...Uh, I wasn't even referring to B1 2 in that quote to begin with, but okay. Anyhow, if Ermac opts to do a wakeup, he'll snatch you with a lift and punish you with a full combo.QUOTE]
I didn't feel the need to quote you on the entire quote since it was your quote, but if you remember, you did refer to B12 in your comment.
Anyway, that's the beauty of Cyber's horribly long bomb activation. If Ermac opts to wakeup, 9 times out of 10, the bomb's delay will knock them back down, since they'll be in the middle of their lift. I've done it a million times. There's really hardly any risk involved. But if you feel he's going to be dumb enough to go for it, then fine, you don't have to pressure. Just park yourself next to his body while the bomb's beneath him, wait a little. If he wakes up, unfortunate for Ermac or characters of similar punishable "stand in one place" wakeups. If he doesn't, NJP close dive kick him onto the bomb. And the tech roll doesn't matter if he can't tech roll in certain situations.
But for the most part, the tech roll kills most bomb setups, to the U4 slide is obvious. Even then though, pressure still gets too people, especially at tournament play.