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Dead or Alive 6 announced!

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
Great news, I actually didn't play any DOA game except the very first one on the PS1, hope it will be good, it does look promising.


Mr. Righteous
Why does this even matter? It doesn't detract anything from the characters whatsoever.
PAUSE! I'm not thinking aesthetically, but more of a mentality thing. This has been brought up in the gaming world that certain things should be toned down because of sexism and this current day generation. You know how sensitive ppl are nowadays and this just sends a message of them bowing down to those type of demands, which i think is weak as fuck because i do NOT want my video games to be the next thing censored. They did the same to SFV in certain aspects of design. So yeah, i guess im getting deeper into the shit, but whoop there it is.


DoA has not been taken seriously since the beginning because of the huge boobage. So yes, it is indeed a mentality thing. The devs want the next DoA to be taken more serious, already back with DoA5 with their slogan "I'm a Fighter!" but they are struggling against a reputation that has been with the franchise for so long.

So what to do with that? Turning down the boobage is a way of them to show that they are more than just about that. They want to change the mentality of people, they want to be recognised as a good fighting game, they want to be taken seriously. And this is indeed a way to do it.

I don't see it as censorship, but rather an identity change for the sake of the health of the franchise. They want to appeal to more people, expand their fanbase, and this is indeed a way to do just that.


Positive Poster!
"sexism" is an excuse used by ugly women whining about 10 thousand years of human evolution.
They can't cry loud enough for men to want them instead of attractive women so the standards are the same no matter what.

And if the breast size is the measure of how seriously games are taken, Tetris is the most serious game out there ever. No boobs, or even any round shapes.

Eat your salt, haters. No water to be had here.


Mr. Righteous
DoA has not been taken seriously since the beginning because of the huge boobage. So yes, it is indeed a mentality thing. The devs want the next DoA to be taken more serious, already back with DoA5 with their slogan "I'm a Fighter!" but they are struggling against a reputation that has been with the franchise for so long.

So what to do with that? Turning down the boobage is a way of them to show that they are more than just about that. They want to change the mentality of people, they want to be recognised as a good fighting game, they want to be taken seriously. And this is indeed a way to do it.

I don't see it as censorship, but rather an identity change for the sake of the health of the franchise. They want to appeal to more people, expand their fanbase, and this is indeed a way to do just that.
Hmmmm....*thinks*....I can definitely see that as a case too. I really hope its not a form of censorship because I've been seeing it already in our games and thats the LAST place censorship should be.


Positive Poster!
Breast Physics were set to basic, guys. Don't fret, boobage is still a major part of the game but it will have to be manually fondled to a hentai level if someone needs it that way. Default will likely be intentionally unimpressive.


Mr. Righteous
Breast Physics were set to basic, guys. Don't fret, boobage is still a major part of the game but it will have to be manually fondled to a hentai level if someone needs it that way. Default will likely be intentionally unimpressive.

OH MY SWEET GURKENS! They did have an option to make em bustier. HAHAHAHA! FACK!


I wouldnt worry, they’ve added sweat effects for compensatory lech lol

Also more realistic boob movement apparently.... gotta get the important stufff right first I guess.

Inb4 u instamain scantiest in game.


Dojo Trainee
PAUSE! I'm not thinking aesthetically, but more of a mentality thing. This has been brought up in the gaming world that certain things should be toned down because of sexism and this current day generation. You know how sensitive ppl are nowadays and this just sends a message of them bowing down to those type of demands, which i think is weak as fuck because i do NOT want my video games to be the next thing censored. They did the same to SFV in certain aspects of design. So yeah, i guess im getting deeper into the shit, but whoop there it is.
Waaait waaait. Are you saying SFV is censored in any way? Come on now, the game is fanservice incarnated. Laura's boobs don't even fit the loading screen lol. Cammy is virtually naked, I'm pretty sure you can see her vagina in certain moves. And blah blah blah.
And btw, is time to think in people like me, who do not like enormous chest. We need love too. I'm tired of every female character having the same type of body, variety doesn't hurt. And no, I do not count Marie Rose because loli (totally eighteen in europe versión though....lol).


Mr. Righteous
@QueenOmega For some reason it wont let me reply so BAM TAG!

Anyways, yes, you make some valid points. But believe or not sista, its true and they even stated it before. It was R.Mika's super where the tilted the camera angle of some sort.

But i get what you are saying, but my point is not to have all female characters have big boobs. I felt the reason why DOA changed their mechanics is to censor. Baby, you can have small titties, big titties, Arangatang titties, i dont givAshit! Whatever model the game is, dont change it because of potential outcry of this PC era we live in. Because once that starts, then baby, all our future video games will be in jeopardy. Thats all


Dojo Trainee
@QueenOmega For some reason it wont let me reply so BAM TAG!

Anyways, yes, you make some valid points. But believe or not sista, its true and they even stated it before. It was R.Mika's super where the tilted the camera angle of some sort.
If they really wanted to censor something, i'd say they messed up real bad, since now the anti-SJw fanatics are furious and the game is just as sexualized as before. What a way to keep both groups furious.
And I do not think this is an era of censorship and repression, it's just a change of taste. And for me, it was about time. Not everyone is gonna like changes, That's how it always is. You just need to take a look at the new Battlefield tráiler. I'm sorry Beezy but if something looks out of control to me, it's those retarded sexist man-kids.


FGC Cannon Fodder
I read this was a thing. Not sure I can get my thoughts going on a phone but I think there is room for it to be good or bad depending on how far it's taken.

Doa has made little attempt hiding its desire to be a masturbation fantasy. It also has a lot of other, strong design qualities and doesn't need to rely on putting every girl into a bikini to be great.

The breast physics are interesting in that I don't think there is anything wrong with modeling the real world, but that toning down some of the silliness in the way it was being done could be very reasonable. Or in short, keep it real, not absurd.

The outfits I would like to see toned down. Not every girl is a bikini girl. Be creative, not shallow. That said there are some really cool outfits that aren't strictly modest. Some characters might genuinely function better as somewhat suggestive characters than others. I don't know that I would want something truly radical done, but I also doubt that is what is going to happen.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Can't wait to main Ryu Hayabusha after so long. First Eddy, now Ryu.


FGC Cannon Fodder
I guess Max was allowed to do some direct capturing of him playing the game. There a decent amount of play he recorded and is getting to show off (especially given that we just found out about the thing).

Tony at Home

This game looks crazy dope. I loved doa5 but it was never enough to really hook me in.

I'm more excited for this than Soul Calibur 6 (which i'm pretty dam excited for so that says alot)

Day 1 Zack main
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Mr. Righteous
Both him and Rig are hotties. ♥

Diego reminds me of Miguel from Tekken and Brad from Virtua Fighter... Not a bad thing though. ;P
RIGHT!? Thats EXACTLY DOA was going for but more of a modern, Mexican American character. Hell, his moves even look like some of Miguels. He's a classic brawler type that just kicks ass! I dig it. And can't wait to try him.