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Community's Agreement about B*******


Injustice is about to launch, and you can already hear the crying of a thousand Filthy Casuals™ crying for nerfs.

"KF vortex is broken"
"Deathstroke's spamming (Filthy Casual™ word)"
"Dashing is too awkward"

As the game evolves new stuff will be discovered and ways to counter that stuff. This happens with every fighting game. This happened with MK. This happened to our friendly neighbour Kano.

Do we want Kanos in Injustice? No we don't.

So I propose an agreement between the real members of the community, who's voice actually counts for something. With people who actually know what they're doing and would like the game to grow and flourish in the tournament scene.

We will not bitch.
We will not cry.
We are the Injustice Community.

Of course, I'm not saying "don't patch infinites", all the obvious broken crap from a fundamental level should be (and will be) patched. I'm just saying, calm your horses. Watch your words/videos. Learn the game. Then come back at us with new ways to play the game.

That is all.

You know what I'm looking forward to most? Cossner not being able to baby me in ranked.


Online Punching Bag
I'm hoping with their "improved netcode" we will have many less complaints because some stuff really did seem that bad when MK9 first came out online and was laggy as fuck. There was no way to punish a reptile dash or raiden teleport, kung lao could spin all day with no chance for retribution because they were low frame moves in the first place and in that much lag had no risk.
I'm hoping with their "improved netcode" we will have many less complaints because some stuff really did seem that bad when MK9 first came out online and was laggy as fuck. There was no way to punish a reptile dash or raiden teleport, kung lao could spin all day with no chance for retribution because they were low frame moves in the first place and in that much lag had no risk.
Well even if they seem "that bad", now you can just look at the frame data that's right in front of you and come to the conclusion that it's probably only online BS :).


Online Punching Bag
Well even if they seem "that bad", now you can just look at the frame data that's right in front of you and come to the conclusion that it's probably only online BS :).
Yeah plus when the game first came out the servers or netcode or whatever was screwing it up was atrocious, one of the patches my games got 10 times less laggy, before that, it was like watching stop motion animation almost every match.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Yea everyone stfu cause come April 16 all of u will bitch about f23 breath being a block infinite w superman


Ive been playing Injustice hard for about 9 days now. I dont want to give anything away and spoil things for you guys, but I will say there is alot of dirty stuff in this game. However, the dirt is spread amongst a ton of characters. Almost every character has something that will make you will scream "That is such bullshit!" And honestly, the game is alot more fun for it.
I also think this game will generate salt levels that will put MK9's salt to shame. Maybe even Marvel 2 levels of salt. When you lose in this game to something really dirty(and you will lol) your gonna want to flip your TV over, and when you win with something equally dirty you will feel all warm and fuzzy inside and enjoy every moment of your opponents salt. The game is a huge amount of fun and its absolutely a great game, but be prepared for the dirt, cuz its everywhere.


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
This thread is pretty much a circle jerk for all the elitist MK community players. Not that I have a problem with it, but your rage for what is mostly people being overexcited or just newbies posting questions is tremendous.

BTW, whenever you say "We are the Injustice Community" you are nowhere near the majority nor the ones giving most amount of money to NRS. Just give these new people some time and a little guidance, and don't be a bigot to them. There are far too many profile points pointlessly whining about the influx of new players


Tired, But Strong
There's some merit to waht you say, Vocket, but at the same time I'm pretty sure there are plenty of seasoned players/members that are just as prone to jumping the gun and crying "OP". It's just what people do. People are already declaring characters to be amazing or trash based on a few impressions, having not touched it themselves.

I should hope that something like this thread would ground at least one or two such people in reality and remind them of what shortsightedness did to MK9. If it does that much, I'd be thankful.


I am your god
This thread is pretty much a circle jerk for all the elitist MK community players. Not that I have a problem with it, but your rage for what is mostly people being overexcited or just newbies posting questions is tremendous.

BTW, whenever you say "We are the Injustice Community" you are nowhere near the majority nor the ones giving most amount of money to NRS. Just give these new people some time and a little guidance, and don't be a bigot to them. There are far too many profile points pointlessly whining about the influx of new players
Well said


King of the Jobbers 2015
This thread is pretty much a circle jerk for all the elitist MK community players. Not that I have a problem with it, but your rage for what is mostly people being overexcited or just newbies posting questions is tremendous.

BTW, whenever you say "We are the Injustice Community" you are nowhere near the majority nor the ones giving most amount of money to NRS. Just give these new people some time and a little guidance, and don't be a bigot to them. There are far too many profile points pointlessly whining about the influx of new players
I don't really care about what scrubs say or not about the game. This thread was meant for "people who actually know what they're doing and would like the game to grow and flourish in the tournament scene". Which is the vocal minority of Injustice players who'll play the game competitively.

And believe me, I know we're a tiny, tiiiinnnyyy fraction of people who play the game. But we're the people who support the game, who play it every day for years and years, who learn every bit and piece of gameplay. Filthy Casuals™ want "to see who would win in a battle between Superman and Batman". They don't care about the fighting mechanics, so what's the point in listening talk about gameplay? Will they ever go to a tournament? Will they ever try to evolve their meta game? Or will they just whine about Deathstroke's "spamming"? If they want something more from the game and the community, then they're not Filthy Casuals™, plain and simple. I don't understand why so many people get offended when I use the patented phrase Filthy Casuals™, even though I've never personally called anyone a Filthy Casual™. You're not a Filthy Casual™ for being new at the game, you're a Filthy Casual™ because you have a shallow understanding of how the competitive community works. (Not you you, of course).

And I love blowing people up for saying "I won't buy this game because wonder woman's tiara doesn't sparkle enough!" and "we should nuke north korea because they haven't done anything for Muhrica!". I never blow up new people who actually want to learn the game, hell, I made a goddamn website that's gonna be full of info about the game! I blow up stupidity :tonyt, I've been doing that since I got here lol, it's just that the amount of stupidity has increased lol


Injustice is about to launch, and you can already hear the crying of a thousand Filthy Casuals™ crying for nerfs.

"KF vortex is broken"
"Deathstroke's spamming (Filthy Casual™ word)"
"Dashing is too awkward"

As the game evolves new stuff will be discovered and ways to counter that stuff. This happens with every fighting game. This happened with MK. This happened to our friendly neighbour Kano.

Do we want Kanos in Injustice? No we don't.

So I propose an agreement between the real members of the community, who's voice actually counts for something. With people who actually know what they're doing and would like the game to grow and flourish in the tournament scene.

We will not bitch.
We will not cry.
We are the Injustice Community.

Of course, I'm not saying "don't patch infinites", all the obvious broken crap from a fundamental level should be (and will be) patched. I'm just saying, calm your horses. Watch your words/videos. Learn the game. Then come back at us with new ways to play the game.

That is all.


I don't really care about what scrubs say or not about the game. This thread was meant for "people who actually know what they're doing and would like the game to grow and flourish in the tournament scene". Which is the vocal minority of Injustice players who'll play the game competitively.

And believe me, I know we're a tiny, tiiiinnnyyy fraction of people who play the game. But we're the people who support the game, who play it every day for years and years, who learn every bit and piece of gameplay. Filthy Casuals™ want "to see who would win in a battle between Superman and Batman". They don't care about the fighting mechanics, so what's the point in listening talk about gameplay? Will they ever go to a tournament? Will they ever try to evolve their meta game? Or will they just whine about Deathstroke's "spamming"? If they want something more from the game and the community, then they're not Filthy Casuals™, plain and simple. I don't understand why so many people get offended when I use the patented phrase Filthy Casuals™, even though I've never personally called anyone a Filthy Casual™. You're not a Filthy Casual™ for being new at the game, you're a Filthy Casual™ because you have a shallow understanding of how the competitive community works. (Not you you, of course).
so basically, you are saying that unless you contribute to this site or any other Injustice based site and go to tournaments, you have no say in anything? But then you pretty much say that you don't care either way because you fully agree the offline scene is only a small fraction of the money that goes to NRS for sales.

Let me do you a favor and explain something that a lot of people who are offline players never seem to get. And before you say something along the lines of, "well, it's easy for you to say that behind a monitor", trust me when I say this, I have told offline players this to their faces. I've been to many tournaments so the offline scene is nothing new to me.

anyway, here's what I want to say. For all your bitching about casual players and their complaints to nerf this and buff that, the changes will not do anything to you when it comes to still supporting the game. You want to call yourself the only players that matter, which is cool I guess. Whatever you find amusing you are entitled to. Yet you seem to forget that whatever changes come to the game via patches, it's not as if you are not allowed to abuse the next best thing. Does nerfing and buffing not enable you to explore your character further besides the same abusable strings and so? Or do you want to forget how much adjusting the KL community had to do and still prove the character could win?

What? Is this about character loyalty? Have you not been around the tournament scene long enough that you realize a lot of that doesn't really matter anymore if you are in it for the win?

Sure, in a few months the majority of the online players, or filthy casuals as some call them, will be gone and moved on to the next great thing that gaming has to offer. But you seem to forget that even with as bad as the netcode for MK9 was, there was still a dedicated bunch of online only players who actually knew what they were talking about. do you look down on these players aswell? Do you really think they did not have as good an understanding of the game as some offline players did?



King of the Jobbers 2015
so basically, you are saying that unless you contribute to this site or any other Injustice based site and go to tournaments, you have no say in anything? But then you pretty much say that you don't care either way because you fully agree the offline scene is only a small fraction of the money that goes to NRS for sales.

Let me do you a favor and explain something that a lot of people who are offline players never seem to get. And before you say something along the lines of, "well, it's easy for you to say that behind a monitor", trust me when I say this, I have told offline players this to their faces. I've been to many tournaments so the offline scene is nothing new to me.

anyway, here's what I want to say. For all your bitching about casual players and their complaints to nerf this and buff that, the changes will not do anything to you when it comes to still supporting the game. You want to call yourself the only players that matter, which is cool I guess. Whatever you find amusing you are entitled to. Yet you seem to forget that whatever changes come to the game via patches, it's not as if you are not allowed to abuse the next best thing. Does nerfing and buffing not enable you to explore your character further besides the same abusable strings and so? Or do you want to forget how much adjusting the KL community had to do and still prove the character could win?

What? Is this about character loyalty? Have you not been around the tournament scene long enough that you realize a lot of that doesn't really matter anymore if you are in it for the win?

Sure, in a few months the majority of the online players, or filthy casuals as some call them, will be gone and moved on to the next great thing that gaming has to offer. But you seem to forget that even with as bad as the netcode for MK9 was, there was still a dedicated bunch of online only players who actually knew what they were talking about. do you look down on these players aswell? Do you really think they did not have as good an understanding of the game as some offline players did?

This is not a Filthy Casual™ bashing thread, for starters. I, as in me, don't care about their opinions.

I have an experience with this other game I'd like to share with you all. Gather round children. This game was called Halo Wars. When Halo Wars came out there was something called "Warthog Rush". The way to defeat the Warthog Rush? Marines. But Marines were known to be a cheap, shitty unit. So Filthy Casuals™ never made marines, and got destroyed by the famous Warthog Rush all the time. I figured marines were the key, and got from rank 40,000 to 15 in less than a month. There was a lot of bitching and whining, the game got rebalanced, it turned into a mess. They made a character unusable, and now the game devolves into the same garbage. They killed the game. I don't think the Halo Wars servers are still up.

Sure, I don't wanna pay for what Filthy Casuals™ complain about in the first 3 months for the next 1, 2, 3, 4 years I remain playing this game. But that's not the point of this thread. Point is, before crying for nerfs and buffs, let's figure out the game so it can be slowly patched when needed, so that MK doesn't happen again.

Also my opinion is all that matters because Nicolas Cage.

so basically, you are saying that unless you contribute to this site or any other Injustice based site and go to tournaments, you have no say in anything?
If you have deep knowledge of the game, and you've played it at the highest level, then yeah. If this is your first fighting game and you don't know the difference between a normal and a special. Then no.

But you seem to forget that even with as bad as the netcode for MK9 was, there was still a dedicated bunch of online only players who actually knew what they were talking about. do you look down on these players aswell? Do you really think they did not have as good an understanding of the game as some offline players did?
1/100000 of online players, and they usually play offline too/go to touraments.

Also this http://testyourmight.com/threads/playing-to-win-part-1.34/