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But I find Batman to be a very relatable character, definitely not boring(if you like more internal struggles and detective stuff, and don't need a bunch of super power effects in every panel), and not sure why he'd have a "questionable" personality.
Well, that's your opinion and you're free to have one as well, so I'm not trying to bash your opinion, but to justify mine:

Batman is not the only person who lost someone important to him, but he is the only person who takes that way to far. It's an obsession for him to avenge the death of his parents.
If that would have been the starter for all of his adventures, it would be a different thing, but the writers decide to bring his parents up over and over again and it makes him look weird. Like he had some mommy and daddy issues and now he can't live without his own personal war, because they're dead.

Batman in a nutshell: A guy who dresses up as a Bat and strikes fear into the hearts of the cowardly suspicisous or something like that, damn I don't even know how to write that.
That's Batman and there is not much more to it. Nothing funny about him, nothing intriguing about him.

He's relatable in the sense that he has morals, struggles with them, but ultimately sticks to them. He suffers from tragedy, he's a bit of a loner, he is strong willed and determined, and he's human. All relatable traits. The only quality that isn't really relatable, is the ton of money(which some could relate to I guess). Point being, out of many characters in comics, Batman is certainly relatable for many.
If the only unrelatable thing is his money, then you clearly don't know what you're talking about when it comes to Batman.

Batman has many other flaws.
He hunts down his enemies and puts them into Arkham. They break out, kill 1000 more people, he hunts them down, puts them into Arkham, they break out again and kill 1000 more people. If someone kills one of his villains (Nightwing > Joker), he is there to save them for pathetic, stupid reasons.
Batman recruits children over and over again and puts them into danger without any protection besides the training he has to offer them. For the most time he sees them as soldiers and lets them patrol the city with him from the very first beginning.
He doesn't try to find a new meaning in their life, or to train them for 20 years until they're grown up's, no. He immediately drags them into his own personal war against crime.

Batman has no morals. He likes the fact that he is needed and when every single one of his enemies would be gone, no one would need Batman anymore. And because of that he also recruits Robins, so that he wouldn't be alone.
Obviously this last two sentences were now heavily based on my bias against Batman and his entire universe.

As far as boring goes, he's been an icon in pop culture for how many years? He's been around for 75 years, I don't think you can classify that as "boring". Of course his style isn't going to appeal to everyone, and that's cool, but his success speaks for itself. One can have an opinion and say he is boring, just as one could say a popular well received movie is horrible(as you have said about TDK trilogy), but the success speaks for itself whether one cares to feel that way or not.
Batman has been the exact same character for over 75 years, but who cares? Spider-Man has also always been the exact same character, but Spider-Mans parents died, when he was a child, his uncle died, who he admired - and he was basically indirectly the reason for that and Spider-Man is still able to live a regular life and don't be as obsessed as Batman.

Obviously it's all about characteristics and you can't judge Batman, because he isn't as funny or as witty as Spider-Man, but you can judge him, because there is nothing else to Batman, besides his ... "uhuhmmmmm I'm a loner, I'm the night, I'm Batman, I'm so lonely..."

Nolans Batman movies were successful, because people are victims. If they were smart, they would realize how many flaws the movies had, especially the two last ones. How much cheesyness there actually was in these movies, how many plotholes and so on, and so on.
(The same applies for Superman Returns, since there was a big, big, big, big, big flaw in the movie, but not that it matters, because the movie was boring and bad overall)

Batmans entire success is there, because he is overrepresented in the media. How couldn't he be, when he was one of the first comic book characters and had sooo many memorable moments in the media. But does that make him a good character? No, it's all about the environment he was in during these particular moments.


I am Arkham
If the only unrelatable thing is his money, then you clearly don't know what you're talking about when it comes to Batman.

Batman has many other flaws.
He hunts down his enemies and puts them into Arkham. They break out, kill 1000 more people, he hunts them down, puts them into Arkham, they break out again and kill 1000 more people. If someone kills one of his villains (Nightwing > Joker), he is there to save them for pathetic, stupid reasons.
Batman recruits children over and over again and puts them into danger without any protection besides the training he has to offer them. For the most time he sees them as soldiers and lets them patrol the city with him from the very first beginning.
He doesn't try to find a new meaning in their life, or to train them for 20 years until they're grown up's, no. He immediately drags them into his own personal war against crime.

Batman has no morals. He likes the fact that he is needed and when every single one of his enemies would be gone, no one would need Batman anymore. And because of that he also recruits Robins, so that he wouldn't be alone.
Obviously this last two sentences were now heavily based on my bias against Batman and his entire universe.
I like how you go from "your entitled to your own opinion, and i'm not trying to bash it, just justifying mine" to "you don't know what you're talking about". Lol, that just made me laugh. :p

Anyways, I don't have much to say to what you wrote. It's just obvious you are viewing things in a completely different light. That's cool, but it doesn't make it correct. Just an opinion. So I don't see where the "don't know what you're talking about" insult comes into play.

As for the "he has no morals, he keeps putting them in Arkham but won't let thim be killed" not being relatable, or showing morality...it's quite the opposite. That's something people struggle with in our own life. It's the whole death penalty vs. life in prison stance. Batman does not believe these people should be killed. He doesn't believe in executions, no matter who it is or for what reason. That's what some people feel. I have heard several people say they don't agree with the death penalty, under any circumstances. That even if a guy kills 40 people, rapes kids, or whatever you want to add...that they don't think they should be killed. That it's inhumane and 2 wrongs don't make a right type of mentality. That's relatable. It's also an issue of morality.

As for the Robins. The Robins have their own reasonings for things. It's not like Batman brain washes these kids into fighting his battles. Be it Dick's parents being killed. Jason being a troubled youth(who Bruce actually feels resentment for having him be a Robin, after he was killed, so it's not like these are his little soldiers), and Damian was raised by Talia and trained to fight and kill, so it's not like Bruce pushed for that lifestyle for him. Also, Batman/Bruce isn't perfect. He's not portrayed to be. He has MANY internal struggles on what's right. Questioning his own motives, or the choices he makes or has made.

The characters and stories are often relatable, and feature many morality struggles. Just seems like you are overanalyzing things, spinning them to fit your desired distaste for the character and his populairty. Being a cynical superhero snob, looking for reasons to not care for something, nit picking and exaggerating said "flaws", that could be applied to every hero/character/person. Nobody/nothing is perfect. Nothing you have listed is earth shattering, or ruining the appeal of the character or the stories that have been told. It's an opinion, which as I said, you are more than entitled to have, but there is a difference between opinion and fact. So i'd appreciate it if you didn't treat it as if I have an opinion that differs from yours, that it isn't because "I have no idea what i'm talking about".


I like how you go from "your entitled to your own opinion, and i'm not trying to bash it, just justifying mine" to "you don't know what you're talking about". Lol, that just made me laugh. :p
The stuff with the money was pretty WTF and that shouldn't only be my opinion, but indeed pretty damn WTF.

I can't relate to Batman, because he is always a downer with daddy issues, who recruits children, sends them into a war and never kills or even vastly mutilates his enemies, even though they escape over and over again and kill "innocent" people.
You can't relate to Batman, because he has more money than Bill Gates and the Ikea guy combined.

If that's not weird, then I don't know either.

Living Corpse

Even though the doing evil simply for the sake of evil thing is normally a cop out (some exceptions done well like Freddy and Michal) such people do exist in real life, they are just not as common as movies would like you to believe. But the ones who do exist are so dangerous that even "normal" crooks who only do crimes out of desperation or some real or imagined wrong done to them avoid these guys like a plague if and when their true nature is exposed.

Either Joker's men are complete idiots who fail to realize how crazy Harely and him are or they are crazy themselves.


I am Arkham
The stuff with the money was pretty WTF and that shouldn't only be my opinion, but indeed pretty damn WTF.

I can't relate to Batman, because he is always a downer with daddy issues, who recruits children, sends them into a war and never kills or even vastly mutilates his enemies, even though they escape over and over again and kill "innocent" people.
You can't relate to Batman, because he has more money than Bill Gates and the Ikea guy combined.

If that's not weird, then I don't know either.
You are missing the point. Maybe it's not relatable to you...but that doesn't mean the character isn't relatable.

Downer with daddy issues?
-There's plenty of loners in this world. There's plenty of downers. There's plenty of people who have attatchments to their parents or other family members.
Recruits children?
-Pretty sure there's multiple other characters/comics that "recruit children" as a part of their group.
Never kills/mutilates his enemy.
-Once again, as stated above, I explained this. Some people in our own world, do NOT condone killing or extreme violence in any capacity, under any cirumstance. It may not be how YOU feel, but it is certainly relatable.

At the end of the day, you can list whatever reasons you wish, but there's not a single character out there that's perfect, doesn't have plot holes, flaws, or who has everything made relatable. But to say Batman is this unrelatable boring character, enough to hate him above others...that's your opinion, however biased, but it doesn't make it fact. The fact is, Batman is one of the most popular characters, an icon in pop culture, and people LOVE him and his stories. To pass it off as if everyone is just a dumb sheep that don't know what they are talking about or understand what makes a good character etc. because they feel that way, is silly.


At the end of the day, you can list whatever reasons you wish, but there's not a single character out there that's perfect, doesn't have plot holes, flaws, or who has everything made relatable.
Sentry should be considered as such a character, but then again: Most of the readers didn't even get his comics right, so who cares.

But to say Batman is this unrelatable boring character, enough to hate him above others...that's your opinion, however biased, but it doesn't make it fact. The fact is, Batman is one of the most popular characters, an icon in pop culture, and people LOVE him and his stories. To pass it off as if everyone is just a dumb sheep that don't know what they are talking about or understand what makes a good character etc. because they feel that way, is silly.
From your first response you were trying to force-fed me your opinion and I honestly don't care about it.
All I was doing was explaining my own opinion and you're free to ignore it.


Tired, But Strong
I don't think you're supposed to relate to Batman. He has his character moments where you empathise with him, but at the same time Batman is certainly portrayed as a character that is gradually becoming more and more distant from his humanity for the sake of his crusade. He's increasingly paranoid, objective, cold. Morrison's run (or more specifically, Tomasi's work on Batman and Robin that essentially stems from Morrison's work) is so compelling because it brings Batman's dysfunction - Bruce is struggling with something that is supposed to be natural for normal people - fatherhood. More importantly, he's embracing it.

Myself and many fellow readers of the book really just delighted in seeing this almost mythical figure come frighteningly close to a semi-normative family life. We were rooting for these two incredibly dysfunctional human beings mutually working through these issues to become a real family.

And then... well, you know.
Batman is the most popular character in the DC Universe. So why not having more of his enemies in the game? Everything what makes the game better selling should be an option. just my op...