@manuel, i can't wait... 

Downloading the messenger. Its on Friday the 24th at 7pm for you. During the tournament this will be the preferred chat... said:ok, then could you add me on msn? [email protected]
Sure thing, man, just let me know when/if you come down hereFatalTragedy said:Shit NinjaGrinder, I didn't know you were from Bogota. I spent five weeks there because my ex-girlfriend went back to Los Andes (she's from Bogota as well) for grad school. Great city, if I'm ever back that way I'm getting some offlines with you. I dig on the South American play style.
Holy shit. He's bein serious.FatalTragedy said:Even beer is on hold (gasp).
A cookie.GoldenOreos said:what do the winners get?
-_- * slaps X820 *X820 said:My nigga, lol.
lol, you doooo ?tonshaad1230 said:What is that PS all about I didn't understand it, and I was smacking a mod out of no where? I always do this with X820 so whats the problem?
Added, please stand by to test your connection with McNasty and myself.Lotso of Huggin Bear said:I would also like to be in this tourney
kaillera name : Lotzo the Bear
I'll add you on msn.NinjaGrinder said:It seems I couldn't test my conection in time, so it will be next time
I'm open for casuals tough
Brackets will be put up asap.psycho4rent said:Brackets, where's the brackets?
You don't need it, as you can host a P2p game yourself.Dreamcatcher said:
Taken from the Hamachi P2p thread, here in the UMK3 section.mud said:Hamachi is awesome!
I created 4 more networks for hamachi
classic mk1
classic mk2
classic mk3
classic umk3
all use the 1234 passwords
This way we know what games the users are looking to play. We can use this as a replacement for the "waiting for games" feature in p2p since no one really uses it...