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All things Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare TYM group.


Master of The Universe
Best Class Set-up

I will add all users on OP. Say what game mode u play and I will split them up in groups depending on game mode.



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OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
I might be getting it if it's good, but there are so many better game available with the 2 for 1 deal at target, and since I already have Unity and MCC preordered I doubt I'll have time for this game.


A prop on the stage of life.
I might be getting it if it's good, but there are so many better game available with the 2 for 1 deal at target, and since I already have Unity and MCC preordered I doubt I'll have time for this game.
Target doing another 2 for 1 eh? or is it buy 2 get 1 free? Either way a win/win in my book and on my wallet.


A prop on the stage of life.
buy 2 get 1 free! great deal
Well shit, I guess since I was planning on getting Unity and Advanced Warfare anyway might as well get Lords of the Fallen. If anything I can do like I did last time and sell off one of them for a profit. :)


Plus on block.
I'm so tired of bandwagoners who have never played a COD successfully trying to seem edgy by dissing COD because they've fallen into the internet hive mind of COD hate.

It irks me especially when people from the FGC try to rag on the level of change per game when fighting games get released off of nothing but one or two characters and a re-balance.

NRS is about the only fighting game company that tries to be as new as possible with each iteration.

It's to the point where people can't seem to equate people enjoying a video game from a fun aspect and take to circle jerking over what they think is good or not as if it were fact.


Anyway, i'm probably getting it on PS4.

I'll probably add my PSN once I make the upgrade, but I play mostly free-for-all because fuck teams.

This game genuinely looks fresh and adds a ton of changes and new additions, something the series needs. The things that do return come from BLOPS2 thank god, as that was IMO the best COD.



No, seriously.
It should be obvious. Who the hell needs three different developers to make Call of Duty games? Why do we need one EVERY SINGLE YEAR?

I don't dislike CoD because it's the "hip" thing to do. I just don't like what Activision is doing with it. I played up to MW2 and left it at that once I realized that nothing really changed, nor were things going to.


Plus on block.
So basically you haven't seen anything extensive about AW, which has added and changed more things since MW more than likely.

The closest thing to AW is BLOPS2 and even that isn't by very much.

And even then, it does seem like you're doing it because it's "hip", if you actually spend time and play each COD multiplayer from MW2 on up you will see that they each are quite different.

From MW2 to Black Ops was drastic and those were only a year apart.


So basically you haven't seen anything extensive about AW, which has added and changed more things since MW more than likely.

The closest thing to AW is BLOPS2 and even that isn't by very much.

And even then, it does seem like you're doing it because it's "hip", if you actually spend time and play each COD multiplayer from MW2 on up you will see that they each are quite different.

From MW2 to Black Ops was drastic and those were only a year apart.
I'm sure AW will bring something new to the table like the first MW, but after that, Activision will continue to milk the franchise for everything it's worth, just as they have been doing.
They're over saturating the market, which is what they did with Guitar Hero and look what happened.

I have nothing against those who find enjoyment with the game, however. It's just not for me anymore.


Plus on block.
While AW will likely be the largest overhaul since MW, Black Ops 1 was completely different than MW2 in many ways, and Black Ops 2 was completely different than any before it.

What makes it milking? Call of Duty has released a game every year since 2003, each game different from the last, each game successful.

If NRS split into two teams so they could release MK games on a more regular schedule, once a year, would you consider them milking the Mortal Kombat franchise?

I don't think creating genuinely different and unique feeling sequels when there is an obvious demand for them is milking, I do think nickel and diming the scraps of something over a period of time is, and COD is not doing that. The only thing i'd consider milking in COD is how hard they try to push their DLC maps.

I'd use the SF4 series as an example of milking, but i'm not sure if that's fair.

I do appreciate you giving a legitimate response, btw.
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A prop on the stage of life.
Look guys, here's my plug: Not every game or medium of art I take in needs to be a philosophical path to enlightenment. I need a bs game. One where I can just turn it on, press a button and BAM! Instant gratification. That target ad is for next week only I take it? I guess I'll get lords of the fallen with it and sell one back probably.

My brother has weened me off regular team death match/free for all and now I play hardcore exclusively. Well...I did 2 games ago. I'm hoping that I actually like this one and that its not too frenetic for me.