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CSZ anti-wakeup :D

I can't see the video on my kindle. What's happening.
JIP, 2xxMed. Ice Bomb~ 2,1,(Bomb Detonates)1+2~U4xxMed. Ice Bomb~ U4xxIcy Parry~ EX Slide.

Rough transcript:
Kabal gets hit in the usual Bomb Trap, CSZ ends with U4xxMed. Bomb.
CSZ dashes forward into U4xxIcy Parry, Kabal wakes up with EX Nomad Dash, CSZ cancels U4 into the parry, Kabal is parried by CSZ and gets blown back by the Ice Bomb before CSZ swings his Kori Blade as part of the successful Icy Parry.
Kabal wakes up with EX Tornado Slam and gets stuffed by the invisible Kori Blade after CSZ has already recovered from the swing a second ago, and CSZ OTG EX Slides Kabal for extra damage.

For the second video, it is the same combo as before, but with a new OTG in the corner:
JIP, 2xxMed. Ice Bomb~ 2,1,(Bomb Detonates)1+2~U4xxMed. Ice Bomb~ U4xxIcy Parry~ OTG 2xxClose Bomb~ 2,1,(Bomb Detonates)1+2~NJP, 4, 3,4, 3,3,2, Slide.

After the parry+bomb wakeup trap, Kabal gets hit by the invisible and unblockable Kori Blade and CSZ OTGs Kabal with 2xxClose Bomb, beginning a corner bomb trap combo.


Miley Cyrax®
Thank you for the description. Too difficult for my brain to make into logical sentences. I love that the ice parry glitch can lead to an OTG 50/50 setup in the corner.