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Guide "And deadly as the dawn" - Smoke Living Combos Thread

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
check my combo thread bro

jip 3d12 > 3d12 >3d12 > d4~sb, wait f4~exsb

practice that 0ne


b23sb > 32 > 32, f4exsb

where > = dash and "," = wait, no dash
what is the "visual" height for it to work? Typically when I land it I "know" i landed it.
These are just lottery things online.
what is the "visual" height for it? Typically when I land it I "know" i landed it.
These are just lottery things online.
Depends on the lag of your monitor a lot. Some people say waist height, some people say face mask height. Honestly you've just got to learn the rhythm of the reset. That's the best way I can explain it.
Man. It makes me sad that I'm finding 46% corner combos with smoke, but they're all useless since you have to sacrifice a reset attempt in order to get that extra 1% in the corner. In case anyone's really interested

jip 3d12 njp instant 32 (for extra high launch), backdash f4~regular sb, 3d12, 214 (46% corner only)
Oh and for swag, jip 3d12 njp instant 32 (for extra high launch), backwards jump kick~telepunch, d1~sb, walk back uppercut dash away from corner d1~telepunch. 42% and absolutely beautiful to watch, this could be smoke's maximum swag combo excluding the 52% corner combo.



I hate performing most of Smoke's combos. It's really annoying getting the two 3, 2's after the smoke bomb, and even more so to land his f4 afterwards. His combos just feel redundant to me.


I fully get Smoke now. I mained him for about 90% of my MK9 career, but I'm just now realizing his AA potential. I got bored of Smoke for a while but I'm jumping back on the bandwagon.

Sorry for the double post. Was an accident.


kombat doctor
Been working on a swag combo out of the corner with which reverses back to the corner and has 2 teleports. I can't get my playback function to work on my xbox so I can't put up a video. It's a pretty cool combo so I hope somebody will eventually record it and upload a vid for all to see.

Back toward corner: 3d12, NJP~tp, dash, 3d12, forward jk~tp, d1~sb, ENDER (f4~exSB for reset = 39% [42% w/ jip] ; jk~airthrow =40% [43%])

The d1~sb can be hard to connect, the key is to get the highest launch possible on the 3d12 after the teleport.
Also I cleaned a bunch of posts from the first few pages that were outdated and no longer relevant... but I haven't gone through everything yet. another day :p


I just found this combo in practice mode... But I don't know whether or not it will work against a human opponent.... Please let me know what you think...

214~Ex Smoke Bomb > 3 d1 2 > 3 d1 2, f4~Ex Smoke Bomb > 32, 32, 32, 214

It adds up to 87% using 2 bars, and I've been getting both resets consistently.

I feel like this could get more damage, but I've only just started playing around with it...



Ok, that's what I've thought. F4~ExSB is the only true reset.

But I still thought that I could juggle an opponent at mid screen with 214~ExSB. Is that not so? I could have sworn I've done it before...

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xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Ok, that's what I've thought. F4~ExSB is the only true reset.

But I still thought that I could juggle an opponent at mid screen with 214~ExSB. Is that not so? I could have sworn I've done it before...

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NO. EX SB is an OTG and can be BLOCKED.


Wow! I that explains why this combo has seemed too good to be true.

I know it's a gimmick, but this could still blow people up who are trying to BABY you online...

It seems like there's a lot of online players that toy with me, cuz my True Skill Rank is lower than theirs and I'll surprise them and steal a win in the first round... Then, they clearly flip the switch and try to pound you in round 2 and go for a BABALITY in round 3 to compensate for their first round loss...

This may seem like an obscure circumstance, but those who play online ranked would agree that this scenario plays out the majority of the time if you manage to make it to round 3 against a high ranked player.

Is there a thread for combos that will work if you know you're opponent is trying to BABY you? If not, we should create a special section in the Smoke Living Combo thread for specialty combos for unique situations....

I realize these types of combos aren't practical or possible most of the time, but they are still tools that can be used to catch people not holding block. IN FACT, now that I think of it, there's times where I've dropped my 3 D1 2 juggles, but accidently picked it up again after whiffing 3, D1, but connecting on 2 because the opponent wasn't holding down block.

Some (dumb) players will avoid blocking while their being juggled to avoid accidental breakers too...

I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks about this, whether it's a valid idea, or somebody's already thought of it, or even if my idea is just plain dumb. When I get excited over a new idea or strategy, I tend to overlook some big detail that renders my strategy useless... Either way, I want to learn as much as I can about the game, so I appreciate everybody's insight and shared knowledge...


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It's not a practical idea lol, if they're not holding block when you knock them down throwaway smoke bomb. They either must wake up or block it, especially after an air throw.... But honestly the problem here is that you're playing ranked matches online. Don't play ranked matches online. Get private matches what members of this site
ps that only works off air throw because it's an untechable knockdown. Other stuff ppl can roll out of but if this is a concern of yours I think your heads in the wwrong place


b23~smoke bomb > 32 > 32, f4~EXSB reset
^ excluding the meter for EXSB, is this combo maximum damage midscreen with no meter?
b23~smoke bomb > 32 > 32, f4~EXSB reset
^ excluding the meter for EXSB, is this combo maximum damage midscreen with no meter?
Probably. 214 might do a percent more, I don't remember. Also might do a little more if you do 32 > 3d12... again don't remember lol. But we're only talking 1% or less of difference here (yes you can do less than 1% damage despite training mode saying otherwise....)


Probably. 214 might do a percent more, I don't remember. Also might do a little more if you do 32 > 3d12... again don't remember lol. But we're only talking 1% or less of difference here (yes you can do less than 1% damage despite training mode saying otherwise....)
Thank you, so if I don't have meter my normal ender would be f4 right?

I will be able to access a ps3 in about 2 hours, sorry if you guys think that these are futile questions lol
Thank you, so if I don't have meter my normal ender would be f4 right?

I will be able to access a ps3 in about 2 hours, sorry if you guys think that these are futile questions lol
there's certainly nothing wrong with using f4 as your meterless ender. just depends what you're trying to do, matchup, etc