Once upon a time i believed this as well, but now i do not. They never really pave the way for anyone else but other capcom games. That's how capcom wants it (duh for them really). Yes, they obviously paved the way for the FGC to become what it is now, but now everyone is stuck in their wake. They have had their chance to take the FGC to the promised land, hasn't really happened. Time for other communities to branch out and not be stuck following them to their anti e-sports graveHonestly, it might be for the best if MLG first added Street Fighter or maybe even Marvel....just so that they can get something closer to the numbers that they would like to see. Those games get the more viewers out of any of the other ones, including Injustice.
And then, once MLG became more comfortable with SF or Marvel, THEN that could possibly pave the way for other fighters (Injustice, etc.)