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Beast Boy, Terra and Starfire (pretty much) confirmed to be making appearances


how does that makes sense?
Well, you see, new 52 red Beast Boy is red as a result as his heightened connection with the Red: the force which connects all animal life, living or dead. I thought Beast Boy could have a semi-normal personality pre-Regime but then, become much more animalistic after the Regime takes over, turning into Red Beast Boy


Eternal student
I don't want Beast boy to be in this game. Based on NRS's track record, I don't think they could make a playstyle that does him justice.
I mean, look at Superman, Sinestro, Hal, Raven, and Doomsday. Superman has a fuck ton of powers and random martial arts, yet his play style is bland and his gimmick is simply a damage buff. Sinestro and Hal and can make anything they can fucking think of, but look at their attacks and visually unappealing moves etc.


Neutral Skipper
I dunno about you but Sinestro, Raven and Doomsday look badass as all hell to me. Doomsday mainly because of his Super though.


Eternal student
I dunno about you but Sinestro, Raven and Doomsday look badass as all hell to me. Doomsday mainly because of his Super though.
Sinestro is all about instilling fear into the heart of his enemies, yet his attacks look boring and don't portray this trait at all. "So I see you can summon a floating orb and hit me with claws. You sure are the master of fear, Sinestro."

Raven has her soul self, astral projections, and illusions but in regular form she fights like Ermac on steroids and in demon mode a ground spike-esque zoner and a teleport.

Doomsday is more of a personal thing. As a child, watching animated movies, to me Doomsday was a true monster that lived only to fight and felt neither fear or pain. I feel as though he should have played like violence incarnate. His attacks faster, and more brutal. His grapples tossing you around like a rag doll and breaking bones. More beast like and destructive attacks (Hugo and Zangeif belly flop? errrr what?)
I do like his trait though. It reminds me of how he was in the movies. No matter the hits that Superman lands, he seems unfazed and never stops attacking. However, it would have been cool had they added some kind of armor gimmick on some of his regular moves or specials, kind-of like Painwheel.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the playstyles are bad, I'm saying that based on the abilities and traits these characters have, NRS could have made much better playstyles for them.


Also it's weird, the cover made it look like it was Damian Wayne as Robin, but on those preview pages it looks a lot more like Tim Drake or young Jason Todd. A theory could be made for Red Hood... but it's just a theory.

Maybe it will be a sort of hybrid design Robin like they have in Arkham City/Asylum games.
That definitely looks like Jason Todd to me.


I mean, it makes sense to have a lot of representation from the Batman and Teen Titan franchises. Those are DC's/WB's most popular properties (the Titans show was uber popular and is even getting brought back from the dead).
The new Titans show is gonna be garbage though lol.


That definitely looks like Jason Todd to me.
On the very first picture that appeared and showed Robin in Injustice, he looked more like Damian Wayne to me.
But at the same time it could be Tim Drake, if we kinda try to look at the age of Nightwing, Cyborg and Raven.

It would be nice if it was Tim Drake, since there is the possibility that Robin dies in Injustice (because Batman seems to suffer from a tragedy in the next issue), so we would have three dead Robins so far: Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake.


Scary Bat
On the very first picture that appeared and showed Robin in Injustice, he looked more like Damian Wayne to me.
But at the same time it could be Tim Drake, if we kinda try to look at the age of Nightwing, Cyborg and Raven.

It would be nice if it was Tim Drake, since there is the possibility that Robin dies in Injustice (because Batman seems to suffer from a tragedy in the next issue), so we would have three dead Robins so far: Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake.
Five if you include Stephanie Brown and Carrie Kelly, although they aren't dead so much as don't exist. That first image we had (the cover image) was very much Damian in design, but in the preview of today/tomorrows comic the hair/costume design looks more like Todd.

I hope it's not Drake... that kid is more bland than store-brand lager...

Sinestro is all about instilling fear into the heart of his enemies, yet his attacks look boring and don't portray this trait at all. "So I see you can summon a floating orb and hit me with claws. You sure are the master of fear, Sinestro.
Haven't seen enough of Sinestro personally, but I do recall that some his constructs are fear-based, he sprouts spider legs for his grab and spiders are a fairly common fear. I would have to rewatch/see more to give more examples.


Neutral Skipper
I already don't want Robin in the game, but if Tim makes it over Damian, I will rage. Bad.


Scary Bat
I could easily name you many DC characters with the same problem. #LOLMAHVELALLTHEWAYBABYWHENSMAHVELBABY
I started reading Marvel long before I did DC. I was obsessed with X-Men when I was younger, I've only really read from One Year Later onwards for DC...

As for bland, nothing beats Hal Jordan or Captain America for king of bland


I started reading Marvel long before I did DC. I was obsessed with X-Men when I was younger, I've only really read from One Year Later onwards for DC...

As for bland, nothing beats Hal Jordan or Captain America for king of bland
I would honestly throw Batman in as well.
In my opinion Batman is one of the most boring, most one dimensional characters of all time.
So yeah, these thr... *snore*

MOD EDIT: Not sure how but your post had 3 copies of what you said in it. Fixed it for you.


I am Arkham
That's the joke.
I would honestly throw Batman in as well.
In my opinion Batman is one of the most boring, most one dimensional characters of all time.
So yeah, these thr... *snore*

The current Snyder run on Batman, Year One, Dark Knight Returns, Long Halloween, Dark Victory, Hush, Under the Red Hood, Arkham Asylum, Black Mirror, Gotham by Gaslight...Batman has had so many amazing stories. Throw in the animated series being one of the best cartoons...

How...how...how does one call Batman...bo...I can't even put the words in that order, it just doesn't want to happen.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I missed the joke. Sorry bout that. I thought I was fixing a goof up there. I also got rid of the EGGXI repeat posts too.
Sorry if I'm bad at jokes, but they looked like goof ups and were just sorta clutter.

BTW anyone else miss the Red Robin outfit? The black cowl and stuff Tim Drake wore before New 52 inspired by the Kingdom Come costume Red Robin outfit. I wish he still had that. I'm hoping it makes it in as a Nightwing alt.


Scary Bat
MOD EDIT: Not sure how but your post had 3 copies of what you said in it. Fixed it for you.
Heh, my internet went super slow for a second, so I clicked post and it came back with an error, I tried it two more times and then just gave up. Looks like it took care of it for me after all.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Heh, my internet went super slow for a second, so I clicked post and it came back with an error, I tried it two more times and then just gave up. Looks like it took care of it for me after all.
S'cool. I have that happen all the time at GAF during events and heavy loads. My WV internet connection literally clocked in equal to Puerto Rican internet in terms of suck before so multi-posts happen sometime.


I was talking to EGGXI.
And I deleted my post, so now you look like a fool. Like a Ravenlovin' fool!

HAHahahHAHAHahAHHAHAAHAHhahahahaHhahahaha! HAhahahAHHAHAHAhahahahaha... HAHAHAhahahahahaha... Hahahahahaha... Hahahahahah.. HAH... hahahhaa... haha... ha..... .. . ....... .. . . ............ . . . ......... -_-"

Batman has had so many amazing stories.
Having amazing stories does not mean that you're a good, complex character.
I already said it before and I'm going to say it again: Batman is a character with a boring, questionable and unrelateable personality. Nightwing for example is a much, much better character with more depth and personality.


I am Arkham
Having amazing stories does not mean that you're a good, complex character.
I already said it before and I'm going to say it again: Batman is a character with a boring, questionable and unrelateable personality. Nightwing for example is a much, much better character with more depth and personality.
Well, as posted above, that's your opinion, defiitely entitled to it.

But I find Batman to be a very relatable character, definitely not boring(if you like more internal struggles and detective stuff, and don't need a bunch of super power effects in every panel), and not sure why he'd have a "questionable" personality.

He's relatable in the sense that he has morals, struggles with them, but ultimately sticks to them. He suffers from tragedy, he's a bit of a loner, he is strong willed and determined, and he's human. All relatable traits. The only quality that isn't really relatable, is the ton of money(which some could relate to I guess). Point being, out of many characters in comics, Batman is certainly relatable for many.

As far as boring goes, he's been an icon in pop culture for how many years? He's been around for 75 years, I don't think you can classify that as "boring". Of course his style isn't going to appeal to everyone, and that's cool, but his success speaks for itself. One can have an opinion and say he is boring, just as one could say a popular well received movie is horrible(as you have said about TDK trilogy), but the success speaks for itself whether one cares to feel that way or not.

So yeah, not trying to get into a debate, it's just a matter of opinion so that'd be really pointless. But I for my own opinion added to the mix, I feel he's definitely relatable(I find several things that I relate to, battles with morality and values, as well as the way of the world and how society is etc.), and definitely not boring(Haven't read/watched a story/movie/show with Batman that I felt bored at any point).

To each their own. I know people who hate movies/games/books that are loved by the majority.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I think what defines a hero most is his villains. Personality is secondary largely to the kind of evil they have to play off of. Thats why Batman really sings on the market most times. Any good story about evil and crime has to do more than just be reactionary. You can't just run into something and fight it off like Superman did in the golden age and be compelling. Its exciting sure with all that action, but after you do it enough times it gets redundant.

A good story will delve into the role of the villain more than the hero in a lot of cases...especially since the best villains are either the embodiment of something horirble or they do not see themselves as bad. A lot of crime is justified to criminals.

"I aint got no chance of getting ahead unless I break the rules. Folks are always keeping me down and using their power to stay ahead...well now that I have power maybe its my turn to show them what it feels like to be stepped on...That guy did something unforgiveable and got away with it and deserves to be punished. ...I will do whatever it takes to do so and any who would try to justify anything other than this course of action are just as guilty as they are... "
And so on and so forth...these are all how a lot of good villain stories begin. Folks pressured to the breaking point and then going over the edge in reaction to it. You make them sympathetic or just plain a victim and you have them take the worst course of action to deal with their problem. The most sinister ones then Revel in it while many simply do it and stay angry at the world and continue to lash out after they cross that line.

All of Batman's villains did this which is what made Batman become so compelling. Harvey Dent suppressed his dark side and tried to be an angel. It fractured his personality and he no longer knew how to handle himself and wrote off all morality and left decisions up to a coin toss rather than try to choose between his halves any longer. The Joker was a victim of Chaos who couldn't laugh at his own misfortune, now he is a bringer of chaos who finally sees the humor in everyone else's misfortune. The Riddler is obsessed with proving he is smarter than everyone, and the rest of Batman's villains follow similar patterns or just plain exist to embody vices like how Penguin largely is there to embody Greed.

The only other really good way to write a hero story is as a mystery and for that you need to write it like a detective novel with twists and turns and slow reveals. Batman also did that in addition to having a steady string of well written stories about people's decent into villainy and sociopathic rampages.

If you want to write a compelling hero write them some well thought out villains first.
Having amazing stories does not mean that you're a good, complex character.
I already said it before and I'm going to say it again: Batman is a character with a boring, questionable and unrelateable personality. Nightwing for example is a much, much better character with more depth and personality.
I can't deny this a bit. What made Batman a legend as a person is simply how many wrote him as background to his stories. A 3rd party boogieman who would appear in the story from the perspective of the villains. Hard, unforgiving and unstoppable. He never had a lot of personality, but he was definitely the embodiment of a really cool concept and that was compelling enough to make the character a legend in and of himself. He was never complex, but the fact that he was such a pure and simple concept made him easy to pick up and get into with his stories.

Personally I prefer dudes like John Constantine to brickwall background heroes, but each have their own place and with no written faults or flaws its hard to surmount the power that a character like Batman's figure has over the reader. Sometimes you just need someone to be a badass.


I am Arkham
Funny thing is, I just gave a speech for a class, mentioning a lot of the same type of stuff, such as how Batman's villains are so relatable, and represent real personalities, not just being evil to be evil. That they have a reason to do what they do, for the most part, that it's not so black and white.

Harley representing the abusive relationship, Penguin representing someone not fitting in and greed, Riddler the know-it-all and needing to feel superior intellectually etc. I love it. It's what makes his villains stand out among a lot of the rest in comics.

Makes for some compelling stories, and as was said, if the villain makes the hero, Batman is def. made. How many other heroes have 15+ memorable/recognizable villains amongst superhero fans, and at least 4-6 of them(Joker, Catwoman, Penguin, Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Two-Face) being very well known amongst even the most casual audiences.