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CEO 2015 Viewing Guide, Hype & Updates

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Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
Man you don't watch much int he way of fighing games do you
I mean it's never hype to see the same character play against each other over and over. It was Kobu vs. Pyro. not even Dragon Naginata was given a chance? That'll drain anyone.
And you all complained about Kabal in MK9.... HA.... that was nothing compared to Tanya.... at least Kabal was fun to watch and there wasn't nothing but Kabal mirrors like Tanya mirrors in mkx.... welcome to tekken status MKX


After reading all the negative comments about Tanya in this thread, if NRS and @colt doesn't fix that god damn character, I'm sorry to say, but MKX born dead apparently. Well... didn't really born dead, but Tanya managed to kill it.
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Top 8 is starting to lose steam, but Gross and D.R. were hype tho! They both did a great job adapting to Tanya and made their characters look really fun to play.

EDIT: Okay that finals was pretty great. Nothing like the excitement from grand finals from past majors, but still great. Props to DJT really intelligent player
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I've been on the buff the characters/variations that need it train.

I started with Mileena and Kano. Mileena was hella buggy and had a lot of issues on release. NRS has been fixing/buffing her problems with each patch. Kano had a block infinite against some characters with b1, I was more for giving the characters bugfs to deal with the pressure. NRS did that and nerfed Kano a little too much when he was just an decent character.

Maybe some characters deserve the Bane treatment after all. But no one deserves the Injustice Scorpion treatment.
No, but they do deserve the superman treatment or maybe not even that bad. Idk why I'm even arguing though because NRS is going to nerf her because they don't want the game to look as bad as it just did at ESL or Evo. And nothing any of us say will change that.
least hype finals :(
I wanted to see Reo try DJT, I heard he was able to beat him quite a few times during practice.
REO vs Sonicfox was very hype even though tanya vs tanya.
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