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Match Footage CD Jr's Rain


Frost Warrior
yeah but 43 has longer reach and if I get counter hit I'll drop to the ground and roll back because 4 registers rain as if he is airbone is a pretty cheap tactic but it works alot
Hmm....I see your point. I always use 3,3 when the enemy is up close because it can stuff some attacks pretty fast. I never knew about the 4 airbone thing though. Thats intresting....
I like Vizio as a brand but the only way to get rid of high def input lag is with a VGM cable. It doesn't matter the brand; I think Plasma TVs may not have the input lag but LCD's do because of a function they have that is automatically turned on to eliminate ghosting. VGM cables eliminate this because the area that the VGM cable runs through actually is the only port that doesn't use this automatically enabled process.
I have plasma so I guess i'm good then.


If those tvs weren't that laggy I couldve done better :( idk what I'm gonna do at summerjam rains combos are so strict man hope the tvs there have no lag I can't use jax either on those tvs because the corner combos are almost impossible
To do with lag unless you are use to it which I'm
Honestly man I gave up on Rain after a few days of practicing with him, but after I saw you play with him last thursday night I have been training non stop with Rain! Keep up the good work!!


Lol those are the best to play tho
no lag but isn't 480i capped at 30 fps? so really both suck, but I'd rather play a lagless HD monitor any day

the "field rate" is 60hz on a CRT, but because of the interlacing is double the actual framerate of 30. MK is made to run at ~60fps....

So the lack of input lag is really counter-acted by the lack of frames displayed that would actually give you proper feedback...just as bad imo. CRTs are WAAAY overrated.


CD jr, your Rain is awesome. However, why did you choose never to do a full BnB combo, I mean, you had the chance to complete 40%+ dmg combos with a reset but you just let it go, are these mind games? I mean they didn't have breaker or anything. You confused me.

Also, on the match with your brother I totally thought you could have won, you just lost your cool, got anxious, and got way less aggressive. The way you play Rain where you are super aggressive is perfect, you let your brother get in your head on that one set, where ALL the matches before you got in everyone elses head. Either way, SICK Rain.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
no lag but isn't 480i capped at 30 fps? so really both suck, but I'd rather play a lagless HD monitor any day

the "field rate" is 60hz on a CRT, but because of the interlacing is double the actual framerate of 30. MK is made to run at ~60fps....

So the lack of input lag is really counter-acted by the lack of frames displayed that would actually give you proper feedback...just as bad imo. CRTs are WAAAY overrated.
...There's no framerate difference for playing on a CRT...


sigh lol but man I like love that ex RH its so sick and the canceling is crazy when it works write..

*Sigh* if only the fans were freakin breakable.
sigh lol but man I like love that ex RH its so sick an the cancelling is crazy when it works write I have learned alot hopefully I can figure out how to use that and get in my 58 precent combo in but yeah great match!


I've posted this everywhere but, SO PROUD! as soon as I read this post and saw CD Jr's rain for the first time I knew there was going to be no one else winning tournaments. I caught the finals with Erik Warda and CD JR, need to rewatch that to figure out how the hell to get by a fast as hell rushdown kabal, CD JR, so happy for you. But we gotta watch out for all these new rain players that are inevitably gonna be coming out of the woodworks.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
yea im proud i started learning Rain - Major congrats to CD JR representing hard

See you on the Stream Sep 24th

Rain rocks

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Fuck yes he does.

Let me finish the title of this thread:

"CDJr's Rain.......wins major tournaments."


Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Fuck yes he does.

Let me finish the title of this thread:

"CDJr's Rain.......wins major tournaments."

One could easily argue this tourney being as big as evo w the players that were there. Im pissed i was unable to attend.

*crosses fingers for Seasons Beatings*

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
He won simply because he uses his character to the fullest of its potential...i mean he lands that uppercut combo as easy as sub bnb, he literally uses all of rains strings showing that as a player he's as diverse as they come, he anti airs in every single possible way and always follows it up with a combo, b2 mix ups, RH cancel pressure, corner pressure, WATER pressure lol. I didn't think rain was as good as he makes him look(still don't) but it just goes to show you how good he really is,it takes a really good player to beat all the heavy hitters he beat. Very very intelligent and resourceful player.


true, Rain is a character for highly intelligent players and has a steep learning curve. Its funny how the Rain bandwagon was so gung-ho to get him on board and when he was actually released they rejected him saying he "failed to make expectations/sucked." I have great respect for CD Jr as well as the other Dominican brothers. I feel there will be more Rains than Subzeros in tournament in future.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
He won simply because he uses his character to the fullest of its potential...i mean he lands that uppercut combo as easy as sub bnb, he literally uses all of rains strings showing that as a player he's as diverse as they come, he anti airs in every single possible way and always follows it up with a combo, b2 mix ups, RH cancel pressure, corner pressure, WATER pressure lol. I didn't think rain was as good as he makes him look(still don't) but it just goes to show you how good he really is,it takes a really good player to beat all the heavy hitters he beat. Very very intelligent and resourceful player.
I think you hit the nail on the head

Rain is upper mid tier but under the hands of CD JR he feels like top 5.

This goes back to the notion i brought up long ago where i think tiers matter not as much in this game, Im a firm believer in the player behind the character. Take cd jr's jax, jax is not top 10 but CD JR plays him and anti airs w him and combos w him like he is.

Also Rain does have a steep learning curve, it's very easy to look foolish with him yet when you're on you're on with him.


...There's no framerate difference for playing on a CRT...
I'm not making shit up lol

the only way a CRT could display the same framerate of an HDtv would be if it was a computer monitor with an insane refresh rate to match. The game may be running at 60fps but on a CRT running at 30hz you're only going to see 30 fps.

its half the reason progressive scan was invented


The Gryphon
Things ive analyzed from summer jam:
33 is a quick and excellent footsie tool
B2-3 is very very fast and adds mindgames for his B2-1+2 over head
*** lighting into dash under uppercut links into 4-3 and is a great way to corner reversal into his Poppin Bottles loop (juggled 4-3- geyser kick)
*** S.Roundhouse makes block strings safe and S.RH canceling adds mind games, pressure, and retarded amounts of meter (which rain is crippled without)

Things that I thought about that are now hit confirmed
1-2-F4 is garbage to get in with
Lightinings hitbox needs adjusting
waterport is Godlike
ex bubble is godlike
ex roundhouse is just unholy

Lastly. I didnt see to much of the watergun, I mean i use it at the end of combos that bring the opponent to the corner to get rid of there oki options and force meter to remove the random X-ray threat or the breaker, but maybe you just forgot about it or something. Your rain otherwise is Swagtastic


I cannot believe how easy he made the uppercut combo's look! I had even disregarded them as too hard when they were found out and CDjr doesn't seem to have any trouble dishing them out. Probably the spacing is ideal every time. I can get the lightning, dash under slightly and do the uppercut so the opponent flies to the other side but then every time I feel I have to dash to get in even -one- hit. He performs it like he doesn't even need to move to get in the two kicks and follow-up.

He -does- follow up the UC with 4,3 right....?

The matches were very entertaining and very educational for me. Too bad I couldn't see it live.