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Combo List - Bo' Rai Cho Bo' Rai Cho Official Combo Thread

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Welcome to the official Bo Rai Cho combo thread. This thread is a work in progress.

Midscreen Meterless
111 xx DB1, Run Cancel, D4 xx BF4 = 25%

Midscreen Metered
111 xx EX DB1, NJP, Run Cancel, 12 xx DB4, DF1, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 33%

Corner Meterless
111 xx DB1, F1 (3rd hit) xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In punch, 413U4, F1 (All hits) xx DB2 = 38%

Corner Metered

Midscreen Meterless
F1 (3rd hit) xx DB1, Run Cancel, D4 xx BF4 = 23%

Midscreen Metered
F1 xx EX DB1, NJP, Run Cancel, 12 xx DB4, DF1, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 31%

Corner Meterless
F1 (3rd Hit) xx DB1, F1 (3rd hit) xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In Punch, 413U4, F1 (All hits) xx DB2 = 36%

Corner Metered

Midscreen Meterless
341, Run Cancel, 12 xx DB4, DF1, Jump Back, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 33%

Midscreen Metered

Corner Meterless
341, F2 xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In punch, 413U4, 21, 21, F1 (Full Hits) xx DB2, = 42%

Corner Metered

Midscreen Meterless

Midscreen Metered
B12 xx EX DB1, NJP, Run Cancel, 12 xx DB4, DF1, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 31%

Corner Meterless
B12 xx DB1, F1 (2nd hit) xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In Punch, 413U4, 21, F1 (All Hits) xx DB2 = 38%

Corner Metered

Midscreen Meterless
21, Run Cancel, 12 xx DB4, DF1, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 33%

Midscreen Metered
244 xx EX DB1, NJP, Run Cancel, 12 xx DB4, DF1, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 35%

Corner Meterless
21, F2 xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In Punch, 413U4, 21, 21, F1 (Full Hits) xx DB2 = 43%

Corner Metered
244 xx DB1, F1 (2nd hit) xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In Punch, 413U4, 21, F1 (Full Hits) xx DB2 = 42%

Midscreen Meterless

Midscreen Metered
B32 xx EX DB1, NJP, Run Cancel, 12 xx DB4, DF1, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 34%

Corner Meterless
B322, 12 xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In Punch, 413U4, 21, F1 (Full Hits) xx DB2 = 34%

Corner Metered

Midscreen Meterless
F34, RC, 121~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2 = %

Midscreen Metered

Corner Meterless
F34, 3 xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In Punch, 413U4, 21, 21, F1 (Full Hits) xx DB2 = 45%

Corner Metered

Midscreen Meterless
B233 xx DB1, Run Cancel, D4 xx BF4 = 29%

Midscreen Metered
B233 xx EX DB1, NJP, Run Cancel, 12 xx DB4, DF1, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 37%

Corner Meterless
B233 xx DB1, F1 (2nd hit) xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In Punch, 413U4, 21, F1 (Full Hits) xx DB2 = 44%

Corner Metered

S1, 12, DB4, DF1, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 30%

Midscreen Meterless
NJP, Run Cancel, 3 xx DB4, DF1, Jump In Punch, B233 xx DB2 = 31%

Corner Meterless
NJP, 3 xx DB4, Jump Back, Jump In Punch, 413U4, 21, 21, F1 (Full Hits) xx DB2 = 40%

Midscreen Meterless
21, RC, 12, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, db1, dd1 - 29%
21, RC, 12, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, dd3, 3, f21, db1, dd1 - 35% (midscreen to corner; doesn't work on Dead Woods stage due to length of this stage)

Corner Meterless
21, f2, df2, 3, df2, f1, db2 - 38%
21, 3, db4, back dash, ji+1, 21, 3, df2, d1, db2 - 38%

Midscreen Meterless
f34, RC, 121, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, dd3, 3, 21, f1, db1, dd1 - 40% (midscreen to corner; doesn't work on Dead Woods stage due to length of this stage + 121 after f34 whiffs on female characters.)
f34, RC, 121, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, dd3, 3, bf3 - 35% (121 after f34 whiffs on female characters)

Corner Meterless
f34, 21, 3, db4, dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 21, d1, db1, dd1 - 40%

Midscreen Meterless
341, RC, 12, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, dd3, 3, f21, db1, dd1 - 35% midscreen to corner; doesn't work on Dead Woods stage due to length of this stage)

Corner Meterless

Midscreen Meterless

Corner Meterless
b322, 21, 3, db4, dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 21, d1, db1, dd1 - 34%

Midscreen Meterless
1212, dd3, 2, RC, 12, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, dd3, 3, 21, f1, db1, dd1 - 34% (midscreen to corner; doesn't work on Dead Woods stage due to length of this stage)
1212, dd3, 2, RC, 12, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, dd3, 3, f2, bf3 - 31%

Corner Meterless
1212, dd3, 2, 3, db4, dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 21, 21, f1, db1, dd1 - 36%

Meterless Midscreen
244, dd3, 3, RC, 12, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, dd3, 3, RC, 21, f1, db1, dd1 - 42% (midscreen to corner; doesn't work on Dead Woods stage due to length of this stage)
244, dd3, 3, RC, 12, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, dd3, 3, f2, bf3 - 39%

Meterless Corner
244, dd3, 3, 3, db4, dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 21, 21, f1, db1, dd1 - 44%

Meterless Midscreen
b32, dd3, 3, RC, 12, db4, dd1, ji+2, b233, dd3, 3, f2, bf3 - 38%

Meterless Corner

Meterless Midscreen

Meterless Corner
b233, dd3, 3, f21, db4, dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 21, f1, db1, dd1 - 47%

Bartitsu combos are listed for damage and corner carry in the lists below. However there are several different enders depending on what you're going for.

DF3: Damage, and positioning. Leaves them at perfect range for a jump in, or B2 and B3.
BF3: Damage, quick ender when gravity gets strong, some corner carry.
DB1: A little less damaging, grants hard knockdown.
DF1: This ender costs you about 1% on your bnb, and restands. If you're perfect you can do a D1~DB1 after and the opponent cannot escape. Adds 6% damage on chip and builds 25% of a bar.
DB3: Slightly less damaging, has best corner carry. Grants OTG when you use DD4(EX)

Midscreen Meterless
111~DB3 (16%)
121~DB3 (16%)

Midscreen Metered
111~DB2(EX), B32~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (40%)
121~DB2(EX), B32~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (38%)

Corner Meterless
111~DF3 (18%)
121~DF3 (18%)

Corner Metered
111~DB2(EX), F2~DB4, Walk Back, Ji1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (45%)
121~DB2(EX), F2~DB4, Walk Back, Ji1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (44%)

Midscreen Meterless
341, RC, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (33%)

Midscreen Metered
34~DB2(EX), B32~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (41%)

Corner Meterless
341, F2~DB4, JI1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (40%)

Corner Metered
341, 21, S3~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2(EX), S3~BF4 (42%)

Midscreen Meterless
B14~DB3 (16%)

Midscreen Metered
B14~DB2(EX), B32~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (40%)

Corner Meterless
B14~DF3 (18%)

Corner Metered
B14~DB2(EX), F2~DB4, Walk Back, Ji1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (45%)

Midscreen Meterless
B3, 1+3 (21%. This is the most damaging option, Mixups are sub 20%)

Midscreen Metered
B32~DB2(EX), B32~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (41%)

Corner Meterless
B322, 21, S3~DB4, Ji1, 413U4, S3~BF4 (33%)

Corner Metered
B32~DB2(EX), F2~DB4, Walk Back, Ji1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (46%)

Midscreen Meterless
F34, RC, 121~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (35%) Only works on large hitbox characters.
F34, RC, F1~BF4 (21%)
F3, 1+3 (21%)

Midscreen Metered
F3~DB2(EX), B32~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (39%)
F34, RC, 121~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2, F1~BF4 (41% Doesnt work on all characters)

Corner Meterless
F34, 21, S3~DB4, Ji1, 413U4, 34~BF4 (41%)

Corner Metered
F3~DB2(EX), F2~DB4, Walk Back, Ji1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (45%)

Midscreen Meterless
21, RC, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (33%)
244~DB3 (18%)

Midscreen Metered
244~DB2(EX), B32~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (43%)

Corner Meterless
21, F2~DB4, JI1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (40%)

Corner Metered
244~DB2(EX), F2~DB4, Walk Back, Ji1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (47%)
21, 21, S3~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2(EX), S3~BF4 (43%)

Midscreen Meterless
B233~DB3 (20%)

Midscreen Metered
B233~DB2(EX), B32~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (45%)

Corner Meterless
B233~DF3 (22%)

Corner Metered
B233~DB2(EX), F2~DB4, Walk Back, Ji1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (49%)

Midscreen Meterless
F11~DB3 (14%)

Midscreen Metered
F11~DB2(EX),B32~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (39%)

Corner Metereless
F11~DF3 (16%)

Corner Metered
F11~DB2(EX), F2~DB4, Walk Back, Ji1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (44%)

Midscreen Meterless
NJP, RC, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (30%)

Midscreen Metered
NJP, RC, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2(EX), F1~BF4 (36%)

Corner Meterless
NJP, F2~DB4, JI1, 413U4, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (37%)

Corner Metered
NJP, 21, S3~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2(EX), S3~BF4 (40%)

Midscreen Meterless
A2A1 or 2, RC, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (29%)

Midscreen Metered
A2A1 or 2, RC, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2(EX), F1~BF4 (36%)

Corner Metereless
A2A1 or 2, RC, 12~DB4, JI1, 413U4, 21, S3~BF4 (34%)

Corner Metered
A2A1 or 2, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2(EX), 21, S3~BF4 (39%)

Midscreen Meterless
S1, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DF3 (29%)

Midscreen Metered
S1, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2(EX) F1~BF4 (37%)

Corner Metereless
S1, 12~DB4, JI1, 413U4, 21, S3~BF4 (34%)

Corner Metered
S1, 12~DB4, JI2, B233~DB2(EX), 21, S3~BF4 (40%)

Midscreen after opponent touches EX Fart Cloud
341, RC, 12~BF4 (23%)
B233, DB2(EX), NJP, RC, 12~BF4 (%)

Corner after opponent touches EX Fart Cloud
341, 21, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (38%)
B233~DB2(EX), 21, 21, 21, S3~BF4 (46%)

After any combo into fart in the corner, you can follow up with D4 which puts you at +23.
F3 and B3 being 26 and 23 frame moves, the opponent cannot get a move out.

Overhead starter:
F34, 21, S3~DB4, JI2, D4 (29%)
Low starter:
B322, 21, S3~DB4, JI2, D4 (26%)
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Sky above, Voice within

Meterless midscreen:


1) 341, RC, 12, db4, dd1, dd1, RC, 244, db1, dd1 - 30%;
2) dd1, 121, dd3, 2, 12, db4, dd1, jump in + 2, b233, db1, d11 - 27%;
3) dd1, b32, dd3, 3, 12, db4, dd1, jump in + 2, b233, df1 - 35%;
4) dd1, 244, dd3, 3, 12, db4, dd1, jump in + 2, b233, db1, d11 - 37%;
5) dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 12, db4, dd1, jump in + 2, b233, db1, d11 - 39%.


1) dd1, 244, dd3, 3, f1, db4, dd1, jump in + 1, 431, db1, dd1 - 35%


Drunken Master meterless 34-38%, corner, no dd1 setup before:

1) b322, 21, 3, db4, dd1, dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 12, db1, dd1 - 34%;
2) 21, 3, df2, 3, df2, f1, db2 - 38%; (in this combo you can do df2 instead of db2 and you'll get 3x puke combo :D but damage will be 34%)
3) 341, jump in + 1, 3, db4, dd1, dd1, b233, dd3, 3, NJP, 12, db1, dd1 - 38%;
4) 21, NJP, jump in + 1, 21, 21, f1, db2 - 35%;
5) 21, jump in + 1, jump in + 1, 3, db4, dd1, dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 12, db1, dd1 - 36%;
6) 21, 3, df2, 3, df2, d1, db2 - 35%

Meterless, corner, 50%, Drunken Master (requires level 1 drink):

Inputs: dd1, b233, dd3, 3, f21, db4, dd1, jump out, jump in+2, b233, dd3, 3, 21, f1, db1, dd1

Same combo, but 44% and no level drink requirement:
21, f21, db4, dd1, dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 21, f1, db1, dd1
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Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.

Meterless midscreen:


1) 341, RC, 12, db4, dd1, dd1, RC, 244, db1, dd1 - 30%;
2) dd1, 121, dd3, 2, 12, db4, dd1, jump in + 2, b233, db1, d11 - 27%;
3) dd1, b32, dd3, 3, 12, db4, dd1, jump in + 2, b233, df1 - 35%;
4) dd1, 244, dd3, 3, 12, db4, dd1, jump in + 2, b233, db1, d11 - 37%;
5) dd1, b233, dd3, 3, 12, db4, dd1, jump in + 2, b233, db1, d11 - 39%.


1) dd1, 244, dd3, 3, f1, db4, dd1, jump in + 1, 431, db1, dd1 - 35%
I can already tell Drunken master is going to get messy. Can these combos be pulled off without a drink in him or does he absolutely have to have one in to launch?

If he cant, what combos can he do starting with no drinks in him?

Edit: I realized to do DD3 you gotta be drunk. So I'm marking the combos accordingly. He has "sober" combos. Haha.

Any extra insight into the combo starters would be good. I'm betting some of these starters arent safe at all, and others might be plain useless. (e.g. fastest punisher, heaviest damage starter, overheads, lows...etc...)
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Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
For that Bartitsu combo you can just do F1~DF1 for the same damage and the restand since it's a hell of a lot easier than rc~D1~DF1.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
For that Bartitsu combo you can just do F1~DF1 for the same damage and the restand since it's a hell of a lot easier than rc~D1~DF1.
Haha fuck. Yeah I even did this, but forgot after trying a million different ways to link. Thank you.

Sidenote: Look more swaggy too.


Kneel Before Grodd
Why not end combos in fart for re stand and garunteed mix up? does it result in a knockdown because of 2 farts in a combo? I haven't had time to lab him yet so idk if that works.

Orbit Aquary

Want a balloon?
Some corner stuff I found


1) 341, 3~DB4, DF1, Jump Back, JI2, 21, 21, 21, 3~DB2
2) DF1(EX), RC, 3~DB4, Jump Back, JI2, 21, 21, 21, 3~DB2
3) Setup: DB4(EX), F3 1+3, JI1, 341, NJP, JI4, 21, 21, 3~DB2
4) Setup: DB4(EX), B4, DF1, JI1, 341, 21, 21, 3~DB2
5) Setup: DB4(EX), F3, Jump Back, JI2, 341, 21, 21, 21, 3~DB2
6) Setup: DF2(EX), RC, F34, 12~DB4, DF2, Jump Back, JI2, 21, 21, 3~DB2
7) Setup: DF2(EX), JI2, 341, 3~DB4, DF2, Jump Back, JI2, 21, 21, 21, 3~DB2
8) Setup: DF2(EX), RC, B322, 12~DB4, DF2, Jump Back, JI2, 21, 21, 3~DB2

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Why not end combos in fart for re stand and garunteed mix up? does it result in a knockdown because of 2 farts in a combo? I haven't had time to lab him yet so idk if that works.
The fart barely comes out at the beginning of a combo after an NJP. It's like 33 frames of startup. There's probably no really viable way to end with fart without losing a ton of damage potential.


King of the Bill
The fart barely comes out at the beginning of a combo after an NJP. It's like 33 frames of startup. There's probably no really viable way to end with fart without losing a ton of damage potential.
Wrong, do a combo like b233 xx db1, f1 into regular fart and drop a df1 carpet flame down. thats like 30% at least right there and a restand


King of the Bill
You can replace the initial combo into fart with either b32 xx db1, f1 xx regular fart (if you want to start with a low) or you can use f34, f1 xx regular fart (if you want to start with 2 over heads. Both of these will result in around 40% without meter. I can give you a 54% with one meter, let me just write it down real quick

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Wrong, do a combo like b233 xx db1, f1 into regular fart and drop a df1 carpet flame down. thats like 30% at least right there and a restand
Didnt you lose 15% damage doing that, and then end up with kind of a lousy mix up game after? I'm not doubting you here, just trying to understand.


King of the Bill
Didnt you lose 15% damage doing that, and then end up with kind of a lousy mix up game after? I'm not doubting you here, just trying to understand.
There's no lousy mixup... You can leave them standing in a fart after 31% damage for no meter, then you jump back and do EX fart, about jump distance away, then jump in punch 1 which still combos from the original combo, but it resets the damage and you can do b1, 1+3 or you can do f4, 1+3. If the opponent blocks wrong, they take a 50/50 reset into a back throw that throws them into the EX fart cloud you set up before. If they block the 50/50 correctly, they still get thrown from the second part of the string into the EX fart cloud. Either way, it's a ridiculous mix up and reset that sets you up for anotehr 40% no meter.... I'll make a video of this stuff later

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
There's no lousy mixup... You can leave them standing in a fart after 31% damage for no meter, then you jump back and do EX fart, about jump distance away, then jump in punch 1 which still combos from the original combo, but it resets the damage and you can do b1, 1+3 or you can do f4, 1+3. If the opponent blocks wrong, they take a 50/50 reset into a back throw that throws them into the EX fart cloud you set up before. If they block the 50/50 correctly, they still get thrown from the second part of the string into the EX fart cloud. Either way, it's a ridiculous mix up and reset that sets you up for anotehr 40% no meter.... I'll make a video of this stuff later
That sounds awesome. Can't wait to try it. Thanks.


King of the Bill
Mid screen no meter 36% no jip. 413u4, run forward about 1/4 second and do f1, have the opponent juggled for 2 hits and cancel into regular fart (db4). lay down a flame carpet (df1) and then jip 2, b233 xx db2

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
If anyone is playing with BRC right now, we could use some anti air combos, air to air combos, combos starting with NJP, and some meterless Bartitsu stuff. Please and thank you.
There's no lousy mixup... You can leave them standing in a fart after 31% damage for no meter, then you jump back and do EX fart, about jump distance away, then jump in punch 1 which still combos from the original combo, but it resets the damage and you can do b1, 1+3 or you can do f4, 1+3. If the opponent blocks wrong, they take a 50/50 reset into a back throw that throws them into the EX fart cloud you set up before. If they block the 50/50 correctly, they still get thrown from the second part of the string into the EX fart cloud. Either way, it's a ridiculous mix up and reset that sets you up for anotehr 40% no meter.... I'll make a video of this stuff later
Looking forward to this video


King of the Bill
NJP air to air (or against a standing opponent), walk forward for a second and do f1, (let 2 hits hit) and cancel to regular fart. Flame carpet, then jump in punch 2, b233 xx db2


King of the Bill
corner combo 1 bar 53%. Starts with EX flame ball (df2 EX). run chase it down and let it hit opponent in corner first, follow up with a jump in 2, b233 xx db1, f1 xx regular fart. flame carpet. jump back, jump forward 2, 413u4, d1, f1 xx db2

lm Tweakk

Corner combo into setup

Starter - up fire , 3 up fire , f1 ( all hits ) ex Fart , backdash , ground fire , jip b233 df2.

Does great damage and leaves them in the fire at +9

Also armor break great damage :

Starter-ex fart , ground fire , backdash , jip 413u4 21 njp 21 f1 ( all hits ) regular fart. Oki with f1 will break any armored wakeup in the game.