AZ MotherBrain
If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
I think it would be sick if Jacqui turned into a grappled/brawler type character
Liu Chow?Liu Kng's long lost brother, Chow.
Ken Jeong confirmed!Liu Kng's long lost brother, Chow.
I really like you, Circ.Honestly from the leak list, the only character I'd put my money on is Jacqui.
I've been saying it a while now! Chop off Jacqui's legs and give her robotic kangaroo legs for character development!!!
People have been saying that for literally years now. Since before MKX. "Frost is gonna be an ice golem." It would not at all surprise me if NRS decided to revamp the shit out of her, but I'll believe it when I see it.Talking about leakers, there has been someone on the gamefaq forum who claimed to have a lot of insider information. Among other things, he said that Frost would be getting a complete makeover and basically be a new character.
Of course there's a good chance that that's just made up BS to get publicity, but maybe other confirmations make this more believable at some point.
How can there be a big change to Kano if we've already seen him and he's not bigly changed?Kano. That's my vote and I'm sticking to it.
I mean gameplay wise, not necessarily a graphical change lol.How can there be a big change to Kano if we've already seen him and he's not bigly changed?
First of all I don't even see how they could give him a big change even if they wanted to. He was a footsies-oriented character with elements of grappler and zoner in MKX. This is a game that focuses on footsies. And NRS does a 180 on Kano and makes him the most combo-heavy character in the game? Iunno fam.I mean gameplay wise, not necessarily a graphical change lol.
YEEEEEEEEEEEAH BABY I LIKE ITBest way to fix Jacqui: Have her on screen just like the Chameleon in Baraka's intro and then Shao Kahn crushes her with his Hammer and say "your Welcome" since I believe that the Rock is the surprise face as Shao Kahn.
Good idea too. But i have better idea - cut her legs for robotic kengooroo robotic legs, cut her arms for father Jax's robotic arms, cut her head for cyrax and sector two heads and that will be good redesignHonestly from the leak list, the only character I'd put my money on is Jacqui.
I've been saying it a while now! Chop off Jacqui's legs and give her robotic kangaroo legs for character development!!!
I'm not saying he's going to be combo heavy. I just predict he's gonna have some shit you wouldn't expect him to have.First of all I don't even see how they could give him a big change even if they wanted to. He was a footsies-oriented character with elements of grappler and zoner in MKX. This is a game that focuses on footsies. And NRS does a 180 on Kano and makes him the most combo-heavy character in the game? Iunno fam.
And second I don't think they're just talking about gameplay. These Kombat Kasts are meant for casuals as much, if not more, as for competitive players. Casuals know fuck all about gameplay.
I'd be cool with most of this minus the part about Kano. I want to see more Command Grabs and Knifeplay from him not giving him gimmicky traps and gadgets like Sonya. Granted I will give you that that would definitely be another logical direction to take the character as he has always been a vicious cut throat mercenary/arms dealer.Things I would change on the characters still to come.
Kano: More laser-based moves, more background story, awesome variations with his iron-head-thing, mechanical constructs in his moves, like mechanical spiders which explode and hacking devices or whatever.
Frost: I like her the way she was, but I wouldn't mind the ice shower back on her, also have her being obsessed with herself, creating ice clones and watching them like Vega from Street Fighter style, MK needs such a character which is evil, not good like JC, narcissists are dangerous and not gentle or funny.
Kotal Kahn is pretty perfect already in every way, I would like some more magical fatalities on him, and his attitude from the comics, not the one from MKX.
Erron Black, his appearance is perfect, his story could use a lot of work.
D'Vorah, more insects in her fatalities, more insects in her moves. A cool fatality would be like transforming her into a giant parasite wasp-like horror. Also summoning swarms of wasp-like creatures from those horrid holes in her shoulders.
Kung Lao, I really don't know, if they hate Fujin so much, give Kung Lao more wind-based moves I guess, so we at least have a wind-based character.
Liu Kang, this one could be awesome, with some moves in which he summons the dragon spirit, or quickly transforms into a dragon to attack, or summon a dragon spirit, anything with a dragon in his basic moves would be new to me, he only uses the dragon in his fatalities.
Rain, really wish they focus more on his vanity and weather-based moves, not only the water side of his powers.
Smoke, him becoming enenra and turning into a smoke demon in some variations maybe?
Kung Jin, well maybe give him the eyes and aim of an eagle, turning him into the bullseye from MK. Also, that bow-staff is really ugly, give him a sword-like bow instead.
Would be hard to do for Cassie since all her combos relied on running. Unless her dash is really quick then I wouldn't mind her being similar.I think the Kombat Kids played fine. They don't need a gameplay overhaul, just better aesthetic designs and personalities.