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Characters you want to main, but can't?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Kabal, because I think he's fucking glorious.
Skarlet, because I KNOW she's glorious, I just can't go fast enough to be credible with her.
Sektor, because I've been waiting to play him forever, but I hate his playstyle.
Cyber Sub-Zero, because he's a fucking robot Sub-Zero. 16 year after MK3, we finally get him. Goddamn Bombs.


FREDDY! I soon as i saw he was being released i was like "no matter what, THAT is my new main right there". Buy i just cant get the hang of him at all. That far claw is gonna give me arthritis


Rain. I pushed for him as DLC in MK9 AND MKvsDC. I just wanted to play a next-gen Rain. Bought when he came out. I was like "Yeah, there's Rain" and went back to my other characters.

I'll play him every now and then but his playstyle seems so iffy and the combos I do with him are bare-bones (~20%).

I really want to learn him since I don't have a pseudo rushdown guy like him in my arsenal but I just can't play him. Heck my Stryker's better than my Rain and i've barely played the cop.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Skarlett. I tried, really did. And Cage too,just not aggressive enough I suppose

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Ive always wanted to main Shang Tsung. Lately, Ive been in the lab with him and have taken him online to spar... however his flaws are really effecting my gameplay and I find myself not enjoying playing him as I had before... Maybe its because of online, who knows. Still trying him out.

Another character would probably be Kabal. His NDC pressure seems unreal.... when done right. I can do it, just not mixing it up or doing it constantly and consistently. I decided to drop him due to this.

Noob Saibot was going to be my main before the game came out. I was playing the demo and saw Noobs trailer and thought that Id be maining him. His playstyle seems very ... scrubby to me. Too much reliance on clones make him seem very spamable. His reset would be a badass combo that would make me main him, but its so easily avoidable if you know how, not worth trying.


Formerly Kevo8390
Quan Chi. I wanted to be good with him so badly but his playstyle is just so foreign to me. I find myself not being able to get in on people with him outside of the teleport, which is complete ass. Sadly no Woolays for me. :(


Raiden. I think he looks awesome when played well. Sadly when I play him he looks very f***** unawesome and it makes me sad.


Gonna necro this thread, however I think two days of no posts are of little consequence as opposed to weeks or months without posts.
There is still opportunity if that's the only problem.
The thing with me is, when I pick up a new fighting game, I need to stick with at least one character since I start playing. I can't really start playing Ermac at this point in the game, having to learn all new match ups.

The only different case was Tekken 5 when I started playing Steve and Lee, being that I didn't play Tekken 4 and subzerosmokerai actually had an Lee as an alternate. Tekken is also a game I play for fun rather than money.


Go to hell.
Gonna necro this thread, however I think two days of no posts are of little consequence as opposed to weeks or months without posts.

The thing with me is, when I pick up a new fighting game, I need to stick with at least one character since I start playing. I can't really start playing Ermac at this point in the game, having to learn all new match ups.

The only different case was Tekken 5 when I started playing Steve and Lee, being that I didn't play Tekken 4 and subzerosmokerai actually had an Lee as an alternate. Tekken is also a game I play for fun rather than money.
I see what you are saying. I agree, I really only stick with the ninjas.... Bt I used all of them since day 1 and picked my favorites from there.


Shang Tsung, he's so tight and awesome in this game, love watching high level Shang, but he just doesn't suit my style. He's my play for fun character though and he helped me learn a great chunk of the rest of the roster when he was my number 4 guy for about a while.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I'd like to be better with Shang and Sektor, I like both of them, but suck pretty hard with both. I don't know where to start with Shang and Sektor's whiffing and lack of good mixups also bother me. I see Sektor players get away with murder constantly and it baffles me (even I don't consistently punish his strings but it's deeply rooted in my head now). I feel like he, Quan and Nightwolf all need a little more love from NRS. Somehow, Quan kinda sticks though. I do not have a main.

Cage - I get more unwanted negative edge with him than I do with CSZ. I'm dead serious.
What?! How?! Dash 2s turning into accidental F2s?


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
id like to be able to use skarlet at tourny level, like her design but her bnbs destroy my hands.
shang also but i know i wouldnt invest the time he needs for him only to be my alt (he helped make mileena after all)

pretty much unless the have tarkatan blood i wont care enough about the char to invest my full time into them, i feel you really have to love your main(s) as a char and there story, as well as how they play

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
That, F3,2 giving me F3 xx energy ball and dash 4,4s becoming F4s. Although since then it's become apparent that I can just lame it out with a F3 link instead.
I can't say I find all that much use out of F3 2 anymore, it used to be phenomenal when you could do F3 2 nut punch, but now...eh. The dash 44 isn't too bad though. Cage is just a sequence of dash input, dash input, dash input, dash input. Once you get used to it he's not bad and he's still one of the simplest characters hands down. I have trouble with his f3 and hitting a standing 3 on occasion though, that's aggravating.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Kenshi, as he is the only character I played in the PS2 MK games.
Kano, because I love how brutal he is.
Noob Saibot, because I love his look and style, and I used him in Trilogy exclusively.
Ermac, as he is probably my favorite ninja in MK9.
And that's about it.


Online Punching Bag
I'd like to main Sheeva but she sucks in so many matches due to most of her normals being slower than crap and some of her specials being easy to avoid. Seriously you have one special that only hits people low, one that hits them standing and one that hits only in air. You certainly have to do a lot of right guessing.


24 Low Hat!
I want to play smoke but I hate him combustion string. CSZ too, he's friggin cool but I cant seem to get his playstyle