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yea u dont even have to hit 1and2 at the same time... I do Military stance, throw button (1+3) then tap 2 then 1... comes out every time


" Bros before Hoes"
After hit confirming Cartwheel: "leg grab= 19%" or "b2, 1, f2, 1 1, leg grab = 28%" or "b2, 1, f2, dash, 1 1 2=25% *for the reset*" or "b2, 1, f2, jumpkick, AirThrow=27%" or "b2, 1, f2, uppercut=26%"
After hit confirming Dive kick: Any combo apart from combos starting with f2, 2 or b2,1, f2.


ive got mad problems going into MS after 114. every time i attempt 114~MS she does 114~db4 :confused:. if wait too long nothing comes out after 114. any advice would be helped, thx beforehand.

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
So I've started fooling around with her again and I just wanted to ask what your general strategy is with her. I know it depends on the character you face, but there's always a sort of default strategy. It seems to me that you want to dominate the air and force them to block every time you jump...Go into block strings (or combos) followed by dropping into military stance for a mixup, and then back into block strings/combos, then back to MS, rinse and repeat. That sound about right?


ive got mad problems going into MS after 114. every time i attempt 114~MS she does 114~db4 :confused:. if wait too long nothing comes out after 114. any advice would be helped, thx beforehand.
You are having the same problems that I am. What's happening is, in the heat of battle you are prepping the Military Stance too early and the Negative Edge is kicking in. My only advice is to practice only that part and slow it down. Once you get it, keep practicing it until it is second-nature so it will lower your chances of messing up when you need it.


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NetherRealm Studios
What's it mean when it says Sonya's 114 can no longer true combo into 2in1 specials anymore?
all this did was fix a few variations of an infinite combo's she had. She can still cancel into special moves from them the opponent can just block as those are the ends of the strings.


My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
all this did was fix a few variations of an infinite combo's she had. She can still cancel into special moves from them the opponent can just block as those are the ends of the strings.
Does 114 into cartwheel still combo?
Is her DK safe? and what is difference bewtween DK and ex DK ? I am playing LK and I can't do anything after bocked DK. Any suggestions ? thanks


" Bros before Hoes"
Is her DK safe? and what is difference bewtween DK and ex DK ? I am playing LK and I can't do anything after bocked DK. Any suggestions ? thanks
No her DK is not safe. Normal DK can only be made safe if it hits you at waist level or lower. As for EX DK.. It does more damage, does multiple hits, the last hit is an overhead :) .. Punish with uppercut if she does it "high", dash & attempt combo, low fireball or maybe "Flying kick" (Since Sonya is rushdown push her away and try to zone her as much as you can) *I can't believe im giving an enemy counter intelligence:( *


" Bros before Hoes"
OMG I'm so dumb :p Just realized that you don't have to use 1+3 for MS tackle, you can use R1/throw button instead! ^_^ #Easymode #Wining


OMG I'm so dumb :p Just realized that you don't have to use 1+3 for MS tackle, you can use R1/throw button instead! ^_^ #Easymode #Wining
I had that same lapse for a while until a stick player showed me that 1+3 is actually same as throw.... Then I tried it on my pad and was amazed..... AMAZED I TELL YOU!!!
im very pissed man..
because of negative edge bs..

i cant do: down-4~MS Tackle, in a real match, its very hard :(

somebody with an input advice?


The Saltan of Salt
I had that same lapse for a while until a stick player showed me that 1+3 is actually same as throw.... Then I tried it on my pad and was amazed..... AMAZED I TELL YOU!!!
My problem was that for like2 months I had no idea that 1+2 after the tackle tacked on extra damage. lololo


im very pissed man..
because of negative edge bs..

i cant do: down-4~MS Tackle, in a real match, its very hard :(

somebody with an input advice?
It's a little difficult as I think D4 isn't supposed to be a true link into anything so there will always be a serious amount of delay (as opposed to something that links like say 1,1,2 or 1,1,4 into MS. I don't do it mostly because of the input drop it's not consistent enough and I just find going D4 into Cartwheel since Cartwheel still leaves you at advantage. How do you input it atm? Because I feel like you would have to go with D4, then roll your finger from down to back as you input two and then just hit throw.... It could potentially solve that problem, but like I said, I don't think it's consistently reliable enough. At least not from my perspective. I'd rather keep trapping them through cartwheel into more strings.
It's a little difficult as I think D4 isn't supposed to be a true link into anything so there will always be a serious amount of delay (as opposed to something that links like say 1,1,2 or 1,1,4 into MS. I don't do it mostly because of the input drop it's not consistent enough and I just find going D4 into Cartwheel since Cartwheel still leaves you at advantage. How do you input it atm? Because I feel like you would have to go with D4, then roll your finger from down to back as you input two and then just hit throw.... It could potentially solve that problem, but like I said, I don't think it's consistently reliable enough. At least not from my perspective. I'd rather keep trapping them through cartwheel into more strings.
patch is now available 4 ps3, im in the lab, and the input is a lil better :)+
being me on the left side i input D4 with :dr while doing the MS motion
its work a lil better
the plan is D4 cancel in cartwheel/MS F1/MS Tackle also D1 cancel in the same


I've actually been trying to see if I can do anything with her post patch that hasn't been done. Like I've really been working on her whole move set and I think I might be on to a few things but I haven't tested them enough to throw them up here. I think I might have one or two new trap options for her, but like I said, might just be my imagination running tricks on me. I just can't help the feeling that there is some amazing tech with Sonya that is still untapped.


Winter is Coming...
Did they change the armor of Sonya EX Karthweel?

It seems now it has super armor, and before was just armor =/


The Saltan of Salt
Did they change the armor of Sonya EX Karthweel?

It seems now it has super armor, and before was just armor =/
It used to have about as much armor as exTU(not much), now it has armor up to when the first hit lands/whiffs. I personally think it's now fair because its her only viable wakeup. This of course comes from a completely unbiased person who mains Sonya.