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Character types and your 3


missiles are coming
I don't like to look at Ermac as just a zoner, nor like to consider Sektor an all around character since his zoning (as well as anyone who isn't Kenshi or Freddy) is becoming obsolete. I'd consider both of these characters footsie/spacing based.

I also don't think it is wise to say that a character is a punishing character, that implies they have to wait until someone else makes a mistake.

Kung Lao is centered around his mobility imo, and a constant threat of spin. If anything he is more rush down based than Ermac and Sektor in my opinion. But not as much as pure rush down characters like Cage.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
The labels are all too rudimentary. Forget them, play the characters that are right for you and play them how you want to play them. the only way you can see what works well with them is by playing lots of matchups with good players of their own character.


Master of Quanculations
My primary is obviously Kenshi. But I never thought "i need to round out my team to cover different styles." I just have Lao and Kitana under my belt now if I need them to fight Kabal or Lao.


Cold day in hell...
Cyber is 150% rush

Kenshi is hybrid Zoner and Rusher

Mileena in the words of tom brady is just "Trash Bitch"
How do you feel about CSZ as a counter to Cage? You probably don't worry about him much since you play Kenshi but I was thinking about improving my CSZ and using him against Cage because his parry can help shut down the pressure game cage has.


ermac is trash in de corner. just cause u have it doesnt mean your gonna land it. ermac is too punishable to be very effective in de corner
Would you consider Ermac a zoner? I mean I have an average Sindel/Freddy as zoners but I been thinking of switching to Ermac. He can be quite good up close occasionally though.


Master of Quanculations
I definitely agree, a lot of people tend to forget that Cyrax has awesome low pokes and some great strings that are 0, -3, or +5 on block. His rushdown isn't anything to scoff at.
Yes yes yes. Cyrax's rushdown is goddamn ridiculous. His down1 has great range and is wonderful on anti-crossover. His arms are very long and he moves forward as he jabs you so you can't get out. And the pure rhythm of his jabs makes it very hard to tell when he's gonna stop and you can poke out. Throw in those random fairy jumps and he can be overwhelming at times.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
i suppose but i mean i wouldnt even call noob a zoner at least ermac has force push i guess


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
How do you feel about CSZ as a counter to Cage? You probably don't worry about him much since you play Kenshi but I was thinking about improving my CSZ and using him against Cage because his parry can help shut down the pressure game cage has.
D3 messes Cyber Sub up from what I can tell in that matchup. The parry is alright but regular Sub-Zero is a much better counter to cage, imo.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Yea d3 and d4 give enough advantage on hit that if I think after 11f1 you will do f3 and u land a d3 or d4 then it's gonna hurt


Cold day in hell...
I will have to work on the matchup with human Sub Zero then. It usually goes alright if I can keep him away from me.


Having a 6 frame poke is still a pretty big deal if you want to get someone like Cage off you.


RIP Ex Smash
Having a 6 frame poke is still a pretty big deal if you want to get someone like Cage off you.
All you get is 1% damage and no frame advantage if it hits. All he has to do is block it once and you'll be at -10 and he'll light you up.