She is not broken everyone. Batman, Superman and possibly Blue Beetle give her a very hard time. Here's why:
Batman's zoning is amazing versus her and add in his trait he's unapproachable and makes her trait a bad trade if she tries to catch him moving. He's still full screen and she is out of trait. He also can come in almost whenever he wants, with trait, for pressure and seems to always have a meter advantage.
Superman's zoning is also very good against her. She can get in easier against him compared to Batman but Superman both out damages her and how spaces her with f2. It comes out faster than anything she has in that range and leads to insane damage and ends back to where Superman wants to be against her.
Blue Beetle I don't have as much experience against so I can't give much points to touch on besides theory fighting. He's a zoning character by nature and his stance switch, again, appears it would out space her. His damage doesn't seem bad but if he uses his mb b3 cancels, why not he always has meter, then the damage becomes a problem.
Before any of you smash your keyboard at me I'm not claiming she can't win these match ups. All I'm saying is she is not broken. Her setups, damage and trait are really really good. BUT she can be beaten simply by out zoning her, making her waste trait, making her waste meter on mb roll, and out ranging her.