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Born On a Monday -- Solomon Grundy General Discussion/QA/Combo Thread


Aspiring Fighter
That'd be useful if they try to neutral jump the WC really early but it doesn't sound like it works in other situations. After some setups you're so plus that unless they jump over you during WC you won't go under them. Still a really useful thing to be able to do, certain uppercut reversals will switch sides.


Bigg Burd
Would any of you Grundy's be willing to help me test his corner anti wake up tech? Here's my video of what I got so far with it. I need you guys to test and see how many moves this tech can be done after besides a D12, and D2. Or any set ups/ different ways to recreate this tech. Just tag me and let me know if you are willing to help or anything new you found! Thanks guys.



Would any of you Grundy's be willing to help me test his corner anti wake up tech? Here's my video of what I got so far with it. I need you guys to test and see how many moves this tech can be done after besides a D12, and D2. Or any set ups/ different ways to recreate this tech. Just tag me and let me know if you are willing to help or anything new you found! Thanks guys.

Next time I play I'll give it a try. That will be a life saver for me. I can't put the beat down on people in the corner as much because of wake ups.

Also, I can't remember if it's always been like this or if it's something that needs to be fixed, but does anyone else's WC miss opponents when it shouldn't? That or they hit through it with a simple move and combo your ass to the ground. I know the move has a few frames of armor but when this damn Nightwing player would do a simple staff swing, I wouldn't grab him. That needs to be fixed.


Aspiring Fighter
Also, I can't remember if it's always been like this or if it's something that needs to be fixed, but does anyone else's WC miss opponents when it shouldn't? That or they hit through it with a simple move and combo your ass to the ground. I know the move has a few frames of armor but when this damn Nightwing player would do a simple staff swing, I wouldn't grab him. That needs to be fixed.
It's likely the opponent is considered airborne during their string. Shazam's b23 has him airborne almost the entire time, so WC will almost never connect. Almost every character has at least one string that is airborne and "beats" WC in that sense.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Would any of you Grundy's be willing to help me test his corner anti wake up tech? Here's my video of what I got so far with it. I need you guys to test and see how many moves this tech can be done after besides a D12, and D2. Or any set ups/ different ways to recreate this tech. Just tag me and let me know if you are willing to help or anything new you found! Thanks guys.

this is hilarious. Same cammy tech that DD can do.


The Gruff
Hey guys has anyone ever tried b1 exGrave Rot as an A2A setup?

that shit is awesome for those who know about the b1 Trait reset and b1 exGrave Rot combo starter/extender

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
a corner loop ive been messing with
in corner : b1 MB WC, d2 , 11 MB swamp hands , ji2 f2 MB WC , d2 11 MB swamp hands , ji2 b1 trait
f2 is the only variation that will allow the d2 11 part to connect
also if any of u can tell me if i can combo with 1 MB swamp hands after a MB walking corpse .. ive been tryin but cant get it to connect


Bigg Burd
a corner loop ive been messing with
in corner : b1 MB WC, d2 , 11 MB swamp hands , ji2 f2 MB WC , d2 11 MB swamp hands , ji2 b1 trait
f2 is the only variation that will allow the d2 11 part to connect
also if any of u can tell me if i can combo with 1 MB swamp hands after a MB walking corpse .. ive been tryin but cant get it to connect
I think a 1, MB Swamp Hands will connect after a MB Walking corpse if Grundy's back is facing the corner, but I don't know about a raw MB Swamp hands after a midscreen WC MB.


The Gruff
So you hit them out of the air with 1 or 2, land, b1, cancel into MB GR, follow-up?
No, you do b1 mb grave rot against an opponent whose first reaction after b1 is to jump and avoid the trait grab and catch them with a1 or a2 for a combo. its pretty much just a guess right and unleash hell kinda thing. Plus, since b1 has so much advantage, you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want from there.


Aspiring Fighter
Okay, that makes more sense. The b1 is supposed to connect with the opponent on the ground, and if they get hit you can react and confirm into 113, 11, trait or just raw trait if you don't want to try for the link. If they block it they'll probably jump if you've scared them enough and you can anti-air or air-to-air for a combo. Grundy is officially the mixup-iest character in this game.


Grundy think you handsome!
Edit: by Mikemetroid 9/26/2013

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