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Biggest take away from the Cage Kombat Kast


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Yeah, because it worked so great with Amplified moves system and Baraka’s mid spark
Alright man I already took time this week to tell my 8 year old nephew about how whining makes him seem like a little brat and how he should avoid it so maybe just go talk to him about it and he can relay the message

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
My biggest standouts as compared to MKX Johnny is for one obviously the low starter. I became accustomed to having the fucked up D4 and the overhead starter, it wasn't actually hard to hit F24 because people eventually got tired of getting hit by D4 and taking almost 10% chip or getting thrown. It looks fast and has some nice range though. Throw looks like he sends them pretty far still but thats alright. The projectile looks shockingly good for what I'd expect from Johnny. Hopefully he has as much room for creativity as A-List with the cancels


I hope they adjust the startup on the stunt duble normal command, as it is, it does not seems very practical, i think it would be interesting if the move startup was quick, but the double took a few seconds before showing in the screen, so you can make some setups with it.



Watched the Cage trailer quite a few times over the past week. I'm not a huge fan of fatalities, watch them once/twice then meh. But that fatality still makes me laugh, every single time.