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Are Gamers Athletes

Are We Athletes

  • Yes, We Work our @$$es off!!!

    Votes: 12 23.1%
  • No we are lazy bums :(

    Votes: 28 53.8%
  • Its Switzerland we are niether athletes nor are lazy, but ahve to work just as hard!!!!

    Votes: 12 23.1%

  • Total voters


My mom tells me I'm pretty
I'm not gonna get an athletic scholarship by playing Wonder Woman and doing +20 dive bombs. Also, since mental stamina is a big debate on this, I just finished studying for my digital systems design class. I am now an athlete because I am mentally drained. Competitors =/= Athletes, but they shouldn't be put down for being competitors. They're just not athletes.
You should have seen my athleticism last night as I worked to solve the case in CSI miami as I sat on my couch with a tub of ice cream.


Get over here!
As much as I love gaming and that is my number #1 hobby, I have to agree with you on that.
Yeah totally,

I LOVE playing MK9 in tournaments/competitively, one of my favorite hobbies without a doubt. Im not knocking the hobby at all, I am a part of it! But if you call what we do "athletic" essentially anything can be considered athletic if you are going to stretch the definition that far.

Competitive gaming not being an Athletic Event is not a knock on it, its just the reality of it. It still requires mental toughness, skill, dexterity/execution, practice, knowledge, etc so it is not like it is not impressive when you have great success in that environment. Its just that I don't consider JWong to be an athlete just like I don't consider Bobby Fischer the chess champion to be an athlete. Now if Jwong is a really sick basketball player, maybe I am wrong about that but ill believe that when I see it :DOGE
I'm not gonna get an athletic scholarship by playing Wonder Woman and doing +20 dive bombs. Also, since mental stamina is a big debate on this, I just finished studying for my digital systems design class. I am now an athlete because I am mentally drained. Competitors =/= Athletes, but they shouldn't be put down for being competitors. They're just not athletes.
Exact same thing I said, at least you get it.


"On your Knees!"
Yeah totally,

I LOVE playing MK9 in tournaments/competitively, one of my favorite hobbies without a doubt. Im not knocking the hobby at all, I am a part of it! But if you call what we do "athletic" essentially anything can be considered athletic if you are going to stretch the definition that far.

Competitive gaming not being an Athletic Event is not a knock on it, its just the reality of it. It still requires mental toughness, skill, dexterity/execution, practice, knowledge, etc so it is not like it is not impressive when you have great success in that environment. Its just that I don't consider JWong to be an athlete just like I don't consider Bobby Fischer the chess champion to be an athlete. Now if Jwong is a really sick basketball player, maybe I am wrong about that but ill believe that when I see it :DOGE
True shit.


Drops combos
As someone who played sports competitively until I was 27 and I played basically every sport except hockey, I definitely say no. The shape I was in two years ago compared to today is night and day. I'm not nearly as lean or explosive as I was when I was actively training to play wide receiver.

A skill sport though? Absolutely. I can take out a 300 pound fat guy who never works out (they're usually really weak contrary to popular belief) in a wrestling match but that same guy with absolutely no explosive muscle in his body could damn well take me out in Injustice if he put enough time in.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Are gamers "athletes"? Physically: No. Mentally: Absolutely.

I think most people confuse the term "athlete" and "sport". You must be athletic and in peak physical shape to be a cross country runner, swimmer, and/or soccer/tennis. You do not however have to be in perfect physical shape to be a good golfer, a bowler, or even a good base ball player (not saying bb players aren't in shape but due to some of their roles/positions) and these are all considered sports.

The mental aspect is huge in this debate. I've played tennis since I was like 9 or 10 and throughout college and I promise you, there is nothing more nerve racking than being down 15-40 at 3-4 in the final set at State level comp. Your hands start to shake; the knees are wobbly; you can barely catch your breath...much less figure out where to put this serve and how to play out the next two points to get it even at deuce. I am sometimes reminded of this feeling in high level play at offline tourney's in fighting games...

In my opinion...anything that forces you to train, memorize, learn and react can be considered a sport. Fighting game players have to be sharp...just not physically, thus by definition of the term "athlete", we are not. It's a weird debate.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Also strategy is a huge factor in this debate. Different sports require different strategies versus physicality.

Cross country/sprinter- You MUST be in peak physical shape to even bother competing, yet the strategy is rather simple. Place first over your opponents OR beat a time. A race against the clock, per se.

Chess player/fighting game player- Requires virtually no physicality yet is purely driven off of strategy and knowledge. It's not like ANYONE off the street can just sit down and compete in these arena's...they require a skill set that is different than running down a track or across a field.
Then would you say that Gamestop is an athletic store, for gamers?

Come on bro. I played sports as well, all through grade and high school.. The difference between gaming and playing foot/basket/base/ ball is like night and day. By definition, playing video games is not a sport whatsoever.
I think maybe I'm confused about sport vs competition.
So college students are athletes now? Dude, not being an athlete is not a knock. People need to get over this. Competitions can be respected and be non-athletic. With this mentality we can almost call anyone an athlete.

Wow that guy is awesome at drawing. Do you know how hard he concentrates to make those pictures?? He just entered a best illustration competition with a bunch of other athletes like him.
Ya I think I just confused sport vs athlete. Your student point makes it pretty clear.

I'll tell ya what though. Your mom helped me with anatomy class and that was pretty physically demanding. So it's still up for debate.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Ya I think I just confused sport vs athlete. Your student point makes it pretty clear.

I'll tell ya what though. Your mom helped me with anatomy class and that was pretty physically demanding. So it's still up for debate.


My blades will find your heart
Official definition:

a person who is trained in or good at sports, games, or exercises that require physical skill and strength

There is no debate unless you want to debate the dictionary


No they're not. Athleticism requires physical training to perform at the highest level so your body can withstand the physically demanding movements a
"Sport" requires.

Gaming is more akin to playing Chess at a high level.
gaming has a physical component, reflex and execution, there is a physical threshold its not purely mental
gaming has a physical component, reflex and execution, there is a physical threshold its not purely mental
We all know anyone can make a very weak argument that tries to draw a parallel between the requirements of physical activity that a sport requires vs gaming, it's not a very good one.


Funny thing about words is how we interpret their meanings as individuals and what we make them mean to us. That said, I can easily see why some people would see competitive gaming as a form of athleticism. One of the reasons (among things like dexterity) is that you are timed to react against your human opponent. As in the case of poking out of block string pressure. Such is not the case with a non timed sport like golf.

So I guess the question then actually becomes, how much physical and mental exertion must one produce in order to be considered an athlete and is timing a factor?


We all know anyone can make a very weak argument that tries to draw a parallel between the requirements of physical activity that a sport requires vs gaming, it's not a very good one.
where do we draw the line??? I do want to punch people who say cyber-athlete but i am the devil's advocate