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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Trailer


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
Lets see last Call of Bullshit I bought was MW2 never got any other one after that, never even bought BF3 or 4 or any of the dude bro shooters after that MW2.

Its good to see they IDK are trying to change things up, but I will not pre-order this nor will I even consider buying it until I actually see how good it even is.

A SP campaign that lasts a 4-5 hours is a waste of my time and I don't need 12 year olds calling me a [ban incoming] while trying to relax and play a game.
Here, figured this would help you out, buddy




Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Here, figured this would help you out, buddy


LOL thats a good retort :)

In all seriousness I use to be all about FPS games. I started with old school Wolf3d and Doom and played almost no other genre for a long time. FPS use to be my gig, but I can't support the CoD games, it comes out every year and the developers got so lazy to the point they were even re skinning cinematics. I understand the reasoning of sports games back in the PS2 era and further down, but today there is no excuse for the annual $60 roster update and there is no excuse for an annual $60 map pack + DLC BS. Its a cash grab and the only reason it makes money is due to a large mass of people that are not as well versed as we are to the practices of the Video Game industry. If anyone on here is down with CoD and enjoys them so be it I am not gonna de-rail and call you a prick for supporting it, it is your money.

What I can say about this though is that it appears they are trying to finally move the series forward and re-invent it some and actually invest some effort in it. I actually do want to play this one, but I am going to reserve my criticism when it comes out instead of pre-ordering it like most the fanboys do. I own MW2 and I played likely about 3 hours and then it has been in my game case since then. Its just not worth my money and time to buy a game with a campaign I can finish in a few hours and then deal with mediocre online play.

The company Activision is known for running franchises into the ground, just look at Guitar Hero and hell it took an expansion pack for them to save Diablo 3. CoD is also one of those games where nearly every new game makes less and less every year. Hell speak of franchises being run in the ground, I just found out today that there is another Skylanders game coming and the last one of those just came out back in October of last year. Thats my opinion...


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
Black Ops 2? Bad hit detection, inconsistent grenades, M8 exists, unbalanced maps. Ghost not being a good game? Well, that's a lie. Yes, it was shitty at first but Injustice was lackluster at first, as well with any pre-patch game. So what's your point? Let's look at the game now. The maps aren't "too big", in competitive they took out the ridiculous ones. But the hit detection is awesome and there's at least 2 relevant weapons per weapon type. Plus the movement in the game is awesome, it flows very well. Taking out CTF was a poor idea but Blitz is fine... I'm 100 times better at CTF but Blitz is more like high speed chess vs map control. Hardpoint should have been in, tho.
The hit detection and nades in that game are fine. When you factor in Lag compensation [which is meant to even the playing field for people with bad connections (thank you treyarch for caring)] it gets weird. In Ghost the best connection just bodies everyone. The m8 isn't even the best gun in that Bops2 lol, you could've said the FAL, SMR or AN94 and I would've agreed. Ghost doesn't seem bad "now" because people have gotten used to how bad it is. The guns still kill too fast, that's why every gun is relevant; even still you have the bizon and remington that run the game. As far as maps go even smaller ones like Freight get ridiculous when you factor in all the 2-3 story buildings. Do you realize how many guns and perks an score streaks in Ghost had to be banned and how many maps had to be excluded and it still has bullshit in it lol? Get out of here dude.

Yes Infinity Ward has made efforts to improve, but when a game needs that much work done it's not hard to fix something. That's like a 6'0" 320 pound guy losing 30 pounds....