What I don’t get is the requirements like “Must hit opponent with X move Y amount of times”. Who’s going to let themselves get hit with the same move (especially a projectile) multiple times? I can’t see these brutalities being done against a slightly competent online opponent or a Medium-Brutal AI, unless blocked hits count towards the total.
That's my point. But some say "woooow they are supposed to be this way"....and I say....no....brutalities were never like this.
The intention here makes sense if you add more content and variety....not fill stupid requirements instead on focus on winning.
Make the brutality difficult. Make the input difficult....but fuck mercy, fuck if I don't have the move in my set, and fuck if the opponent doesn't like Jurassic park....I mean....is that a requirement? I really respect all your opinions guys but honestly I don't understand why are you defending this.
It is so obvious to that, is not bad like the grinding in TOT and the krypt, but it abides in yhe same package of bullshit of these ones.
The lack of sensibility and stupid requirements in all of these...tot, krypt and brutals...are related. They are out of hand with that....and they need to fix it.