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Boon teases, "something HUGE tomorrow or Thursday"


cr. HP Master
Either today or tomorrow we'll know more about this game, the suspense is killing me now that I'm officially hype.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Maybe it will be gameplay trailers for everyone who has already been revealed and hasn't gotten one??? Hopefully.


bye felicia
Is Robin in the coming up in Issue 3 or 4 ?

Gonna have to disagree a little though , because the comic hints surely should be taken "somewhat" seriously imo..
Well, take it seriously for the plot, but I wouldn't take it seriously for character confirms. They've already stated there's going to be some major consequences (comic writer-ease for deaths) so I wouldn't go getting attached to anyone who hasn't been confirmed in game.

I don't know any more than you do (unless you haven't read it) about the comic, but way back when they announced the prequel comic they showed off Robin's logo on the promo. Given Nightwing has his weapon and New 52 Tim never got to be Robin, its a safe assumption its Dick as Robin in the prequel then during the five year gap he becomes Nightwing.


Play Monster Hunter!
Today is Nintendo Direct, well was, maybe there gonna show off the WiiU version finally, and give some details on it.


LOL..from that statement alone I ordered a paperback lol. That sounds tight.
It's a really great book. The only problem I have is the ending because it seemed like Millar decided, "How can I be like Grant Morrison and make this ending not make any fucking sense?" and did it.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Man I remember when Ed tweeted he'd reveal something after he finished his Kit Kat bar or whatever.. I'm still waiting for that reveal -- Hahah


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
He alo said Red hood chances are pretty no, looked like a no to me, seems to be confirming chars that wont be in, which i dont think MM will be in since he was put in the same sentence as Hawkman, well not in the initial Roster


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Id say we can expect a character tomorrow, but "HUGE" doesn't sound like a character thing though. Im wondering if its the "NEW ONLINE MODE" they talked about? That or the details on Clash system's changes?

Hopefully we get mode information or mechanic information tomorrow and not just a character. Characters are cool and all,but at this point we need more gameplay details in addition to character announcements. Folks aren't sure what to think yet.


Plus on block.
Whatever it is I honestly hope it's better than a shitty ass short 3 minute video.

I'm tired of being teased, they need to actually show some stuff instead of glossing over most of it in favor of the eye candy.