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Best way to Eliminate every character with reptile.

Hey, reptile master here. (dont believe me, get at me.) Look, im about to give you some info thats about to Up your Reptiles game TENFOLD. I find every reptile knows this combo, 122 slow ball 32 fastball 321 slide. I find this combo has a fault. At the end, why do you guys slide? Like legit. Heres something, the Slide only adds 4% damage, well, I know a Unblockable Mixup with reptile, because its a block string. uh oh, block string you say? yes, its unwakeupable. Can only we woken up by kung lao, reptile himself, Sonya, kano, and Johnny Cage. (most sonyas and cages wont wake you up with the Nut puncher, they'll shadow kick and it wont work.) well, here we go, after 122 slow ball 32 fastball 321 Enchanced slowball, reptillian dash and its Block string time. Now, lets talk about this. Do not charge the enhanced, just throw it and reptillian dash. you see, the 321 at the end makes em go flying. You throw a slow ball enhanced, and its trailing behind you. when you dash, they have just landed on the floor. Now its BLock string time, thats unblockable (meaning they can't wake up from this, and your kickin there booty.) So then, after you've dashed, Crouch 3 321 Crouch 3 321 Enhanced Reptillian dash crouch 3 321 Repeat. Thats his block string. Now, this how the slow ball mind games them, they are blocking, can't wake up, can't get out, theres a slow ball behind you, they can't jump, no teleport, its a trap! as you all know, people think reptiles 321 321 321 repeat is a block string, its not, you can combo inbetween them, but inbetween the crouch 3 321,, no sir you can't. Now, when you do 321 enhanced slow ball dash, listen, SPAM crouch 3 321 IF theyy are just blocking, and not moving. If you just block stringed them with out the slow ball, just crouch 3 321 crouch 3 321 Reptiliian dash enhanced repeat. If they are just blocking with the forceball behind you, keep spamming crouch 3 321 You'll push them to the corner faster then the slow ball is travelling. so, why slide when you can mind game and deal killer damage? If you have trouble fighting Mileena, Raiden, Kunglao, and subzero, reply in this thread and I will reply to you and help you, i know how to destroy them. Or, message me over Xbox, Muffin Muggers, can even message me if you don't understand the block sting.


Kenshi Moderator
.......... Moderators has to start cleaning, seriously. Every person come in here to post an unwanted thread or subject that already exists in another ALREADY made thread.

Muffinmuggers: there's something Called Roll. There's anything also called Specials with Armor Matigations. There's Also something Called teleport...also after d+3, whether anti play dead or on block, punishable by the whole cast (Uppercut, Pokes, Pokes Into specials with armor matigation to eat the fireball......a lot of examples)

Read other threads before you post, and TRY to compose your sentences better for next time if possible, i bet a lot of people wont even pass by the very first 3 lines.


Monster Island Tournaments
...... Thanks for this great new info thats only been common knowledge by all Reptile players on this board for almost 2 months now.....

Note any character can jump out of this. If you find people doing this, the next time you do it elbow dash into NJP and get another nice combo going...

As teef pointed out this is not some unbreakable thing as anyone from the cast can jump out instantly.

And knowing is half the battle.