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Breakthrough Batgirl's Flying Bat Infinite-Discovered by SonicFox


Man of Tomorrow
The more I see the more I think this can be hotfixed: Zatanna levitate was reduced, Harley's B3 couldn't be clashed anymore, invisible Bola was taken out. They seem to be able to do quite a bit with their system so it'll probably get a regular hotfix.


AUS FGC represent!
Something done for incremental damage that has to be executed perfectly or you're punished heavily for screwing it up. That's the definition of the tradeoff that was made for chip and pressure with NDC.

The point is, what starts as unwieldy might end up being executed/timed reliably over time with a ton of practice.

It's a pretty obvious connection, but I'll just leave it there.
Chris G, Floe, Sonicfox and myself will get this down 10/10 times. I have no doubt that given two weeks of practise, I could get this 100% from 0-death and I think the same holds true for Sonicfox, Floe and Chris G.


Chris G, Floe, Sonicfox and myself will get this down 10/10 times. I have no doubt that given two weeks of practise, I could get this 100% from 0-death and I think the same holds true for Sonicfox, Floe and Chris G.
I'm sure almost anyone could get it down 10/10 with enough practice. Maybe not as fast as others, but if you practice it regularly for two weeks, the muscle memory will be developed.


This will be worse than Nomad Dash Canceling. She can carry you from corner to corner like Shao Khan's shoulder in MK 9.
Nah... This is way harder and not really worth it. Bab's damage is already stupid enough. It's a crazy find though.
Sonicfox is so happy right now... he was screaming like a little school girl on stream when he got it from one corner to another into FoS interactable into a bola reset lol

The Great One

"I Always d1 Lif-" SHUT UP
Everyones just like "hotfix this" "Patch it"

Would would they hotfix? Would they make it so that it has more hit stun deterioration? Make it so that a third flying bat wouldn't even come out? Make it do 0%?


That's what I'm saying, if they could change individual stuff like that why wouldn't they leave Joker/Lex/Cyborg alone since those were setups and take away Sinestro alone? That's why I wonder if they CAN do that.
It's not really the same though. Pushblock is universal, they probably couldn't change it without affecting all characters. Sinestro's pushblock probably didn't have an individual value they could change, it was everyone's or no-ones. The only way to take away Sinestro's damage without affecting the rest of the cast probably would have been to make trait shot or shackle scale to 0, and that obviously mess up the rest of Sinestro's game.
With Batgirl they could probably just change the scaling on Flying Bat and it won't affect anything other than the infinite.


Grundy think you handsome!
Lol everything about that video was gold, from the same move over and over again, and then the music.
