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Bloodborne General Discussion.


Yeah how bad does mkx look, hoo-boy. I'm sure that's what everyone's thinking right now :rolleyes:
well if what I'm hearing is true its gonna be scrubby and I'm going to trade it in. I'm not wasting my time with another footsie less 50/50 fest

MK Led

well if what I'm hearing is true its gonna be scrubby and I'm going to trade it in. I'm not wasting my time with another footsie less 50/50 fest
Well it sure doesn't LOOK that way from all the stuff they've put out so far, also how did you quote the right text but the wrong person?
I still cant shake the feeling this is just Dark Souls with a Tri Cornered Hat mod. everything ive seen of it just points to that being the case. yeah its faster with dodges and stuff, but the game is still essentially the same. i guess i expected MORE from it.
Dark souls is probably the best game out there so... I don't see anything wrong with that.
i know, but when your a sequel/successor (AND IT IS ONE! dont try to hide it) you expect to see either a reinvention or something that makes it even MORE than what came before it. better graphics (or in this case, more uses of the color black) and slightly speedier combat doesnt justify paying $60 to me, especially since its already been over year into the new generation and we have hardly seen anything that ups the ante. in fact, all we seem to be hearing about is remasters of games that really arent that old or bad looking to begin with. Its almost as bad as the "survival" genre boom in PC.*shivers*
I really can't disagree harder. You know what happens when you keep trying to 'reinvent' something with each sequel? Call of Duty.. That's what happens.


This mean you don't like me?
just pre-order it.

I'm scared guys, i'm so scared.

This is my first game in the souls series.
You'll fall in love with it. Not gonna lie, if it's your first souls rodeo, it might be brutal. We're here for you brethren. Any bloodsucking beast motherfucker mess with you, you say the word and I'll crack his skull with my Kirkhammer +3. Provided you figure out how to co-op that is. And that I myself have not gotten my skull cracked.


No midnight release here was lame, but glad to hear most people seem to really be enjoying it :).

Anyone buying today wanna play tonight? Can't really play much tomorrow, so taking advantage of not sleeping tonight
I'm picking up my copy of it before I go to class so I won't be able to play till tonight so that works for me!


I really want to tackle this game solo like all my previous souks games. I usually play dex dual wield or fast roll two handed strength so it seems bloodborne will suit my style nicely.

However if anyone needs help in an area I already past, through up your password and I'll gladly join you.


Whisper within a sigh
Haven't read a single post in this thread to avoid spoilers.

My Collector's Edition just came in through the mail and I got a couple of hours left till I'm off work.


Brutal Chimney

vaporus punching bag
I hope it has the same enclosed level deseign connected with shortcuts and passage ways that DS1 had. DS2 just didn't have that same feeling it was way too sprawled out

Rajhkeem Beck

Mr. Still Getting it Together
well if what I'm hearing is true its gonna be scrubby and I'm going to trade it in. I'm not wasting my time with another footsie less 50/50 fest
I could agree with that. However, it seems like they've gone out of their way to elaborate and demonstrate footsies in the combat casts. Spacing seems extremely important in this game bro. Hell, Takeda seems like his character is based on the entire concept. And let's not forget that MK has a lot more opportunities to break than Injustice because the breaker mechanics are different, that's gonna make the pace and spacing be very different from Injustice.


smoke reset bot
been up since 11 pm last night. this game is officially my favorite in the series (step aside demons souls). its been way to long since I was afraid to progress because of how punishing these enemies are. im rolling up to these waypoints (bonfire equivalent) in crutches. im a souls vet but so far it has been brutal.

Brutal Chimney

vaporus punching bag
Coming from a Demon Souls player that sounds like quite the endorsement as from what I understand it was much more difficult than Dark Souls.

Rajhkeem Beck

Mr. Still Getting it Together
Im very interested in playing this. I just hope my impatience with previous games doesn't get the better of me. I enjoyed demon souls and dark souls but I ended up not finishing them because of school constraints, impatience, and other games that were taking my attention.

Brutal Chimney

vaporus punching bag
I haven't finished a single souls game. like most every other game I get bored quit half through, go back months later realize I have no clue where I am, then restart my game.

The fact I've finished Ninja Gaiden bout 10 times speaks volumes for how much I love the series.