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Canon Story and Characters for MK10


Angry Joshua
While all the games in the franchise have something to offer, I think it's safe to say that, prior to Mortal Kombat (2011), the best in the franchise was the original trilogy. Mortal Kombat 4 to Mortal Kombat: Armageddon were not as well received for several reasons, and I think NetherRealm Studios generally acknowledges this with Mortal Kombat (2011).

They rebooted the franchise and took it back to its roots while focusing on designing a product around proper competitive play. Story-wise, this also allows them to go in a completely different path than what they did before, and I believe they'll take advantage of this. They already made many changes to the original trilogy's story and with the way the game ended, I do suspect Shinnok will be the primary antagonist, even if he's not at the forefront, but I suspect they'll go in a different story direction than Mortal Kombat 4 and onward.

We do know that Shinnok survived Armageddon and he's an Elder God, one of the single most powerful beings in the universe. I suspect the Shinnok we saw at game's end is aware of how the timeline went and since he was clearly manipulating events behind the scenes, I suspect he's changing history to suit his ends.

I also suspect Lui Kang is not dead and will be a primary antagonist. He was already going against Raiden at game's end, his Arcade Ladder ending, though non-canon, hints at corruption, and bad Kang from Mortal Kombat Legacy was very well received. I think he'll return, alive, and be on the side of "evil."

In terms of returning characters, we know surviving fan favourites will be around: Scorpion, Mileena, Cyrax and Sektor, Reptile, Ermac, Sonya, Cage, Kenshi and Rain will likely be in the core roster, and of course Quan Chi will be around. While I'm also not keen on resurrections as it cheapens the meaning of death, they will happen so additional fan favourites will be back. So we will see Sub-Zero return and in human form, Kitana as well, perhaps Smoke and a few others.

In terms of additional characters though, I generally hope they invigorate with new characters instead of rehashing yet more from other games, and less popular ones at that. Keep such characters as referenced or as easter eggs to show homage and continuity with the original time line, but let's bring in some new, innovative content.

My thoughts anyway.
I get where your coming from...But I think MK4 had the best story in terms of Quan-Chi, Shinnok, and the Brotherhood of Shadows. I feel this is also a chance for less popular characters to be re-written and given a new light.


Baraka was fine after fighting with Jade (like most characters </3)

You see him again insisting Milly is Khan's heir and should rule after LK bodied him and teamed up with her trying to make kabal leave late in the game.
Baraka was fine after fighting with Jade (like most characters </3)

You see him again insisting Milly is Khan's heir and should rule after LK bodied him and teamed up with her trying to make kabal leave late in the game.
You're right about him voicing Mileena to take Khan's place. In fighting Kabal though, I believe it was actually Mileena and Noob Saibot. I don't think Baraka appeared at all in the Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 part of the story.
lol nice glad you enjoyed that ;) a few others told me the same thing. I definitely think it's a great pad, don't waste your time on the madcrapz controllers. Pick up a Hori today for those who want a top quality controller for MK with a great Dpad.
Yeah, the Dpad is great. I can finally do my combos proper on my 360, at least offline.


"On your Knees!"
Here's my list but its either they follow the canon story or every characters ending in arcade
Scorpion - neutral
Raiden - good
Cyrax - good
Ermac - good
Reptile - evil
Skarlet - Neutral (depending if she is free to make her own choice since Shao Kahn is dead)
Smoke - good
Noob Saibot - Evil (since he is a wraith and cannot be killed just like Scorpion)
Mileena - Evil
Quan Chi - Evil
Sektor - Evil
Kenshi - good
Liu Kang - Evil
Shang Tsung - Evil
Kano - Evil
Baraka - Evil
Rain - Evil
Kabal - good
Johnny Cage - good
Sonya - good

Shinnok- Evil
Frost - good
Kai - good
Kia - Evil
Jakata - Evil
Sareena - Good/Evil
Reiko - Evil
Fujin - good
Tanya - Evil
Movado - Evil
Jarek - Evil
Havik - Neutral

Everything pretty much the same from MK4 but some lil differences in story.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
Pretty much the death toll is :

- All the defenders of Earthrealm except Raiden, Sonya and Johnny Cage.
- Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Sindel, Motaro (off-screen) for Outworld.
- POSSIBLY Noob for the Netherrealm (seeing as he's a phantom his death may be overrated.)

Meaning, only characters still alive :
1) Raiden
2) Johnny Cage
3) Sonya Blade
4) Sektor
5) Reptile
6) Goro
7) Kintaro
8) Sheeva
9) Mileena
10) Baraka
11) Ermac
12) Quan Chi
13) Scorpion
14) Noob?
15) Skarlet
16) Kenshi
17) Rain

* * *

So, here's what I think might happen. I'll warn you some of this shit will be contradictory with itself since we know they'll try to keep a couple of characters around that are currently dead. Also, I might be playing fast and loose with the canon and characters because we know NRS ain't afraid of doing the same.

General Storyline
We know Shinnok's priming himself for an invasion/MK tournament (hey why not declare a MK tournament when you know Earthrealm can only field 3 warriors and you have their own best warriors at your disposal! plus, he can totes rehash the MK2 deal of 1 tournament instead of 10). Shinnok has no reason to accept a tournament unless he gains something substantial about it. So I figure he'd just straight up invade. Instead, it would be Raiden, in a desperate attempt to save time and the maximum amount of lives, that proposes the tournament to Shinnok with the same terms as MK2. Shinnok obviously refuses. Raiden tries to bargain with the souls of all in Earthrealm. Shinnok refuses once more. Raiden is frustrated and does something stupid (because it wouldn't be reboot continuity!Raiden without him doing that) by putting everything he has on the table. If Netherrealm wins, they get the right to merge the realms, all the souls in Earthrealm (obviously, but it's stated just in case nobody caught on) including Raiden's soul, Raiden goes as far as to offer the Elder Gods' Amulet as the grand prize of the tournament to sway Shinnok. He almost bites but Quan Chi dismisses the idea saying they'd just peel it off his corpse anyway. Raiden puts the last condition on the table : Shinnok can participate without being directly challenged but in exchange, Raiden can also participate (wording it in such a way that opens a loophole for Fujin to participate as well). Shinnok guffaws and accepts, as his presence makes the tournament a mere formality. In exchange for all this, Raiden asks for but one thing if Earthrealm wins - the souls of the warriors lost in the Outworld invasion under Quan Chi's thrall. He's not thrilled, but Shinnok puts him in his place.

This setup does several things - First, you establish why the fuck the game is called Mortal Kombat again in the first place by putting in another tournament. Enough of the stupid shit from DA/Deception onwards. The whole point of the series is the Mortal Kombat tournament and it'd be nice to see the good guys use it to their advantage. This also establishes Raiden as a relatively competent protector of Earthrealm as he does the only logical thing against an invasion of such a massive destructive force. You also restore Raiden's credibility which was severely hurt in the last game.

Sindel fell, everyone died
So what do we do about everyone being dead? Welp, they stay dead for one part. Their story is one of trying to free themselves from Quan Chi and Shinnok's sorcery. They all have different goals, obviously but that's their schtick.

Death already feels kind of cheap in MK due to all the Fatalities, so it being somewhat serious here since their souls are in the Netherrealm would make for a nice change of pace. Plus, it allows for the interaction between characters that we couldn't really see since they all got fucked up by Sindel hopped up on soul bath salts.

He got Soulnado'd, and he's super mad
What about Noob? I'd say... leave him dead.

"But wait why would Boon kill off the dude he named after himself get off the crack pipe son."

I didn't say he wouldn't come back. Bi-Han never returned to the Netherrealm so if he stays, it shouldn't be as Noob. I'd like it if he was somewhat redeemed (to mirror the fact that he'd no longer be Noob) so we could have a legit Sub-Zero. However, Quan Chi has another Sub-Zero to fuck with. Yes, you know where I'm going.

Bring on Cyber Noob.

As I said, NRS ain't afraid to fuck with their own canon and they like their role reversals so much that I'd expect something like that. Fucking with the timeline made Smoke stay human and Kuai Liang cybernetized. Why not Zoidberg phantomized? Plus, it'd be another reference to the Noob/Smoke alliance as they'd be rolled into one character. Quan Chi also has another reason to do so since he has Cyrax, who's integration was probably a lot more difficult to handle than Sub-Zero as he allegedly did it willingly as opposed to Sub-Zero. But can you imagine how crazy that'd be? I'd try to play him.

Miscellaneous Stuff :
* Liu Kang's spirit from the original timeline should be Kai (if he comes back)'s spiritual guide. Kai might not know him in this timeline but Liu Kang's spirit would certainly want to give him advice. Especially if Earthrealm's getting hella invaded. Raiden ain't got no time for that shit.
* Shang Tsung should still be a motherfucking snake and manage to escape Shao Kahn's sorcery. Preferably through something convoluted. Here's what I have in mind - Gets absorbed by Sindel through Shao Kahn to power her up. He's technically dead therefore voiding the agreement with Kahn. Sindel gets purified so all the souls powering her up are freed, including Shang Tsung. He's free, he's in Earthrealm, and Quan Chi's soulnado was just dispelled. He discreetly enters the Amulet of Shinnok to bypass detection by all, coming back... I dunno when.
* Scorpion should be the monkey wrench in everyone's plan because he's Scorpion.

I thought way too much about this.

EDIT : Removed Sindel/Nightwolf shit because they're in the Netherrealm.
If Kai is to take over as the hero....

Liu Kang is out cold NOT DEAD! So he should be brought back not by Raiden and NOT by the Elder gods and NOT Quan Chi but someone else.

He'll look scarred and burned and wear a hoodie like his Legacy counterpart.

Instead of being good he'll go neutral. But he has respect for Kai, Sonya, Johnny and his fallen friends. But lost respect for Raiden. Perhaps Kai and Fujin can help soften his heart somehow.

Mortal Komhat

Worst Well-Established Goro Player Ever
I don't think Kai's gonna take over as the hero. Just be part of the new Earthrealm defenders that'll have to rise up since everyone else is dead/Netherrealm. Some guys down there definitely shouldn't escape or if they do their character should change drastically (Evil/Neutral Liu Kang, etc. Kinda like if Bruce Lee had a heel turn.)

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Here's my list but its either they follow the canon story or every characters ending in arcade
Scorpion - neutral
Raiden - good
Cyrax - good
Ermac - good
Reptile - evil
Skarlet - Neutral (depending if she is free to make her own choice since Shao Kahn is dead)
Smoke - good
Noob Saibot - Evil (since he is a wraith and cannot be killed just like Scorpion)
Mileena - Evil
Quan Chi - Evil
Sektor - Evil
Kenshi - good
Liu Kang - Evil
Shang Tsung - Evil
Kano - Evil
Baraka - Evil
Rain - Evil
Kabal - good
Johnny Cage - good
Sonya - good

Shinnok- Evil
Frost - good
Kai - good
Kia - Evil
Jakata - Evil
Sareena - Good/Evil
Reiko - Evil
Fujin - good
Tanya - Evil
Movado - Evil
Jarek - Evil
Havik - Neutral

Everything pretty much the same from MK4 but some lil differences in story.
just add Ashrah into it as neutral, and NRS is pahrrfect


Angry Joshua
Pretty much the death toll is :

- All the defenders of Earthrealm except Raiden, Sonya and Johnny Cage.
- Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Sindel, Motaro (off-screen) for Outworld.
- POSSIBLY Noob for the Netherrealm (seeing as he's a phantom his death may be overrated.)

Meaning, only characters still alive :
1) Raiden
2) Johnny Cage
3) Sonya Blade
4) Sektor
5) Reptile
6) Goro
7) Kintaro
8) Sheeva
9) Mileena
10) Baraka
11) Ermac
12) Quan Chi
13) Scorpion
14) Noob?
15) Skarlet
16) Kenshi
17) Rain

* * *

So, here's what I think might happen. I'll warn you some of this shit will be contradictory with itself since we know they'll try to keep a couple of characters around that are currently dead. Also, I might be playing fast and loose with the canon and characters because we know NRS ain't afraid of doing the same.

General Storyline
We know Shinnok's priming himself for an invasion/MK tournament (hey why not declare a MK tournament when you know Earthrealm can only field 3 warriors and you have their own best warriors at your disposal! plus, he can totes rehash the MK2 deal of 1 tournament instead of 10). Shinnok has no reason to accept a tournament unless he gains something substantial about it. So I figure he'd just straight up invade. Instead, it would be Raiden, in a desperate attempt to save time and the maximum amount of lives, that proposes the tournament to Shinnok with the same terms as MK2. Shinnok obviously refuses. Raiden tries to bargain with the souls of all in Earthrealm. Shinnok refuses once more. Raiden is frustrated and does something stupid (because it wouldn't be reboot continuity!Raiden without him doing that) by putting everything he has on the table. If Netherrealm wins, they get the right to merge the realms, all the souls in Earthrealm (obviously, but it's stated just in case nobody caught on) including Raiden's soul, Raiden goes as far as to offer the Elder Gods' Amulet as the grand prize of the tournament to sway Shinnok. He almost bites but Quan Chi dismisses the idea saying they'd just peel it off his corpse anyway. Raiden puts the last condition on the table : Shinnok can participate without being directly challenged but in exchange, Raiden can also participate (wording it in such a way that opens a loophole for Fujin to participate as well). Shinnok guffaws and accepts, as his presence makes the tournament a mere formality. In exchange for all this, Raiden asks for but one thing if Earthrealm wins - the souls of the warriors lost in the Outworld invasion under Quan Chi's thrall. He's not thrilled, but Shinnok puts him in his place.

This setup does several things - First, you establish why the fuck the game is called Mortal Kombat again in the first place by putting in another tournament. Enough of the stupid shit from DA/Deception onwards. The whole point of the series is the Mortal Kombat tournament and it'd be nice to see the good guys use it to their advantage. This also establishes Raiden as a relatively competent protector of Earthrealm as he does the only logical thing against an invasion of such a massive destructive force. You also restore Raiden's credibility which was severely hurt in the last game.

Sindel fell, everyone died
So what do we do about everyone being dead? Welp, they stay dead for one part. Their story is one of trying to free themselves from Quan Chi and Shinnok's sorcery. They all have different goals, obviously but that's their schtick.

Death already feels kind of cheap in MK due to all the Fatalities, so it being somewhat serious here since their souls are in the Netherrealm would make for a nice change of pace. Plus, it allows for the interaction between characters that we couldn't really see since they all got fucked up by Sindel hopped up on soul bath salts.

He got Soulnado'd, and he's super mad
What about Noob? I'd say... leave him dead.

"But wait why would Boon kill off the dude he named after himself get off the crack pipe son."

I didn't say he wouldn't come back. Bi-Han never returned to the Netherrealm so if he stays, it shouldn't be as Noob. I'd like it if he was somewhat redeemed (to mirror the fact that he'd no longer be Noob) so we could have a legit Sub-Zero. However, Quan Chi has another Sub-Zero to fuck with. Yes, you know where I'm going.

Bring on Cyber Noob.

As I said, NRS ain't afraid to fuck with their own canon and they like their role reversals so much that I'd expect something like that. Fucking with the timeline made Smoke stay human and Kuai Liang cybernetized. Why not Zoidberg phantomized? Plus, it'd be another reference to the Noob/Smoke alliance as they'd be rolled into one character. Quan Chi also has another reason to do so since he has Cyrax, who's integration was probably a lot more difficult to handle than Sub-Zero as he allegedly did it willingly as opposed to Sub-Zero. But can you imagine how crazy that'd be? I'd try to play him.

Miscellaneous Stuff :
* Liu Kang's spirit from the original timeline should be Kai (if he comes back)'s spiritual guide. Kai might not know him in this timeline but Liu Kang's spirit would certainly want to give him advice. Especially if Earthrealm's getting hella invaded. Raiden ain't got no time for that shit.
* Shang Tsung should still be a motherfucking snake and manage to escape Shao Kahn's sorcery. Preferably through something convoluted. Here's what I have in mind - Gets absorbed by Sindel through Shao Kahn to power her up. He's technically dead therefore voiding the agreement with Kahn. Sindel gets purified so all the souls powering her up are freed, including Shang Tsung. He's free, he's in Earthrealm, and Quan Chi's soulnado was just dispelled. He discreetly enters the Amulet of Shinnok to bypass detection by all, coming back... I dunno when.
* Scorpion should be the monkey wrench in everyone's plan because he's Scorpion.

I thought way too much about this.

EDIT : Removed Sindel/Nightwolf shit because they're in the Netherrealm.
you didn't think too much...you thought just enough.
The way I wrote things down was so that I could establish what characters should appear...
I really like Kai...But in the end of the day I wanna see Cage be the hero

Subby Z

Nobody seems to mention that there were creative differences between john vogel and john Tobias and that the alternate timeline is vogel's version of mk, completely rewriting tobias's creation.
If this is truth then Vogel's version blows. Just sayin


Angry Joshua
Yeah, personally I didnt like Onaga as a boss or a character in the MKU. He just didnt fit.
well if the story goes well in the next game you might like hin in MK11

I really like Ashrah, but the only way she fits is if The onaga setup works, and She ends up killing bunch of Nitara's peeps who she's mistaking for demons.


"On your Knees!"
well if the story goes well in the next game you might like hin in MK11

I really like Ashrah, but the only way she fits is if The onaga setup works, and She ends up killing bunch of Nitara's peeps who she's mistaking for demons.
Yeah If and only If the story goes well in MK11, I always viewd Ashrah as the female version of Raiden. She does "good" but killing demons with her Kriss swords but the only difference is that Asrah is a Demon herself and both have similar hats lol.


Play Monster Hunter!
Yeah, personally I didnt like Onaga as a boss or a character in the MKU. He just didnt fit.
I don't really care where NRS takes the MK story, it's w/e.
My only wish is they avoid all the Onaga nonsense, what a lame character and boss that guy was.
Scorpion - Neutral (Up Close)
Raiden - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Cyrax - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Ermac - Good (Zoner)
Reptile - Evil (Mix-Up)
Skarlet - Evil (Zoner)
Mileena - Evil (Mix-Up)
Quan Chi - Evil (Zoner)
Sektor - Evil (Zoner)
Kenshi - Good (Zoner)
Kano - Evil (Up Close)
Baraka - Evil (Up Close)
Rain - Evil (Mix-Up)
Johnny Cage - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Sonya - Good (Up Close)
Sub Zero - Good (Defensive)

Shinnok- Evil (Zoner)
Kai - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Sareena - Good (Zoner)
Reiko - Evil (Mix-Up, Command Grabs)
Fujin - Good (Defensive)
Tanya - Evil (Mix-Up)
Movado - Evil (Up Close)
Li Mei - Good (Up Close)
Bo Rai Cho - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Havik - Neutral (Zoner)
Drahmin - Evil (Rushdown)
Nitara - Neutral (Rushdown, Command Grabs)
Ashrah - Good (Zoner)
Tremor - Evil (Zoner)

Frost - Neutral (Defensive)
Zombie Liu Kang - Evil (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Cyber Smoke - Evil (Mix-Up)
Khrome - Evil (Mix-Up)

Sub Boss : Moloch

Story :
- Shinnok wants to conquer the realms while he is making the brother hood of shadows bigger.
- Outworld is first to be attacked
- Subzero is ressurected and has ice body parts (DA hands)
- Tanya betrays the forces of light and which ends up like in mk9 sindel killing everyone, but its quan chi.
- Nether realm is victorious but as a twist Quan Chi banishes Shinnok
- Cliffhanger : Onaga
Last edited:


"On your Knees!"
I don't really care where NRS takes the MK story, it's w/e.
My only wish is they avoid all the Onaga nonsense, what a lame character and boss that guy was.
I think they should go as Liu Kang being a power hungry elder god as his ending was in MK9, I love Shao Kahn as teh main villain MKU would be the same without him but Shinnok and Shao Kahn cant be the only big bosses. Onaga I didnt like much and Blaze as a boss ehhh.


Alone is where to find me.
Most of you guys seem to want a lot of characters. Numbers come at a price and each individual character pays for it. I don't want more than a maximum of 28 including DLCs.
Quality over quantity.

Keeping the dead characters dead is not practical because there are so many of them. NRS surely knows better than to sacrifice fan favorite characters for storyline. They made the mistake of deviating too far from the core cast too many times. One of the reasons MK9 was such a success is because it had all the best characters. Its only logical that they'd use Mk9 as a base line and only change characters they think are expendable. My guess - Nightwolf, Scarlet, Freddy, Cyber-Sub, Sheeva, Kano, Stryker, Kabal, Rain and a few more perhaps will get the cut. Sektor and Jade would probably be on that list too but I'm hoping against hope.:D
Last edited:


There was an interview saying that Hsu Hao and Drahmin are hated I think by Boon so I doubt they will be back.
  • "There are 5 characters seen fighting who are not playable (or to fight in kombat) in MK 2011. These kombatants include Daegon, Reiko, Kenshi (who is now playable as DLC, but with a different design), Sareena and Frost."
From the wikia on the pit
So these are really likely to come back in next game
  • "Bo Rai Cho, Kenshi, Frost and Reiko are located inside his database, as seen when he first tries to learn the identity of Kabal."
  • From the wikia on Cyber sub zero database video
So Reiko and Frost are in. And I think it will cover Shinnok, Brotherhood of Shadow vs Red Dragon vs Black Dragon.
I think it would be cool to have all the character from MK4 and back up Jarek with other BlackDragon characters like Tremor, Kobra and Kira.
And RedDragon Daegon, Mavado a new character because they have 3 members and 1 is the worst character ever(hsuhao)
Evil Liu Kang
I want Sheeva just so they can apologize for her really weak incarnation.
Sindel and Kitana to have more women.
And push back Li Mei, Nitara, Ashrah, Havik and Hotaru for DLC non canon or even a game.(And I like these character a lot)

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Scorpion - Neutral (Up Close)
Raiden - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Cyrax - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Ermac - Good (Zoner)
Reptile - Evil (Mix-Up)
Skarlet - Evil (Zoner)
Mileena - Evil (Mix-Up)
Quan Chi - Evil (Zoner)
Sektor - Evil (Zoner)
Kenshi - Good (Zoner)
Kano - Evil (Up Close)
Baraka - Evil (Up Close)
Rain - Evil (Mix-Up)
Johnny Cage - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Sonya - Good (Up Close)
Sub Zero - Good (Defensive)

Shinnok- Evil (Zoner)
Kai - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Sareena - Good (Zoner)
Reiko - Evil (Mix-Up, Command Grabs)
Fujin - Good (Defensive)
Tanya - Evil (Mix-Up)
Movado - Evil (Up Close)
Li Mei - Good (Up Close)
Bo Rai Cho - Good (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Havik - Neutral (Zoner)
Drahmin - Evil (Rushdown)
Nitara - Neutral (Rushdown, Command Grabs)
Ashrah - Good (Zoner)
Tremor - Evil (Zoner)

Frost - Neutral (Defensive)
Zombie Liu Kang - Evil (Mix-Up, Rushdown)
Cyber Smoke - Evil (Mix-Up)
Khrome - Evil (Mix-Up)

Sub Boss : Moloch

Story :
- Shinnok wants to conquer the realms while he is making the brother hood of shadows bigger.
- Outworld is first to be attacked
- Subzero is ressurected and has ice body parts (DA hands)
- Tanya betrays the forces of light and which ends up like in mk9 sindel killing everyone, but its quan chi.
- Nether realm is victorious but as a twist Quan Chi banishes Shinnok
- Cliffhanger : Onaga
Zoning fool changing up my characters:DOGE