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Classic Reptile Skin Koming for Amazon.com Pre-orders'


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Looks SICK!

I'm getting more and more and more anxious and HYPED for this game... :D


Classic arenas,classic costumes,classic music,classic fatalities....now I'm 95% convinced that there is no such thing as MKHD arcade collection. The other 5% are just in case....But Reptile looks awesome.
Its not right that this is pre order only. Just saying.

People have been asking for human rep for a long time. They should just give to us. Not make you pre-order it.

Not a big deal, just saying... Last time i pre-ordered a game was Metroid Prime 2.


Check, no worries on pre-orders... all the preorders will eventually become DLC, just as it happened with Transformers War For Cybertron... all the different "exclusive" pack-ins were DLC within a month... and it didn't matter which ones you got... if you got one, you still had to pay for the DLC pack which included your "exclusive" in it as well... no worries... LOL


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I was thinking along the same concerns as Check but the others HAVE to be DLC, we just may or may not pay for them...either way if they become available, FINE by me! One way or another. I think Phil's right, most games do have that "get this DLC with pre-order free" do tend to release as later DLC for everyone(it wouldn't be fair if they withheld that)

Reptile looks hot, but I think I'm going to go with Scorpion from GS since I have already pre-ordered the normal game I'll have to update shortly hehe :)

Sub for BB, nice.

At least thye're not expanding it haha, Target you get Ermac alternate, Walmart you get Smoke alternate, Toys R us you get Noob alternate etc, etc lol thankfully they're only doing 3 with the pre-order free DLC.

The tournament pre-order, let me get this straight. You get a joystick(tempting but I don't play on sticks anymore) and ALL the DLC Reptile, Scorp and Sub? Where as the Special Edition you get more MK fanatic stuff, figures, DLC hmmmm....decisions decisions.

I want to see this joystick before I make my choice...only thing is, any word on prices? Will tournament edition be more then special or will they be the same? I know or am almost sure both will be more then the standard version.


Justice 4 Firestorm
I'm actually excited to see Ninja Reptile, but I'll have to get it at a later date. I already preordered at GS and will have to change to Kollector's edition.


Shadow Priest
I'm not buying that.

Gamestop release date is 3/1/2011.

I'll wait to a confirmed date, before I buy anything.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Apparently the KE and TE confirmed to offer all the DLC of ninjas revealed so far plus a 4th one, that's awesome!

I think ninja reppy looks good, can't imagine Scorp and Sub. I hope Scorp has a skull covered honestly and black hoodie.

Sub, his eyes should be frozen blue I hope.