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Dear MLG,

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Honestly, it might be for the best if MLG first added Street Fighter or maybe even Marvel....just so that they can get something closer to the numbers that they would like to see. Those games get the more viewers out of any of the other ones, including Injustice.

And then, once MLG became more comfortable with SF or Marvel, THEN that could possibly pave the way for other fighters (Injustice, etc.)
Once upon a time i believed this as well, but now i do not. They never really pave the way for anyone else but other capcom games. That's how capcom wants it (duh for them really). Yes, they obviously paved the way for the FGC to become what it is now, but now everyone is stuck in their wake. They have had their chance to take the FGC to the promised land, hasn't really happened. Time for other communities to branch out and not be stuck following them to their anti e-sports grave


Administrator and Community Engineer

Flawless Thomas

Yeah regardless of what anyone says, regardless of the problems, this would be a great thing. Second guessing our own community despite some of its flaws doesn't look good on us, period. All of us embracing this opportunity, preparing for the future and not arguing the past is the key in my opinion.


cr. HP Master
I'd welcome MLG but he's been saying stuff like that for a while about Injustice. Now we have SF and KI as competition as well...
Using my reading comprehension, it appears as though they want to add all of those games, not just one. Also, it appears as though they are having trouble with SF again and apparently it isn't from Capcom or the community leaders like Alex Valle either...obviously the people at EVO.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Aren't Melee players generally the poorest players in the community? I remember SCR giving them a 256 cap and then Injustice ended up having more people. MLG may have made a bad choice IMO.

Edit: After reading Tom's post, if they're adding more than just Melee, my point is invalid.
Ummm didn't the melee community raise tons of money, and have a huge showing at Evo? Idk about Scr but it seems that since the community is still going strong 13 years in and the support they gave at evo, I would think that community would be the first they would go to as far as commitment.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I want everyone in this thread to take a gigantic break, and go read this:


This post specifically says
"Considering Injustice"

Now, instead of talking about whether or not they'd consider it, let's talk about how awesome it would be to have Injustice at MLG.

If you agree that it'd be an excellent choice and one of the best decisions they could make, reply to that thread and let them know.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Have any of you guys seen Tom and co commentate at MLG? It's like watching a GrandSlam (tennis reference) on ESPN. It's the most professional and hype thing I have ever seen come out of our FGC. I fully support this.
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