B2 is 0 on block, is only 16 frames, super hard to punish on a whiff, advances you farther then any d4 can reach. And lowers ur hotbox so cross ups will whiff ? I'm sure ikizzle would want to hear about them patch ideas
Your 9 frame jab Amit quick enough? You want an 8 frame jab? I'm sure detroit ballin would want to hear you cry about that.
Dude. Telling by your awesome accent your not a north America player. if you plan on going to evo I'm warning you to save your money. These guys are for real. They know how to use every normal and string in there proper situation.
Just learn how to use your character to his full potential. Csz so dosen't need a buff. Sonya doesn't need a nerf.
And dude I wouldn't be telling others they don't know what their talking about just after posting videos about how free I was.
I guess you just can't be told, but il say it again, you don't know what your talking about with this character, you can't just read somberness's frame data and become a self proclaimed expert.
So read this and try get your head around the following.
B1 being a 16 frame move with +4 on block doesn't mean anything to CSZ, as his fastest 9 frame jab is high, whilst his mids are 13-15 frames. (bp 15, fk 13)
If I was to land a blocked b1 from a JIP (which is the only place to use this normal) the only safe thing to do is to attempt another normal or poke (d3), as he has no safe specials from block strings and going into f2 from b1 on block makes the b1 string unsafe and I will still have to link in a special from it, and that will also be unsafe.
So, it leaves me with only the choice of

or d3, and the opponent runs no risk what so ever of mashing out a poke, as my

will get beat out by any d3 or d1 in the game, and even worse, my d3 on hit is only +3 (-10 on block), allowing the opponent to jump out of my standing 3 or 2, and even if I try any of these after I hit d3, I can still be hit out my string by any opponents 10 frame or less special/normal/poke, so it takes no priority on a JIP over any other string. I can even be hit with d3 after I hit confirm my d3 on the opponent if I attempt to try anything other than another d3, but what's the point in that?...your welcome to tell me.
This same scenario happens after all my block strings on 0 if the opponent reads it, and b2 is no different.
Your in way over your head with me on this.
I also never said Sonya needs nerfed, so please stop trying to fabricate quotes from me.