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[Apr 28, 2012] Civil War 4! A Road to EVO Event! (Richmond, VA)



48 hours left for the special 30$ pre-register price for Civil War 4. Save yourself 10$


Join players: [FC] NYChrisG, Dieminion, UVG Noel Brown, MH|AlukardNY, DMG MCZ Lud, MH|Rayray, CoCo OmG iTz Andre, JiBbo, HAV, Ultradavid, Skisonic, DJ Huoshen, RyRy and many more as they all battle for EVO points and the right to raise up one of our Civil War champion swords!

The action starts on Friday night with hype team tournaments! Catch up on after hours exhibition matches in the 24hr Salty Suite! Come play on one of the 8 arcade cabinets set on free play the entire weekend! Enjoy the multitude of food options with over 50 food establishments within 3miles, along with with plenty of delivery options.

If you can't make it, catch all the action streamed by Team Sp00ky.

For more information: http://rvatournaments.tumblr.com/CivilWarDetails


I swear, if Tom Brady shows up again without giving an ounce of notice or promotion like he did last year, I'm gonna Johnny Cage him in the nuts.


Filthy Casual
Just to make sure since I read in the e-mail mk9 will start at 3pm on Saturday which means we have to register at the door before 1pm?