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A F0xy Grampa

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A man comes back from the future through a portal in a biohazard suit, with puke dripping all down the inside of his suit. The portal closes leaving no trace of its existence. He then beams a message into your head telepathically and you learn that there is a baby alive in your town that will one day grow up to create the weapon to make mankind extinct (at age 14), this weapon is one that is a chemical weapon that makes the victims intestines swell up and push up into their stomach and start choking on their own shit, you choke not so much that it kills you, but enough for it to make living a challenge, eventually you die from choking on your own shit. As well as this, it also causes your muscles to calcify, effectively turning them into bones and paralyzing you.

The message that was beamed into your head is the only one anybody has, and you cannot prove it to anybody, but it is 100% true and the kid will grow up to kill humanity. It tells you the story and the location of the baby in the present time, you're instructed to go kill the baby. However, the baby is only killable by you. Specifically by biting its throat out, in the most brutal fashion possible, tearing all that shit up, windpipes, arteries etc, otherwise it will not die. If you do not kill it now, the location of the baby will only be known when it finally has released the chemical on all mankind (14 years).

If you do decide to brutally kill the baby, you go to prison for the criminally insane the rest of your life, getting ass raped and made EVERYBODIES bitch, even the trannies and bitches bitches. Your defence in court is:

'Well your honour, I admit to killing the baby, but, the reason I did was because a man came back through a time portal in a biohazard suit and then beamed a message into my head telling me to bite out the babies throat in the most brutal manner possible, IF NOT THE WHOLE OF MANKIND WOULD HAVE TO DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH. The man then died on the spot and his body faded away, the portal closed too.

I had no choice but to murder this baby, it would be the death of us all.

Your honour, I am the saviour of humanity.'

If you do not kill the baby, the chemical gets released, you survive it the longest but ultimately die from it last, the longer you have it, the worse it becomes. You witness everybody you care about dying from the chemical, all screaming, crying.

So what do you do?

1. Save humanity, but live the rest of your days in a mental prison getting ass raped by nutters and nutter trannies.


2. Be the cause of the end of the world to live another 14 years out of prison, but witness the deaths of everybody you care about in an agonizing, disgusting manner.


- The baby screams out in agony while you kill it, you have at least 2 minutes of good throat tearing
- The mother see's you kill her child and is traumatized


My mom tells me I'm pretty
Why won't dirt burn?
Because Sub-Zero's reset was taken out of the game.

What is your favorite soup?
Usually the classic chicken noodle, but cream of chicken with rice is becoming a nice dish.

Are you gonna play injustice?
Possibly. I wouldn't know who to main because I don't like any of the characters in the game :( But Bane, Grundy, and Aquaman interest me.

If you had to fight 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck, which would you choose? Assume no weapons; bare hands only.
One horse-sized duck. My reason would be because the horse-sized duck is probably the king duck. If I defeat the king duck, I can overthrow him and run Aflac.

where do the babies go when i put them in the dumpster
I collect them and train them in the arts of fighting games. Footsies before you walk. Baby steps.


My mom tells me I'm pretty
Bird songs, Tom brady , perfect legend

Marry one
Kill one
Fuck one

Fuck: Tom Brady because she seems like the aggressive type, who may also kill me while I sleep. Duzint matta had seckz
Kill: Birdsongs. I do not have the heart to kill any living thing, so I'll have to kill the imaginary.
Marry: Perfect Legend. He is the 2 time EVO champion.

Who can twerk the best in the MK community?
GuamoKun Insuperable The list ends there

Top or Bottom?
Strtd frum da bottum nao we all @ da top!

Is that really you in the profile pic?
Yes ;_; @Guamo pls link this gentleman your comic


My mom tells me I'm pretty
Why do you have baby Quan-Chi's in your sig, are you going to make them into soup? Are you a pedophile?
I myself am a baby. It is merely the evolution of Soup. Through my signature, you can see the struggle that I will be enduring.

Why do you love me so much?
Because you started League again :O!!!!

Do midgets still start their childhood stories off with, "When I was little"?
Nawwwwwwwwwwwww they start their stories with "The high point of my life"

A man comes back from the future through a portal in a biohazard suit, with puke dripping all down the inside of his suit. The portal closes leaving no trace of its existence. He then beams a message into your head telepathically and you learn that there is a baby alive in your town that will one day grow up to create the weapon to make mankind extinct (at age 14), this weapon is one that is a chemical weapon that makes the victims intestines swell up and push up into their stomach and start choking on their own shit, you choke not so much that it kills you, but enough for it to make living a challenge, eventually you die from choking on your own shit. As well as this, it also causes your muscles to calcify, effectively turning them into bones and paralyzing you.

The message that was beamed into your head is the only one anybody has, and you cannot prove it to anybody, but it is 100% true and the kid will grow up to kill humanity. It tells you the story and the location of the baby in the present time, you're instructed to go kill the baby. However, the baby is only killable by you. Specifically by biting its throat out, in the most brutal fashion possible, tearing all that shit up, windpipes, arteries etc, otherwise it will not die. If you do not kill it now, the location of the baby will only be known when it finally has released the chemical on all mankind (14 years).

If you do decide to brutally kill the baby, you go to prison for the criminally insane the rest of your life, getting ass raped and made EVERYBODIES bitch, even the trannies and bitches bitches. Your defence in court is:

'Well your honour, I admit to killing the baby, but, the reason I did was because a man came back through a time portal in a biohazard suit and then beamed a message into my head telling me to bite out the babies throat in the most brutal manner possible, IF NOT THE WHOLE OF MANKIND WOULD HAVE TO DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH. The man then died on the spot and his body faded away, the portal closed too.

I had no choice but to murder this baby, it would be the death of us all.

Your honour, I am the saviour of humanity.'

If you do not kill the baby, the chemical gets released, you survive it the longest but ultimately die from it last, the longer you have it, the worse it becomes. You witness everybody you care about dying from the chemical, all screaming, crying.

So what do you do?

1. Save humanity, but live the rest of your days in a mental prison getting ass raped by nutters and nutter trannies.


2. Be the cause of the end of the world to live another 14 years in prison, but witness the deaths of everybody you care about in an agonizing, disgusting manner.
#1 because duzint matta had seckz


Neutral Skipper