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Article: MK9 To Feature Online Pass For Netplay


Wow, this really sucks. I hope Microsoft somehow puts a stop to this (doubt it), considering they advertise that when you get to purchase XBL Gold you can play any game online. With this new system it makes that advertisement false. I know many people won't have a problem with this, since they will get the code with their purchase, but with me, I plan to get this game and my girlfriend who also lives with me will want to play it online as well, on her account. So she'll have to pay to extra just to play online now? That's BS.

Tim Static

Wow, this really sucks. I hope Microsoft somehow puts a stop to this (doubt it), considering they advertise that when you get to purchase XBL Gold you can play any game online. With this new system it makes that advertisement false. I know many people won't have a problem with this, since they will get the code with their purchase, but with me, I plan to get this game and my girlfriend who also lives with me will want to play it online as well, on her account. So she'll have to pay to extra just to play online now? That's BS.
This is WB/NRS, not Microsoft.

This is about the used sales of games that these companies who spend money to make and promote never get back. Thats why evil corporations make their killing.

You get the code when you buy the game. You buy it used, you are more than likely gonna have to buy a pass. I dont see anything wrong with that. Just dont buy the game used.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
What? Wait, so this online pass comes with the game right? it said "includes a one-time-use registration code that gives players access to all online modes in the game"

If it comes with the game I don't care as long as it won't give me any problems....I'm already paying for xbox live, it better come with the game lol.:flamethrower:


Good idea Warner. First day buying (for hardcore fans) lets you get the online free, but if you buy it used you have to buy a new code. This basically screws anyone who tries to boost with using more than one copy. :D This is basically is a big F U to the hackers of the MKvsDC database.


lol, good point. BTW, what's boosting?
Using more than one account/using more than one console to game the online-play to their advantage.
This is saying that the guys who try to boost using used games:
A. Must buy the copy for $50$-$60
B. Must buy the online capability for $10

If the plan works, it'll be a good deterent for those trying to abuse the system.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Oh I see, wow that sounds lame. People really go out of the way to do that? Shakes head....that's sad but I'm sure people do it since there's modders out there, just as lame. Thanks for that explanation


Don't really care, it's not like this will ever affect me, I doubt I will ever sell it until it's time to get the next Xbox.


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
Juggs, the point is to Curve used game sales. When a store like gamestop sells a game used. The game develops get absolutely NONE of the profit. It all goes to gamestop. If the game were new then NRS/WB would be getting paid.

Used games don't give anything back to the developers. So adding this code that allows online play will force people that purchase used (i've gotten lucky in some games that had unused codes for dlc etc in them) to also purchase a $10 code that unlocks the online capabilities for the game.

That is essentially what it is and why WB is choosing to do it this way. Dead Space 2 came with an online code when I bought it.

Also if you own a 360 and lets say it breaks. You already used your online code on the broken 360 so you will not be able to use the online features on your replacement console until you register the console to your gamertag, and do a license transfer on xbox.com that moves all the licenses from your old console to the new one.

That process is free, but can only be done once per year. It also pertains to any dlc you may have downloaded in the process. If you need another console then you can call xbox support and they can do the license transfer for you if you've already spent your annual xbox.com one.

Hope that helps if anyone has any questions about it.


Mortal Kombat 9 online pass

Mortal Kombat, available on April 19 for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, includes a one-time-use registration code that gives players access to all online modes in the game.

Players who do not have a code will get a free two-day trial of the online play and then be able to purchase the online modes for 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE Marketplace and $9.99 on the PlayStation Network.


Can someone clarify this for a retard like me? IF I buy a new cppy of the game , do I have to pay extra to play it online?


You get the code when you buy the game. You buy it used, you are more than likely gonna have to buy a pass. I dont see anything wrong with that. Just dont buy the game used.
I get that but like I mentioned in my post, this screws over multiple people in a household who also enjoy playing the game but on their own profiles. 1 person buys the game and can play online, but everyone else in the household will have to pay $10/800msp just to play online on their own profiles. They shouldn't be forced to use the profile of the person who purchased it.

Tim Static

I get that but like I mentioned in my post, this screws over multiple people in a household who also enjoy playing the game but on their own profiles. 1 person buys the game and can play online, but everyone else in the household will have to pay $10/800msp just to play online on their own profiles. They shouldn't be forced to use the profile of the person who purchased it.
then the point is if 3 different people are playing, they want you to buy 3 different copies, or buy 2 extra codes. :/


There's been a lot of negative feedback on this and I really don't understand why. Don't buy the game used...

Wow, this really sucks. I hope Microsoft somehow puts a stop to this (doubt it), considering they advertise that when you get to purchase XBL Gold you can play any game online. With this new system it makes that advertisement false. I know many people won't have a problem with this, since they will get the code with their purchase, but with me, I plan to get this game and my girlfriend who also lives with me will want to play it online as well, on her account. So she'll have to pay to extra just to play online now? That's BS.
What I've heard from others is that the code will essentially activate your gamertag and the console the code is activated on. So in your case, as long as you and your girlfriend are playing on the same console the code was activated on, you'll both be able to play online with a single code.


What I've heard from others is that the code will essentially activate your gamertag and the console the code is activated on. So in your case, as long as you and your girlfriend are playing on the same console the code was activated on, you'll both be able to play online with a single code.
Even with that I'm not happy about it because we have 2 Xbox 360's in our home. One on a smaller TV and one on a bigger one, and we always go back and forth from one to another. So now we'll be restricted to playing online on one of the TV's unless we physically move the console over. :/


Even with that I'm not happy about it because we have 2 Xbox 360's in our home. One on a smaller TV and one on a bigger one, and we always go back and forth from one to another. So now we'll be restricted to playing online on one of the TV's unless we physically move the console over. :/
If the gamertag and console are activated (as I've heard), then the only issue you'll have is that one gamertag won't work on one of the consoles. Not great, but from a business standpoint I understand why WB made this decision. I don't imagine most people are in your situation, but it kinda sucks either way.
These kinds of tactics are what bread pirates.

All these dastardly machinaitons are designed to do is try attrite the pre-owned / rental markets to the point where games comapnies have effectively no competiton and thus can gouge video game prices. Just like oil companies do -- screw the consumer royally becaus they have no choice.

The garbage that these tactics are to direct more money into developers' pockets is so absurd it's laughable. Devs are contracted and paid on merit -- on the quality of their work, their reputation and talent -- not how many units are moved. That's the role of publishers, marketing and advertising to ensure good sales figures. Using this feeble excuse, from an industry that by and large treats its talent like shit, is an insult to an intelligent human being.

Online passes, DLC, retailer specific pre-order bonuses, all conspire to remove the competition; to allow big games companies monopolize the market and then gouge prices with impunity.

Disgusting. I hope the game gets priated out of existence now... >_>


doesnt work that way sab some of my heavy modder friends cracked open every other game on xbox with a code they just download a fake profile that works with a fake code for the game sign in 2nd controller and bam there main profile acts as though they have the code haha


"You won't winter over?" Who the fuck wrote that?
It is business. Regardless of how wrong and fucked up it is, it isn't gonna change. More and more game publishers will be picking this up and Online mode will be restricted in every single purchase you make. I don't agree with the tactics, but there is no point in me complaining about it. I'll just have to adapt.

Sablicious, no offense to you but every post of yours that I read has to do with you swearing up and down you aren't gonna buy this game if the bosses.. Namely Shao Kahn isn't playable (I haven't read the leaks). I seriously doubt a single character that should have never been playable in any of the games to begin with will curve your purchase. As far as the online pass it will be something every last publisher will pick up so your gonna have to learn to accept it unfortunately.

Pirating the games is partially the reason these things happen. People wanna cheat to get around paying, or they purchase the game used. Both choices remove the pay from the publishers.


Kombat Konnoisseur
No problem with this for me personally as the kode will kome with the game.

Support our boys, buy the game brand new and buy a kopy for your GF etc. that u wanna play with......or better yet make em buy their own kopy ;) lol

All the best,