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General/Other - Crystalline Crystalline Variation Discussion Thread


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
Interested in learning crystalline. What's the playstyle like though? (100% new to tremor) and what are some great threads to start off at
If it's not up always end with flex. Once flex is up just be patient. You just got yourself one of the best specias in the game. Its then just a matter of learning what to do while being patient. This variation takes a ton of matchup knowledge learning all of the punishable flex gaps, that I am still learning after 9+ months of only playing tremor. He is still an extremely fun and rewarding character for me.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
If it's not up always end with flex. Once flex is up just be patient. You just got yourself one of the best specias in the game. Its then just a matter of learning what to do while being patient. This variation takes a ton of matchup knowledge learning all of the punishable flex gaps, that I am still learning after 9+ months of only playing tremor. He is still an extremely fun and rewarding character for me.
By punishable flex gaps you mean the enemy strings that are normally safe become unsafe when tremor has flex on?
Once you have flex up, if you read the situation correctly, up rock is worth it absolutely. Although in most of the matchup now it seems other options are better. Meaty bf4 is an extremely effect tool. Tremor can hard knock down like a mother. Try learning all combos and conversions end in hkd. If you already have flex on hkd you are totally in control.


Switched from aftershock and I must say don't know why I didn't earlier. His flex in the corner is really fun when the opponent doesn't know what to do lol.

Deleted member 5032

Don't know this is is posted elsewhere, but you can combo off a meterless db1 in the corner with f121~db1-d1~db2u-123~ender.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
yea please bro lab this up, i would like to know worst case scenarios
record feature is your friend :)

ive looked into this before when uprock was better and it was still a dud imo. ill go over both normal up rock and ex uprock.
do this with normal up rock they can jump over you and while you'll be able to block a string after the jip hits, you still lost your turn and are in the corner.
with ex up rock you can block jip but no not have time to aa, there is no point of backdashing it as your just putting yourself in corner with less stamina.
with the jump outs you can guess there going to jump and do close up rock to knock them out of air.

with the chars you mentioned and ones in video (sub,ermac,goro,bo) all can punish this.
sub f4~slide (ex slide will avoid the close rock, normal slide will trade but you'll still be knocked half screen)
ermac f4~ex push (the uprock trades with ex push and gives ermac a full combo)
goro - 1~punchwalk (if you do close uprock it trades if goro didnt ex punchwalk)
bo- spining kane (prob more, i just took 5 mins in training mode to find these things)

basically all any char needs is a normal with enough cancel adv/hit advantage for the special cancel to still combo and moves that dont move forward just need to be ex'ed for a hit of armor, normal breaks the flex and the armor of the ex move eats the bolder.

TLDR version. not the best idea tbh

if you really want a setup using both flex and up rock, try 21d4u4, f3~ex dd1,f12~db2. db3
goro wouldnt have the time to get up and standing 1 in this situation as an example


Thanks, damm trying to find some use to crystalline is tough but i'll find other tech for it...ill take it down and definitely put more thought into the next set up


Aftershock | Crystalline | Metallic
Here's my new vidz, a corner set up (2 meter) to beat every wake up command grab.
the os is after B1. If the opponnent try to wake up, cancel B1 with SPRC and u get that free punish. If the opponnent doesn't wakeup you can finish the string B1D4U4 and still got the pressure.
I already used it into some great against top EU players #SurpriseMuthafcka

Let me know what do you think about it asap. @Killer Xinok @ShArp



Dedicated Broly main
Here's my new vidz, a corner set up (2 meter) to beat every wake up command grab.
the os is after B1. If the opponnent try to wake up, cancel B1 with SPRC and u get that free punish. If the opponnent doesn't wakeup you can finish the string B1D4U4 and still got the pressure.
I already used it into some great against top EU players #SurpriseMuthafcka

Let me know what do you think about it asap. @Killer Xinok @ShArp

You sure as hell don't waste your time in a lab. This is huuuuge. Will take some time to get used to it tho.​


Dedicated Broly main
Hopefully you got some MU knowledge from our games prior haha. Tho playing with 300-400 ms wasnt so smooth lol (Brasil-Lithuania).


Here's my new vidz, a corner set up (2 meter) to beat every wake up command grab.
the os is after B1. If the opponnent try to wake up, cancel B1 with SPRC and u get that free punish. If the opponnent doesn't wakeup you can finish the string B1D4U4 and still got the pressure.
I already used it into some great against top EU players #SurpriseMuthafcka

Let me know what do you think about it asap. @Killer Xinok @ShArp

I'm interested in crystalline, it's all new to me.
I'm confused why you summoned the ex rock. How does that help ?