-4
Cyblax: 5-5
Cyrax: 5-5
Ermac: 5-5
Freddy: 6-4
Jade: 6-4
Jax: 5-5
Kabal: 4-6
Kano: 6-4
Kenshi: 3-7
Kitana: 5-5
Kung Lao: 5-5
Liu Kang: 5-5
NW: 6-4
Noob: 6-4
Quan Chi: 5-5
Raiden: 5-5
Rain: 5-5
Reptile: 6-4
Scorpion: 5-5
Sektor: 6-4
Shang: 5-5
Sheeva: 8-2
Sindel: 6-4
Skarlet: 5-5
Smoke: 4-6
Sonya: 4-6
Stryker: 6-4
Sub-Zero: 5-5

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Can't say that I agree with the Shang-Mileena matchup being in her favor. From my experience, Mileena has to take big risks to win. The trades are not in her favor and she can be hit out of her telekick because the skulls come out of the ground. Worst case scenario is that he eats a telekick. Once Shang gets her in the corner, the round is basically over. She has no armor and her pokes, outside of D+4, are not very good. D+4 is also too slow to get her out of the traps. Shang can punish her roll and telekick very hard, ending with either a SS or an upskull reset. The only thing that I would say is in her favor is the fact that Shang cannot punish her EX telekick very hard. Other than that, I see this as a solid 5-5. Btw, I have added you on my friends list and I hope to play soon. I cannot connect to you on my current dorm connection but I will be able to when I can get home.


Impressive. Good thing someone finally took the time and care to do it. Mileena players all over the world are going to love it. :)


Shazzy's Senpai
The only I thing I disagree with is the Ermac match-up. I personally think it's 6-3 in Mileena's favor.

And Noob...


Cock Master!!
normally im like STFU and post this shit in the Mileena match up thread. however this list is spot on so i cant bitch.. good job death i agree 100%..


Head Cage
Well if anything with noob its stay fullscreen and punish any projectiles with telekick and apply pressure. D4 cripples him as well. Ias can annoy noob but a well timed teleslam can catch u. Plus only way noob can punish a blocked roll is b2, dash, 12 tackle/slide/ghostball. Very minor damage seeing how ur hitbox is smaller and is hard to actually get anything goin.
From what I understand Im starting to agree the mu of mileena vs reptile is now 6-4, worst 6.5-3.5. At first at thought its 7-3, but after fight pig for awhile I feel like its getting better. Ex fb helps a lot


Thanks guys. @ Dave, yes I really believe those characters are bad MUs for Mileena being Kenshi is the worst. I may possibly move the KL MU to 5-5 though. Will update from time to time.
Wow, someone actually knows something about Stryker lol. Seriously, I couldn't have put it in better words myself. :)

The only place on the screen where Stryker and Mileena can try to zone is full screen. But that's still risky for both of them.

imo what really gives her an advantage is her annoying D4. Besides trying a jump kick or blowing it with an EX move I feel there's very little Stryker can do against that poke.


Rain and Scorpion are probably off but everything else seems dead on, good job man.

Scorpion mainly because of his high punish vs Mileena, she can't do anything safely. once scorp has the life lead things get really tough

Rain, if he has any meter at any time mileena is frozen, she can't do a damn thing. Her zoning can't keep him out all the time and her D4 gets blown up by 43,bait-lightning, and EX RH/C. She has the advantage full screen and Rain has a major advantage up close, solid 5-5 (once again her tele is useless in this MU, like many others. Its not safe and is easily baited)


Zoning Master
Thanks guys. @ Dave, yes I really believe those characters are bad MUs for Mileena being Kenshi is the worst. I may possibly move the KL MU to 5-5 though. Will update from time to time.
The Kenshi match up is that bad, huh? I was thinking if you stay just outside of SC's range, you can whiff punish almost everything, including the SC, he does with a roll. Perhaps it is also best to end combos with a knockdown. From my limited experience playing this match up, Mileena runs into trouble when Kenshi has the life and meter lead. She has a really difficult time breaking him down.


Yung Kneecaps
Pretty good chart but I would say Shang is more like a 5-5 due to the ground skulls and how they can catch Mileena when she teleports. Ermac is like a 4-6 cause Ermac could punish all she does so easily for a lot of damage and is pretty difficult to get in without having to try to read a fireball and teleport in and risk getting punished. Everything else is pretty nice and accurate


Ermac: 5-5
A solid 5-5. Mileena can outzone Ermac here. Mileena can do IAS and bait a teleport. Teleport punch is risky to do vs Mileena because it can be baitable and Mileena can get 35%+ damage from a block teleport. Anytime Ermac throws a projectile Mileena can telekick and use the stagger for free pressure. Just play a strong footsie game here and not randomly throw a telekick because Ermac can full combo punish Mileena.
I gotta say, this is the strongest Mileena MU chart to date.
But, I honestly think Ermac has the upper hand here. It's easy enough to say "bait a teleport" but i think a smart Ermac can bait a telekick too, and he punishes waaaay harder. It's also quite difficult in the heat of battle to distinguish Eramc's teleport from his fireball.
If he reads my b3,roll im fucked too. The problem i find online is when i think "yeah, i'll throw out a b3, EXroll, that'll fuck him up!", the EX doesnt come out and i'm dead.
I agree though, that footsies is the way forward here...and DONT JUMP!
Anyway, good work Death :)
So... I guess this chart is what everyone's cool with then? Ok. I disagree with quite few numbers, (some for the better, some for the worse) but honestly, it would make no sense to continue to argue these points since cooperation is needed to get anything finalized. If this is what everyone else wants, so be it.


I see a couple people not like fighting Ermac. Honestly I was generous at giving this a 5-5. Some Ermacs i fought in the past and apart of me thinks this is a good MU for Mileena. People make the mistake by teleporting against Ermac and thats not how you win this MU. Mileena has better footsies than Ermac. Use it. Zone him too. If Ermac tries to zone you then tele kick and use the stagger for pressure. D+4 really hurts Ermac too. Ermacs rushdown isn't very intimidating. Mileena can out footsie Ermac, Out zone home. Anti-zone him and Mileenas rushdown is better. I was actually going to post this MU in Mileenas favor.

@ Wound, Yes we gotta get some games in. I only judge the MU off the exp i have vs Detroit. Me and him used to run this MU a lot and its a bad MU for shang. Detroit wont even pull shang on my Mileena because its that bad. Mileena can really zone him and anti-zone him and she can pressure him and she has better footsies. Shang has a hard time dealing with mileenas low hit box/D+4.

@ Zero, what MUs do you agree/disagree with. Post some of them and tell me how you fight that MU or tell me how Mileena loses to some MUs that you thinks not in her favor.

I also noticed someone saying the MU with scorpion is 5-5. No way its 5-5. Its a bad MU for scorpion. Scorpions only answer for Mileena is the vortex and Its hard as hell to get Mileena in it. Mileena has way more tools than scorpion in this MU. Scorpion is an awesome character and has a lot of 5-5s but mileena scorp imo is not 5-5.
@ Zero, what MUs do you agree/disagree with. Post some of them and tell me how you fight that MU or tell me how Mileena loses to some MUs that you thinks not in her favor.
I'll send a PM at some point, so as not to cause any unnecessary friction.


Go to hell.
Sub-Zero: 6-4
A solid 6-4. This used to be a bad MU for Mil before all of subs nerfs. Mileena cant roll or tele because Sub can full combo punish. Mil cant IAS because sub can roll it and it will push Mileena to the corner and Mil will have to use ex tele to get out. EX tele is free vs sub-zero. Sub can only punish it with D+4~slide which is 10%. Mileena do A LOT of ex teles vs sub. Sub cant punish it at all and use it to get out of corner. Best bet for Mil is to kill Sub with ground sais and punish anything sub does. Sub has to take risks in this MU. Punish subs Slide with 42 and Roll/tele anything sub does from full screen. If sub throws ice blast use tele or roll it for a full combo. A solid 6-4 MU for sub. Used to be real bad when sub had big damage and the swagger reset.

I cried reading this. It was like tots funny bro.